INFLUENCE of a GOD: Excerpt
“I want to return the favor,” Ben said. He laid on top of Jesse. He was so small Jesse barely noticed the added weight. They were both naked and Jesse was more than ready to elevate things to the fucking level, but Ben seemed to have other ideas.
“What favor?” Jesse asked. He put his hands behind his head and leaned into the pillow on Ben’s bed. He loved that Ben had a house to himself. No neighbors hearing them through the walls, no roommates; it was perfect.
“You always suck me off,” Ben said. He moved his body and slid their dicks together, which were sandwiched between their bellies. “I want to try it.”
“You want to try sucking dick?”
“Have you ever done any oral?” Jesse asked.
“No,” Ben admitted. “But this is different. I can just do what you do to me.”
“I don’t come over here to have my dick sucked,” Jesse said. “I come over to stick my dick in your ass.” To drive the point home, Jesse wrapped an arm around Ben and grabbed his ass. He shoved one finger into Ben’s hole, that eagerly contracted and pulled his digit inside. “And it seems to be what you want too.”
Ben whimpered. “Just let me try first, please?”
It seemed pointless and Jesse figured Ben would suck at it, in a bad way. But if letting him try would lead to him putting his dick in his ass quicker, then so be it. If Ben ever decided to give up his goal of regaining his wife, he might end up with a real boyfriend someday and some experience in giving head might come in useful.
“Fine,” Jesse said. He retracted his hand so Ben could slide down his body to the ever-ready erection at Jesse’s crotch. Jesse watched him, wondering how hard it was going to be to keep his erection during Ben’s blind fumbling.
Ben wasn’t shy about things and quickly opened his mouth, putting the tip of Jesse’s dick inside. Then it hit him; this was the first dick Ben had ever tasted. Jesse was his first. Well, he’d been his first everything in the gay department, but this, it was more personal, it involved more than Ben just lying there on the bed and taking it.
His tongue whirled around the tip, in some pathetic attempt at mimicking what Jesse usually did. He had to fight to keep his hips from rising and thrusting into Ben’s mouth. He bit his lip and forced himself to stay still. Ben wrapped a hand around the shaft and started moving it in synch with his head. Jesse’s entire body trembled. He wanted to fuck the shit of out Ben’s mouth, grab him behind the head and pull him down. But that would probably scar Ben for life and keep him from ever doing oral again, with anyone.
“Stop, enough,” Jesse said. He grabbed his hair and pulled him off before he lost control. “Let me get in your ass already.”
He rolled Ben over and climbed on top of him. Ben looked at him with a smug expression. “Was I any good?”
“I’m still hard, aren’t I?” Jesse asked.
“So why’d you stop me?”
Because I don’t want to hurt you. “Because I want to come in your ass, not your mouth,” Jesse said.
The memory faded at the sharp slam of the tattoo parlor’s door. Jesse sat in his car, behind the steering wheel, finishing off a smoke and realigning his nerves before driving to the hospital to confront Ben. Jesse watched as Mark stomped across the parking lot, aiming directly for Jesse’s car. Mark was a bigger guy than Jesse and when he was mad, Jesse was painfully aware of that fact. Despite the chill still in the air, Jesse had his window down. He considered rolling it up as Mark filled it with his frame.
“What did you do to Kiara?” Mark asked. Jesse took a long drag from his cigarette before he answered.
“She wanted it,” Jesse said. He looked up into Mark’s angry green eyes.
“No one wants to be treated like you treat them,” Mark said, and his tone almost sounded like he felt sorry for Jesse.
“She calling the cops? Pressing charges?” Jesse asked. The flexing in Mark’s jaw gave him more of an answer than words ever would. “Then I’ll be back in an hour. I have some errands to run.”
Jesse started the car, but Mark gripped his shoulder before he could back the car up.
“Get your shit in order, Jesse. You’re a good artist, but not good enough to be this big of an ass.” And keep working here, was the bit Mark implied but didn’t say. Jesse nodded. Mark let go and crossed his arms. Jesse watched him continue to glare at his car until he made the corner and pulled out of his view.

PROPHET of a GOD: excerpt
Isaiah kicked at the brush. He was grateful to be outside for a change, but the constant nagging in his head was annoying. This was a waste of his time. He knew it beyond a doubt, but agreeing with the gut feeling did nothing to negate it.
“Why so glum?” Jayson asked. He tapped his knuckles on the trunk of the oak tree, as if he thought it might be hollow and the girl they were searching for was trapped inside.
“The missing girl isn’t in the woods. We aren’t going to find her.” Isaiah knew this with the same confidence he would if he’d been asked if the grass were green.
“Does everything have to be negative with you?” Jayson asked. He stepped closer, nearly touching him. “This is the most privacy we’ve been given in months.”
“Oh yeah, we are so alone out here in the forest with two hundred other people who are also searching for the missing girl.” Isaiah waved a hand at the wooded area; easily twenty people were visible, at least two from the same camp he and Jayson were in.
“Yeah, but no one is paying attention to us.” He sighed and took two steps back. “Can’t you just enjoy the fresh air, find some positives in this?”
His parents had sent him to a gay conversion camp for the summer, after he’d gone to prom with a junior who was openly gay. Isaiah had just been thrilled to go to prom, since he’d only been a sophomore. He hadn’t planned to sin. He wasn’t going to have sex or anything. But they’d kissed, and his father, with all his church connections, had heard about it. So here he was, learning how to control his urges. He wasn’t so sure Jayson wanted to learn.
A thirteen-year-old girl had gone missing in the woods fifteen miles from their campground so the entire campus had bussed up to help search. Doing God’s work and all that. From the minute they’d gotten off the bus, Isaiah had known they wouldn’t find the girl, not here at least.
He resumed walking, searching the brush for any sign that the girl had been through. Jayson hummed to himself and walked next to him. He was the same age as Isaiah and he couldn’t help but stare at how his black hair bounced with every step. How did he keep it so fluffy? It acted like it was made of cotton candy. His was always straight and flat, weighted down with a layer of grease he could never get out.
“If you don’t think she’s in the woods, where do you think she is?” Jayson asked, glancing back at him with those baby blue eyes.
“The Motel 6 up the road three miles,” Isaiah answered.
Jayson stopped walking.
“What?” Isaiah asked.
“Why would you say that? I mean, that was a weirdly exact answer.”
“You asked where she is, and the motel sprang to mind, so I said it.”
Jayson took a moment to chew on his lip. “We should check it out.”
“We should stay with the group.”
“We could stay here and waste our time, as you keep saying, or we could follow your hunch and see if we find the girl. We’ll take one of the vans. We can go and be back before anyone notices.”
Yeah, and if they got caught trying to sneak off to a hotel—Isaiah shivered as he considered the punishments.
“Plus, if it’s a motel, they usually have vending machines. I’ll buy you a candy.”
They never let them have sweets at camp. Isaiah was willing to risk whatever their punishment might be if it meant he got a candy bar. And damn it, Jayson knew that.
Thirty minutes later, and one stolen passenger van parked rather poorly in the parking lot of a Motel 6, and Isaiah was biting down on the sweet chocolatey goodness of a candy bar mixed with almonds and caramel.
Jayson munched on a handful of tiny Skittles. Isaiah would never understand how he could pick that over chocolate.
“So,” Jayson said, between chews. “Should we go room to room or do you know which one she is in?”
“Four,” Isaiah said.
“She’s in room four.” He shrugged.
“There’s like, over a hundred rooms. How can you know that?”
“Well, we don’t know if I do. We haven’t checked.”
“And you picked that number, how?”
“Just popped—”
“In your head,” Jayson finished for him. “Alright, let’s go knock on the door.”
They strolled over to the door, four in from the end, where the vending machine had been. Jayson knocked and Isaiah popped the last of his treat into his mouth.
“Who is it?” a gruff voice said from behind the door.
“Housekeeping,” Jayson said, speaking in his best woman’s voice.
The door opened, but the chain was left in place. A bearded man glared out through the crack. The smell of cigars drifted out at them and Isaiah pinched his nose.
“You don’t look like you work here,” he said.
“Oh ya got us,” Jayson said. “Sorry, I thought our friends were staying in this room. We were just pranking them. Sorry to have bothered you.”
A whimper came from inside the room. It could have been a dog. It could have been the TV, it could have been a million things, but Isaiah knew what it was. It was the sweet little girl he’d seen on the fliers all over the town. The girl who had gotten up in the middle of the night to pee, and never returned to the tent where her parents slept.
“No problem,” the gruff man said.
Isaiah knew no one would believe him. You’ve spooked them. He’ll leave as soon as you vacate the premises. So what do I do? What could he do? He eyed the rock sitting in a nearby parking spot. A chunk of cement that had broken off the sidewalk. It was big, bigger than a bowling ball.
“Well, that was awkward,” Jayson said. “Let’s go before he calls the manager on us for loitering.”
Isaiah picked up the giant chunk; it was heavy, but part of the conversion camp therapy included a workout program. To help channel his energy in a better direction.
“What are you doing?” Jayson asked.
Isaiah thought of the people he’d seen on TV who threw those discs for distance. He spun around a few times like he’d seen them do, then released the hunk of cement, aiming right for the hotel window, the window of room four.
The glass broke and an alarm went off, because even here in this remote area, crime was real. Jayson cursed, a sin, shouldn’t curse, Isaiah thought. Jayson grabbed his arm and pulled.
“We gotta go,” Jayson urged.
But if they left, that man would run. As long as Isaiah stood here, the man would stay inside. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew. He knew he had to stand there.
The girl’s screams from inside were undeniable now and even Jayson hushed.
“Oh my God, she’s really in there,” Jayson said.
“You shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Isaiah said. A police car pulled up, nearly running into Isaiah, but he didn’t move. The cops had been nearby, on their way to help with the search in the woods.
The door to room four swung open and the man had his hands raised. He babbled an apology, knowing he was defeated, and only then did Isaiah decide he could leave. He turned to do so, but found himself face-to-face with his camp counselor.
The veins in his neck looked larger than normal and Isaiah braced himself for the oncoming lecture.
“You two ran away to a motel?” Counselor Vicky said. His real name was Victor, but everyone called him Vicky, not to his face, though.
“You told us to find the girl, so I did,” Isaiah said. That would earn him some extra isolation time, possibly even some smacks with a belt.
Vicky’s eyes went past him and widened. Isaiah turned back to the scene and saw a woman officer leading the small girl, the missing girl, out of the hotel.
“They’ll want me to provide a statement,” Isaiah said. “It’ll go better if you say you brought us here for snacks from the vending machine, and I heard noises inside, so Jayson and I decided to investigate. You came out to get us when you heard the crash.”
Vicky narrowed his eyes and stared at Isaiah.
“Or you can take the credit and say—” Jayson started.
“You two ran off and you think I’ll cover for you?”
The bad man was in the backseat of the cruiser, and a second cruiser had now arrived. One of the officers approached them and Vicky groaned.
“Let me do the talking,” Vicky said. He recited Isaiah’s story, because it was simple and left no questions. Because it was better than admitting Isaiah had no real reason for bothering the occupants of that room.
He still had to spend a week in isolation, praying for forgiveness, but he was spared the lashing.

MUSE of a GOD: Excerpt
“He’s gay,” Stephen said. He said the words like they left a bad taste in his mouth.
Lawrence, better known to his friends as Laurie, paused in the threshold of the college lab room as he heard his dorm roommate speaking. He backed up, lingering out of sight as other classmates rushed inside.
“And not just in a ‘he likes men’ kind of way,” Stephen continued. “He wears make-up, nail polish, those weird skinny jeans. I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if he wears a skirt on Sundays.”
Laurie refused to frown as he eavesdropped on his roommate. He’d known college would be hard, but he’d thought getting a room in the dorm with the science geeks would make his life easier, since the drama students were likely to be jealous of him. He didn’t want to sound boastful, but whenever he took the stage, it was obvious he was better than everyone else. Making friends was challenging when everyone saw you as the primary competition.
“Yeah, that’s gotta be awkward,” a man said softly. “Maybe you can request a different roommate.”
“And come off like a prejudiced asshole?” Stephen said. “You know how this school is. I’d probably get kicked out of the dorms for not being open-minded or some shit. I’ll make it work.”
Laurie only had a minute before he would be tardy. Now or never, he figured. He stepped back into the doorway and walked into the room.
Laurie’s roommate always had his nose in a book during the rare moments Laurie was in the room. He hadn’t expected to have any classes with him, but sure enough, there he was, in a rare “nose not in book” moment.
Laurie had intended to take a lab table occupied with girls—they were usually less weird about the way Laurie chose to look, but after listening to the comments, he decided to torture his roommate a bit. Plus, the man Stephen was speaking to was a hunk.
He sauntered over and noted how the hottie shifted in his seat and adjusted his jeans. Laurie couldn’t help the grin on his face as he slid into the empty seat on the opposite side of the lab table.
“No,” Stephen said. “We’re not partnering with you.”
Laurie pointed to the clear instructions written on the marker board. “It says to be in groups of three. You need one more,” Laurie said. He offered his hand to the hunk. “I’m Lawrence but I go by Laurie.”
“Nick,” the hottie said. He offered his massive hand and engulfed Laurie’s with it. The man was sculpted in all the right places and, unlike Stephen, Nick took care in his appearance, probably lifted weights in his spare time too. He had that perfect combination of dark hair and soft brown eyes that songs were written about.
“It doesn’t mean you have to be our third,” Stephen said. It took a moment for Laurie to backtrack to the conversation Stephen was trying to have.
“Why? Are you afraid I’ll mess up your perfect GPA? I’m smarter than you give me credit for.” He wanted to add, or are you afraid I’ll steal your hot friend?, but he wanted to wait and see exactly what the dynamics of their relationship were before he unsettled things too much.
“It’s fine,” Nick said. He put a hand on Stephen’s shoulder. Some of the fight left Stephen and he looked away. An itch of curiosity tugged at Laurie. Did Stephen not know his friend was gay.

ENEMY of a GOD: Excerpt
Eleven fifteen, and the next chapter of his day began, this time thirty minutes late because some infected fucker had run in front of the bus and gotten splattered across the grill. The goo of the symbiote had clogged up the engine, so he’d needed to wait for the next bus.
“Sorry I’m late,” Jayson said. He slipped his rain slicker off and hung it on the rack by the employee lockers.
“It’s understandable,” Isaiah said. He had papers scattered across the table in the break room as he tried to sort out next week’s schedule. Since the invasion, several people had quit or were either missing or presumed dead. Jayson’s skin crawled at how surreal it all was.
Jayson was the same age as Isaiah, but his opposite in every way. Isaiah was tan with short, fluffy brown hair. Jayson was pale with shoulder-length black hair that always looked greasy. Big nose, small nose, one well built, the other just wrong all over, or so society had convinced Jayson to believe.
“It’s raining out?” Isaiah asked.
“The storm is moving around, not a hard rain, but enough to cause delays.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t open today.”
“They’ll issue a warning if the weather is bad enough people should stay home,” Jayson said. Although, shouldn’t buses hitting infected people be reason enough?
“How are you?” Isaiah asked.
Jayson shrugged. “Same. You?”
Isaiah tapped his pen on the table. “Yeah.”
He was distracted, and Jayson couldn’t say he blamed him. He tied his smock around his waist and clocked in on the computer by the lockers.
“I know the world has gone to shit,” Jayson said. “But we still have each other. You, me, and Sarah. Always.”
“I know. Best friends forever.”
Jayson bit his lip to keep from saying more. Isaiah meant so much more to Jayson. They’d met in a scare-you-straight camp both their parents had put them in. Their mutual friend, Sarah, had been in the camp as well. As a means to survive, Jayson had helped other boys in the camp have access to Isaiah, leading to multiple sexual assaults. Instead of being bitter about it, Isaiah had forgiven him. No matter Jayson’s past, he still stuck by him, determined he could be reformed. Even the most recent events, when Isaiah had learned Jayson had been helping run a brothel full of underage runaways, he still gave him a job as a janitor in the local mall where Isaiah was the manager.
“I’m sure the rain will clear up,” Jayson said. He added a wink and grabbed the janitorial keys as he left. He went to the supply closet and pulled the cart out. He started loading supplies on it as Isaiah approached him.
“I think we need to do an inventory,” Isaiah said as he stepped directly into the closet.
“Yes, boss,” Jayson agreed. He left the cart in the hallway and stepped into the closet, closing the door behind him. It held a sink, had a corner drain on the floor, and a metal shelf with cleaning supplies covered one wall.
Isaiah dropped his pants, boxers with them, and put his hands on the wall in front of him for balance. It was only seconds from their entrance to the closet before Jayson was pushing his cock into his Isaiah’s ass.
He didn’t bother with prep, aside from putting a condom on. He’d found Isaiah liked it rough. He seemed to enjoy the burn from it. He’d still used some lube, and his slick fingers gripped Isaiah’s erection.
Jayson didn’t waste time asking Isaiah what he needed. He just started thrusting and absently jerking Isaiah off. They never fucked for long; the excitement of what they were doing aroused them both to nearly bursting as soon as they started. He felt Isaiah’s dick twitching and stopped touching him, instead concentrating on his own climax. He pulled out as soon as he finished coming and leaned against a wall as Isaiah turned around.
“How do you want me to finish you?” Jayson asked.
“Suck it.”
“Yes, sir,” Jayson said, adding in a mock salute. He dropped to his knees and took Isaiah in his mouth. He came quickly, having already been significantly aroused. Jayson swallowed it, holding still as Isaiah poured himself into him.
Jayson wiped his mouth and met Isaiah’s gaze as he tucked away his withering dick.
“I take it things with the god are as great as ever?” Jayson asked. He got back on his feet and dusted his knees.
“How does it feel to know you fuck better than a god?” Isaiah asked. Jayson was never sure how true the god comments were about Isaiah’s boyfriend, Cooper. Cooper did have a large bit of the population convinced he was a messiah, but messiahs were a dime a dozen during apocalyptic times like this.
“It’d feel better if I knew someday you’d leave him for me.” Jayson looked at him for a moment, and Isaiah averted his eyes.
“You know I can’t.”
Whether Cooper had powers or not, Isaiah was afraid of Cooper, and of the wrath that might follow if he tried to leave him.
“You said there are other gods. Maybe one of them could help you.”
“And how am I supposed to find one of them? I’m fine. This is fine. We’re fine.” Isaiah used the sink in the closet to clean himself, and Jayson tried to search Isaiah’s visible skin for any cuts, since he knew Isaiah resorted to self-harm when he was emotionally distraught. Thankfully, he didn’t see any, but Isaiah hadn’t exposed much skin.

SYMBIOTE of a GOD: excerpt
Nick sat on the couch, his body numb. Laurie sat on the couch next to him, legs tucked under him with his eyes transfixed on the television in front of them. Another news report about the video from a few days ago—beachgoers who had been present when the boat had docked were being interviewed.
Laurie cradled a coffee mug of tea in his hands and took a small sip. Nick put his hand on his knee to stop his leg from tapping out a beat. They’d spent the afternoon with Stephen at Benjamin’s wake. It hadn’t been as awkward as Nick had thought. The three of them hadn’t been in the same room together in six years—but it felt right. And now, being apart from Stephen made the well of pain in his chest tighten with each breath.
A soft rapping came on the front door. Nick thought he’d imagined it until Laurie looked away from the television and asked him if he was going to answer the door.
“Oh, right,” Nick said. He got up and walked across his living room, his feet feeling as if weighted by cement blocks. He opened the door, not bothering to turn on the porch light, and looked at the shadowed man on his stoop.
“Stephen?” Nick asked. He stepped to the side. “Come in.”
“I had to get away from them for a bit,” Stephen said. “They’re staying at my house.” Nick assumed he meant Carolyn’s mothers. “I just need to… not think about everything for a while.”
“Does Glenda know you’re here?” Nick asked. The idea of Stephen driving here by himself sent a tremble of fear through Nick. Stephen was in no condition to be driving.
“No,” Stephen said.
“I’ll call them,” Nick said. He could imagine Glenda calling the police and reporting Stephen missing. He pulled his cellphone out as Laurie appeared in the foyer. He grabbed Stephen’s shoulders and guided him to the couch.
“I’ll get you some tea,” Laurie said. Stephen clung to Laurie’s designer shirt and pulled him onto the couch with him.
“No, please,” Stephen said. The scene in front of him paralyzed every muscle in Nick’s body. The desperate look in Stephen’s eyes mirrored how Nick had felt for the last two decades. Stephen pulled Laurie closer. “Stay.”
Nick hit the dial button and held the phone to his ear. Stephen’s house phone rang twice before Glenda’s sharp voice answered.
“Hey, it’s Nick,” he said.
“It’s Nick,” Glenda said, the microphone sounded muffled, like she’d covered it with her hand.
“Stephen is here,” Nick said. “I thought you should know.”
“Oh, well how considerate of you. I thought maybe he’d gone to drive his car off a bridge,” Glenda said, the sarcasm evident in her voice. A desire to protect Nick raised the hairs on his back.
“He’s going to stay here tonight. I’ll make sure he gets to the funeral tomorrow,” Nick said. He disconnected the call before she could object. He looked back to the couch where his two friends huddled. Laurie had turned so he could face Stephen.
“Tell me what you need, Stephen,” Laurie said. Nick sat on the couch, on the opposite side of Stephen from Laurie. It felt right, being here, with his two best friends next to him. Nick tried to think of the last time the three of them had been alone like this. Probably back in college.
“How can we help, Stephen?” Nick asked.
Stephen still clutched Laurie’s shirt but turned to look at Nick. He stared at Nick for so long that Nick worried there might be something wrong. Laurie put a hand on Stephen’s thigh.
“We’re here, Stevie, whatever you need,” Laurie said. He turned his attention back to Laurie and locked eyes with him.
One of Stephen’s hands crept up from Laurie’s shirt to wrap around the back of Laurie’s neck. Stephen pulled him close and pressed his lips to Laurie’s. A rage of jealously rushed through Nick. He’d been in love with Stephen since he’d hit puberty and realized he liked boys not girls. And now, Stephen was finally expressing interest in a man and it wasn’t Nick. He wanted to look away but he was rooted to the couch. His fury rose as Laurie kissed him back. Their jaws flexed and Nick could practically see their tongues intertwining.
The shock edged away just enough for Nick to regain control of his muscles and he moved to leave the couch. If this was what Stephen needed to get him through the death of his son, then Nick would let him have it. No matter how much it hurt Nick.
Stephen’s hand that still clung to Laurie’s shirt released it and grabbed Nick’s, preventing him from leaving the couch. Nick paused, uncertain what to do. Stephen’s face detached from Laurie’s. Nick caught a glimpse of desire and lust in Stephen’s eyes before he yanked Nick closer and kissed him.
His lips were rough. His stubble of beard scratched Nick’s lips as they pressed into him. Nick didn’t react. This wasn’t happening. Couldn’t be happening. Stephen’s tongue slid across his closed lips and Nick opened his jaw to allow him entry.
He tasted him. Stale coffee and him, just Stephen. Pulses of energy shot through his body and he leaned into the touch with a moan. He’d waited so long for this. Nick put his hands on Stephen, touching his face, his neck, his chest. His lips broke contact with Stephen and Nick whimpered, actually whimpered. Agony twisted his stomach at the idea that that might be all he received. After all this time, just one brief kiss.
His hands were still on Stephen. He dropped them lower, gliding his fingers over Stephen’s groin. He pressed on the bulge that had to be his erection. Stephen gasped and jerked back, sagging against the back of the couch. Nick took his hand away, worried he’d gone too far.
Stephen let go of Nick’s shirt and grabbed his wrist. He pressed Nick’s hand back against his groin. “Don’t stop,” Stephen said. He pulled Laurie toward him and kissed him again.
This time watching his friends kiss didn’t spur jealousy—it was just hot. Nick decided to push his luck a bit farther. Instead of feeling Stephen through his clothes, he undid Stephen’s fly and pushed his hand under the waistband of his boxers. His fingers grazed Stephen’s cubic hair.
Stephen pushed Laurie back and grabbed his pants at the waist. “Take them off,” Stephen said. He lifted his butt and slid his pants and boxers down. Nick grabbed them and pulled them the rest of the way down as Stephen kicked his shoes off. Nick freed both of Stephen’s legs from the pants and came back up in time to see Stephen discarding his shirt over the back of the couch.
Nick didn’t wait for permission. He was not letting this opportunity pass him by. He grabbed Stephen’s erection by the base with one hand and squeezed. He put his lips over the tip and flicked his tongue across the top. Stephen groaned and gave a strangled gasp that might have been an attempt at the word fuck.
Nothing had ever tasted as good as Stephen did. The saltiness of his skin, the smell of his flesh… Nick was on the verge of busting a nut just from this.
“I want you,” Stephen said. “I want you in me. Nick-Nick, I want you to fuck me.”
The words didn’t register at first. Stephen pulled on Nick’s hair and he reluctantly pulled off his erection. Laurie was kissing Stephen’s neck. Laurie pulled back as the words registered with him in unison with Nick.
“That’s not something you can rush into,” Laurie said.
“I need it,” Stephen said. “Need you in me.”
Never had Nick thought this possible. Dreamed of it, sure, jerked off while imagining it, absolutely. But it wasn’t a reality. Nick thought for sure he’d passed out or perhaps he too was dead like Benjamin. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and got them good and wet. He pressed them against Stephen’s opening and slipped the tip of his index finger inside.
“Shit, yes,” Stephen said. He slouched lower on the couch and pushed his body over Nick’s finger. Nick worked it in and out a few times before he added a second finger.
“Where’s your lube?” Laurie asked. Right, that was smart; Nick shouldn’t do this on spit alone. He needed to do it right.
“Bathroom, bottom drawer,” Nick said. Laurie leapt off the couch, gliding effortlessly across the living room. Nick had three fingers inside Stephen by the time Laurie came back. Laurie dropped the bottle on the coffee table with a handful of condoms.
Nick moved to suck more on Stephen’s dick but Stephen pushed him away.
“No,” Stephen said. “I want Laurie to do it. I want you in me.”
A rock landed hard in Nick’s stomach. This was not, absolutely not, happening. Laurie raised an eyebrow at Nick, as if asking him for permission or guidance. Nick undid his own fly and freed his blood engorged cock. He poured a generous amount of lube on himself and pressed the tip to Stephen’s entrance. Laurie was still waiting. Nick nodded to him as he pushed the tip inside Stephen.
Stephen’s head fell back and he gripped the back of the couch with both of his hands. Laurie grabbed a condom off the coffee table and opened it. “You’ll last longer,” Laurie said, pushing him back and rolling the condom on for him. Nick grabbed Laurie with his free hand and pulled him in for a kiss as he pushed himself deeper into Stephen.

I never heard of this series. I love the covers and reading about them piqued my interest.
I haven’t heard of this series before. it does look interesting. Thank you for the post!