A warm welcome to author L. Fergus joining us today at Love Bytes to talk about new release “BykeChic”.
BykeChic was the book that was never supposed to be written. I was done. Finished. The Game of the Gods series was published. My main character, the fallen angel Kita had discovered the nature of Reality. I was working on Birthright, the first book of the Ascension series, Kita’s origin story. Plus, I had three more series in manuscript form waiting to be rewritten that led up to Game of the Gods. I had plenty to do. What I didn’t need was another series to write.
It started innocently enough. My local VA hospital hosted a symposium for veteran artists. I said, sure, I could write a short story to commemorate my Army brothers and sisters. The short story Twelve Bravo celebrates the dangerous and thankless job of the combat engineer during World War III. It’s a simple message of living up to the Army values, comradery, and love. As you’ll find out, I can’t leave well enough alone. Kita and Lizzy are my heroines, lesbian high school sweethearts who joined the Army together. Okay by today’s Army standard, but I twisted the tails of a lot of older vets. I didn’t care that they didn’t like it. I wanted to show that women can do combat jobs, and it doesn’t matter who you share your cot with.
Then I had a dream. And you know how dreams are. They seem to make sense at the moment, and the longer you are awake, the more you forget, and you are just left with snippets. The dream came in two parts. One part was the transformer Bumblebee fighting a Decepticon around the 1890’s Victorian house I used to own. I chalk that part up to large amounts of pizza and soda while watching Netflix then falling asleep on the couch. The second part was Kita living in the upstairs portion of the house, trying to keep the Transformers from ruining the house and trying to figure out how to pay her rent. I told you, dreams are strange.
This dream stuck in my head. I liked Transformers as a kid growing up, and the movies were…good and became good-ish as they went along. But what got me was seeing Kita as normal. In all the other books, Kita is not normal. She’s an evil sociopathic Angel that loves killing things and also the best friend you can have. Loyal to her many friends and lovers to a fault. She’s especially good with young girls. She adopts six girls of various ages throughout the many series. The philosophy behind her was to show an evil person’s life. That it was more than evil schemes and yelling at henchmen. I wanted to show Kita’s family, lovers, partner, and children through the lens of someone who doesn’t have a healthy moral compass. But Kita as normal? What if? What does she look like?
At this point, I’m going to warn you I’m going to reveal some spoilers to BykeChic.
The first thing I did was change Twelve Bravo to Earth168 —a reference to the number of times Earth has been created. Then I changed the ending where Kita resurrects Lizzy as the Angel Sapper. This became the prequel to BykeChic, which takes place on Earth 832.
BykeChic asks the question: What if Kita was normal? First, we have to decide what normal is. The root of sociopathy is still up in the air. I decided in BykeChic Kita would have a good home life. Her mother dies while she’s young, but her father raises her, and she has a good relationship with him. When he dies, it leaves an emptiness in her life she tries to fill by running the family junkyard. In the other series, Kita’s host to an Aa’hegre—an alien lifeform of pure energy that is either good or evil. Kita’s Aa’hegre is evil. In BykeChic, it’s been removed as has its influence on her. So Kita’s moral compass is far less skewed. She doesn’t even come across as a sociopath. She is a lesbian. That’s part of who she is, now and always. In BykeChic, what Kita lacks is confidence. She’s been alone so long struggling to survive she’s lost her self-esteem. This becomes a starting point for Kita’s relationship with the alien Velositi.
As I wrote BykeChic, I started by sticking to what I know. I am an Action/Adventure Sci-Fi writer. That’s what I know. I can write you a fight scene that’ll last for pages. Check out the first chapter of my book, Rebirth. But something weird happened: my Action/Adventure Sci-Fi drifted into something I never expected, it became a Romance. Now, I have included romance in my other novels. Kita is a lover as much as a fighter. She usually has one primary partner and one or more girlfriends on the side. So I’m no stranger to relationships. What I was not used to was the entire story revolving around Kita and Kimmy’s relationship. This was new territory for me. Usually, I slip in cute scenes or paragraphs of Kita and her lovers. In BykeChic, I was writing entire chapters of the stuff. And I liked it. Kita’s love for Kimmy is patterned after my love for my partner. This is how Kita describes her passion for Kimmy:
“Kimmy. I love her with an intensity I can’t describe. It’s deeper and stronger than anything I felt for Jane. I covet Kimmy. I adore her. I put her above all else, except me. I will be what she wants me to be. I will do anything to keep her by me. She is mine.”
A hint of sociopathy, but you can see Kita genuinely cares for Kimmy. Kimmy is the partner Kita’s been searching for, and what led me into another area I don’t usually get into—Politics.
The politics of the Empire of the United States are similar to ours, except instead of a president, they have an Emperor, James Roosevelt. In this timeline, Franklin D. Roosevelt doesn’t die during World War II and is elected Emperor after it. During BykeChic Emperor James Roosevelt is in a coma and his daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) Roosevelt is the Princess Regent leading a conservative-led nation. A small minority keeps a fractured political landscape at bay through politics and force. LGBTQ+ citizens are treated a second class and are the subject of violent attacks. Kita grows up in one such town, Readding, Cali, out in the middle of the Mojave Desert. One of the fun romantic moments is when Kita helps Kimmy understand she’s gay. Kimmy has been struggling for twelve years with her sexuality, trying to understand what’s wrong woth herself, and with one Hollywood-style kiss, Kita awakens Kimmy to who she really is. This leads to Kimmy realizing she’s leading a government that hates her and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. Kimmy, with Kita’s help, sets out to remake her government into one where everyone is free and equal.
I hope you enjoy BykeChic. I had a lot of fun writing it.
Author Name: L. Fergus
Publisher Name: Article94
Genre: Lesbian Science Fiction Action/Adventure Romance
Series: The New Angels #1
Word count: 172,000 words
Release Date: 23 June 2020
Buy Link: Amazon
Kita is a junkyard girl living in the Mojave Desert trying to keep her Dad’s dream alive. His passing three years ago has amplified her struggle for acceptance in a place where the LGBTQ community is shunned.
Velositi is a warrior from a distant world searching for the Axiom of Command on Earth. She knows Kita is the key to finding it. Searching for the Axiom will be perilous, but Velositi is ready. What she’s not prepared for is falling in love with Kita.
Together they set out to find the ancient artifact along the way, discovering Velositi isn’t the only one for Kita’s heart.
L. Fergus is an Amazon Bestselling author with Birthright, Razor’s Pass, and Rebirth. All titles were #1 new releases in LGBT Science Fiction. Before Amazon, L. was a Wattpad Featured Author and #1 writer of science fiction. The Fallen Angel Saga has more than four hundred thousand reads. The books Birthright, BykeChic, and Rebirth have won over twenty awards, including Best Overall.
L. lives with four dogs: Rust, Moxy, Stormy, and Valor, and four cats: Jupiter, Crater, Pluto, and Forest Fire.
Social Media
Twitter: @FallenAngelKita
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FallenAngelKita
website: https://FallenAngelKita.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16983146.L_Fergus
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Wonderful character, I like the drawing!