4 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I foresee a romantic dinner at home!

    1. Kaje
      Kaje at |

      The nice thing there with that is that it’s not rooted in one specific year. So yeah, alone together works. 🙂

  2. Anyta
    Anyta at |

    There’s also the issue from a marketing standpoint (bread and butter for some authors) and that is: is setting a story during Corona times evergreen enough? I suspect that we all hope things will return to normal in a year… And maybe we want our Christmas books to be able to be read and bought from year to year. So there is definitely a financial aspect to the decision too.

    I waffle a bit on this, though, because you also bring up a good point about representing the real, current struggles of gay men falling in love and dating in this time.

    It’s interesting.
    For now I am pretending (in my books) that Corona doesn’t exist.

  3. Kaje
    Kaje at |

    That’s true – holiday stories are ones we hope will have an ongoing life relevance… and of course, we can’t know yet what this Christmas will look like. So many variables hanging in the balance. Makes it hard to extrapolate. Nostalgia may be the ticket for this year…


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