Love Bytes is happy to host this blog post for this Charity anthology
Check out the wonderful post by the authors and find all the info below
Thirteen authors including myself have joined together to produce an anthology for charity. It’s based around the idea of vampires having day jobs—or as it points out in the blurb for most of them night jobs, because they’re still vampires. It was decided that given the current circumstances going on in the world that all the proceeds for the book (which will be on sale until the end of July) will go towards supporting the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
Here’s a few of the characters from the stories to tell you about some of the problems they’re facing in their own words.
Tanya Chris, Long Haul
Character: Vlad, an old but broke vampire who drives a truck for lack of anything better to do
Look, I was just trying to get a quick bite to eat before crashing for the day. I was willing to wait my turn for the young guy turning tricks behind the truck stop. What I wasn’t willing to do was watch him get beaten and robbed. Now I’ve got a warm-blooded sidekick who’s annoying as hell in a way that makes me want to eat him alive.
- Evan Coles, Overexposed
Character: Noah, a vampire photographer working as an NYPD crime scene photographer
I’ve been taking photos of this city since the 1920s and it’s been a trip watching it change through the decades. Crime scene photography’s a different animal, of course—the images I take on the job can hardly be considered art. I like the work though, and photographing the dead is easier than dealing with living victims who are scared and traumatized, not to mention vulnerable in ways they don’t even understand. Normally, I’m happy to step back and let detectives outside of Crime Scene Unit handle the living. But that wasn’t possible with the case I worked tonight, and now I’ve got a human in my apartment and under my care. And the fact that I find him attractive is a problem all its own.
Roberta Blablanski, Dial-a-Vamp
Character: Wyatt, phone sex operator
I prefer keeping my identity as a vampire secret; it’s easier to avoid potential prejudice that way. I used to reinvent myself to keep things fresh and stimulating, but it’s becoming harder to find interest in anything anymore. Then I get assigned a call that just might change things for the better.
Sadie Jay, Fangs for the Memories
Character: Aja
When Rollie said he’d been on suicide watch after he staked me, I admit, I was thrown. That was totally not cool. And then to find out that he was still carrying the guilt after 15 years? I suppose I should have been more upset about it, but I didn’t just dress like a hippy in 1969–the year I was changed–I was a living, breathing flower-child. Down deep, I still am. Live and let live. Or unlive, if you can dig it. I really did think, back in 2005, that it was a total cop-out, breaking up with me like that–I mean, come on, he used wood. Everyone knows you have to use silver to kill a vampire. Oh, you didn’t know that? Yeah, Google always gets that one wrong.
Megs Pritchard, Call My Number
Character: Max
He always calls me. It’s a game we play, but tonight I’m changing the rules.
Lyra Evans, Bad Blood
Character: Dr. Alek Matsouka
It must be hard to do what I do—being what I am. Hear it all the time, and I get it. A vampire working as a doctor for humans? Like a wolf tending to sheep. Or so some would see it. But I’ve been preparing to be a doctor my entire existence. Getting turned wasn’t about to change that, no matter what anyone said. So I go to work every night, drink my “expired” blood bags, and I treat every patient that comes my way in the ER. And I’m damn good at my job. Best in the department, even. So no, it’s not hard being a doctor to warmbloods.
What’s hard is having to continue to be the best when I’m working with idiots like James Crawford waltzing around like he’s the universe’s gift to medicine and always needing me to catch his mistakes. It’s my personal purgatory, working alongside this moron, arguing with him over patient diagnoses, and having to smell his damn delicious blood every day without so much as a taste.
Edie Montreux, Quality Assured
Character: Derek
I’ve been a vampire all of six months. I just finished training to handle overnight health emergency calls from elderly folks when my QA says my calls aren’t recording right and he needs to do a side-by-side. My QA isn’t going to keep me from doing what I can to help people, especially when I can be across town in a few seconds to help a woman with a faulty ancient machine. He’s adorable when he’s scared, awed, and something I can’t place. Even though he thinks he’s had enough of me, he’s got a question about vampires I might be able to answer.
Mel Gough, Fire and Ice Cold Skin
Character: Drake
It used to be a lot easier, when I was young. You could bite whomever you liked and humans just put up with the terror of never knowing who might be crawling through their window at night. But then they became more “civilised”, and the going got a lot tougher. For a while, we were still okay. At least I had my family – fellow vampires with whom I’d thrown in my lot earlier. We lived together, we partied together. Then they were taken from me.
There’s a lot more help available now for a vampire in need. But everything – food, shelter, protection – comes at a price. I don’t mind showing those curious about us a good time, but sometimes it does feel a bit demeaning. Still, better than starving, right? only now that I’ve met Ryan I wonder if there isn’t another way…
H.L Day, Bad Decision
Character: Alessandro
The plan was simple. Just another night driving cabs before I got to go home and sleep. But then he walked into my life. Liam. Of course I didn’t know his name at the time. That came later. He was absolutely drenched from the rain that had been falling all night. But he was still gorgeous, like a water nymph that had appeared out of the darkness. How could I not notice him? It was meant to be a simple drop-off, just take him to where he wanted to go and then forget about him. Only, he was hellbent on destruction and I was stupid. I needed to help him even if it meant risking my life.
Eliott Griffen, Life Hacks
Character: Josh
I’m in corporate IT, a rising superstar with only one thorn in my side: the hacker who keeps trying to break into our system. Then he contacts me directly and my lifeview flips upside down. Have I been fighting for the wrong team this whole time?
And here’s a brief excerpt from the rest of the stories.
R.J. Sorrento, Off the Menu
Character: Johnny, a newly turned vampire chef who refuses to feed from humans but is tempted by human co-worker Nate, a snobby sommelier with a breathtaking aroma
Johnny shot finger guns at Nate with a tight smile. His fangs had descended against his will, and he didn’t need to terrify the new guy by baring them. Better for Nate to think he was an idiot instead of a vampire. Even if he was both
Crystel Greene, Graveyard Cops
Character: Jesse
Jesse and Lico are patrol partners. Lico doesn’t realize Jesse’s a vampire, and Jesse’s really happy about that. If only Lico weren’t teasing him all the time, and if only he were a little less hot… Here’s Jesse, talking about his troubles:
“You look like an elven prince, without the hair.”
That’s the kind of thing Lico says about me to my face, expecting me to find it as hilarious as he does. It’s really the man’s one virtue that he doesn’t get I’m technically dead. He’s a pain in the neck, but he thinks I’m a regular person. With him, there’s no suspicious sideways glances, no twisted admiration, no fear. He’s so convinced I’m human I almost feel like I am. Also, he’s hot as hell. When we meet in the locker room in the evenings to change into our uniforms before starting our shift, I have the hardest time stopping myself from snatching glances at him. He’s all hard-packed muscle and silky-smooth skin. Add to that the nicest brown eyes, an exquisitely veined neck, and the ultimate scent—yeah. It’s a fatal combination, and it would mess with anyone who’s forced to spend the night with him, dead or alive…
AJ Sherwood, How To Keep an Author (Alive)
Character: Justus, a two-hundred year old vampire that just wants to make rent and pay bills
Vampires with day jobs, Justus has it rough, Cooper is a walking disaster, how self-indulgent should I make this, the answer is very, bite kink, book hoarding, this is the least angsty thing I’ve written all year, smother tested, editor approved
So, we hope you’ll feel like checking out some of our stories and supporting a great cause at the same time.
Title: Working Stiffs
Subtitle: An M/M vampire romance charity anthology
Tag line: Sometimes work sucks in a good way
Genre: M/M paranormal
Stories included: 13 (see list below)
Publication date: May 1st, 2020 (International Workers Day)
Overall Length: 157K
Anthology Blurb
Not all vampires are idly rich. Some of them have day jobs. Er, night jobs.
In a world struggling to come to grips with the existence of vampires, where reactions range from excitement to fear to determined disbelief, these vampires are just trying to make ends meet. Some of them do mundane work—like waiting tables or driving a cab. Others have more prestigious careers in medicine and crime prevention. But what all their jobs have in common is people. Unpredictable, interesting, frustrating, hostile, helpless, tasty people.
Whether they’re pouring drinks, answering phones, hacking into a computer system, or serving up the perfect food/wine pairing, these working stiffs are too busy to fall in love. Or are they?
This International Workers Day, celebrate by sinking your teeth into thirteen awesome stories about vampires at work. Because even the undead have to earn a living. Proceeds benefit the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
Story List
Bad Blood by Lyra Evans
Bad Decision by H.L Day
Call My Number by Megs Pritchard
Dial a Vamp by Roberta Blablanski
Fangs for the Memories by Sadie Jay
Fire and Ice Cold Skin by Mel Gough
How To Keep an Author (Alive) by AJ Sherwood
Graveyard Cops by Crystel Greene
Life Hacks by Eliott Griffen
Long Haul by Tanya Chris
Off the Menu by R.J. Sorrento
Overexposed by K. Evan Coles
Quality Assured by Edie Montreux
Story Blurbs
Bad Blood by Lyra Evans
Dr. Alek Matsouka and Dr. James Crawford have been at each other’s throats since the first night of their ER residency. And not in the way that gets Alek fed. He doesn’t know why Crawford is so hostile—whether he’s an anti-Vampire bigot or just hates that Alek is the better doctor—but Alek does like to provoke the arrogant prick. When their competitive antics get the better of them one night and a case takes a dangerous turn, both doctors will have to face the truth of their bad blood—or risk their careers.
Bad Decision by H.L Day
A stranger searching for a night of ecstasy with a vampire. A cabbie with the irrational urge to stop him from making the worst decision of his life. The next few hours could be lifechanging for both men.
Call My Number by Megs Pritchard
He always calls when I’m working. He has my direct number too. We both know why he does, but he knows I won’t accept his obvious invitation… until I do. How will he react, my sweet human, when his vampire comes calling?
Dial a Vamp by Roberta Blablanski
Wyatt’s life is in a total slump and working as a phone sex operator doesn’t help his frustrations. After a century, being a vampire is getting old and losing its appeal. He feels stuck and aimless, until one phone call changes his immortal life.
Fangs for the Memories by Sadie Jay
Rollie Brown was 20 years old when he staked his vampire boyfriend. Now, fifteen years later, he’s discovered Alex is alive, bartending, and more forgiving than Rollie deserves. They might have a second chance at love—but first they have to rescue Rollie’s wayward ex.
Fire and Ice Cold Skin by Mel Gough
When a firefighter takes pity on a gorgeous young man who has been made homeless by a blaze, he has no idea who he’s invited into his home—and soon into his heart.
How To Keep an Author (Alive) by AJ Sherwood
The funny thing about living forever is that you still have bills to pay, which is why Justus is now working for JD Cooper. The man is a writing raconteur—known to craft a mean mystery—but he’s one step away from hoarder level. When Justus takes a job as his housekeeper, he expects eccentricity. But he gets so much more.
Graveyard Cops by Crystel Greene
Police officer Jesse Hendricks, twenty-one since 1900 and hating being a vampire, is secretly in love with his patrol partner Angelico “Lico” DiMarco. Chronically upbeat Lico doesn’t believe in anything supernatural, thankfully, but he keeps teasing Jesse for his vampire-like reserve, pallor, and beauty in the most annoying of ways. Then, one fateful night, Jesse is injured with a silver blade and needs to feed to survive. Lico steps up and saves him—body and soul.
Life Hacks by Eliott Griffen
Josh is a corporate big shot, living the life he thought he wanted. Vin is a vampire on the hunt, with zero self-confidence and a truckload of regrets. Living on opposite sides of the equation, they have nothing in common, until one day their lives collide in the worlds of ones and zeros.
Long Haul by Tanya Chris
When Vlad intervenes to stop a shakedown in progress, he doesn’t plan on keeping the young sex worker he saves, but Silver has an irresistible tenacity. He also has a little something extra in his blood—something that drives Vlad wild in both good and bad ways.
Off the Menu by R.J. Sorrento
Johnny Russo, a newbie-vampire and chef, refuses to feed from humans. His new job at a Chicago restaurant is going well until he’s forced to work with Nate Beaumont, a handsome but snobby sommelier with an intoxicating scent. The tension between them builds for weeks, and Johnny fights the urge to feed. Despite first impressions, they could be good together if Johnny can be himself. But feeding from Nate might make him feel less than human, and Johnny would be crushed if Nate sees him as a novelty instead of boyfriend material.
Overexposed by K. Evan Coles
Crime scene photographer Noah Green may be the only vampire employed by the NYPD’s Crime Scene Unit, but he keeps his head down and stays focused on the work. While shooting a murder scene one night, Noah is dismayed to discover he knows the only witness, bakery manager Dan Kaes, a human who has intrigued Noah from their very first meeting. Combining forces with the police to keep their witness safe, Noah welcomes Dan into his home, only to find that keeping him at arm’s length is harder than he ever imagined.
Quality Assured by Edie Montreux
Quality Analyst Kellan Ford doesn’t know what to expect when Medicorp overnight representative Derek Houston’s calls aren’t recording properly. Kellan’s side-by-side evaluation turns into an early-morning field trip and changes everything Kellan knows about vampires. Is he doomed to die at the hands of vampires like his sister did, or can Derek offer him a new lease on life?
Short excerpt from Fangs for the Memories by Sadie Jay
I tried to not stare but I couldn’t help myself. He was exactly the same except his long white hair was streaked with a rainbow of colors and pulled up into a messy bun. An inch taller than my five foot nine, he was straight and lanky. There was no curve to him at all, not an ounce of fat. Under the sleeves of his dress shirt, I pictured his ropey forearms with raised veins, easy to trace with a fingertip, while his hip and rib bones would be well defined under his skin. I admittedly have a thing for skinny men.
I still saw his translucent albino skin in my dreams, and his silvery blue eyes that darkened with anger. Or with desire. His feathery white eyelashes, his straight nose, his thin lips framing his over-wide mouth. When I’d met him, back when I was 19 and taking night classes, I thought he was the most exotic, beautiful person I’d ever met.
He still was.
Longer excerpt from How to Keep an Author (Alive) by AJ Sherwood
“I need to know how to tie a person down like this on the table and make it realistic. I mean, can I tie down both legs? Or would that make it too awkward for the attacker?”
Rubbing at my forehead, I tried for patience. “Coop. I’ve never tied someone down for sex. I have no idea.”
He came up on an elbow, looking at me curiously. “Really? Oh, right, the vampire-sexual-feeding thing. How does that work, anyway?”
“There’s a mild aphrodisiac in our saliva that—you know what, I’m not having this conversation with you.”
Cooper didn’t pout, but it was a near thing. He loved asking me questions about vampirism and how it all worked. Often inappropriate questions, at that.
“Okay, tell me later. For now, come help me figure this out. I’m stuck on this scene until I do.”
After two months of dealing with these sorts of weird requests, I’d more or less become immune to them. At least he hadn’t tried to smother me in my sleep again. It made sense that he’d gone through a housekeeper every month before my arrival. A lot of the help he asked for bordered on sexual harassment. Like now. He honestly didn’t mean it that way, though, which was why I was willing to play along.
Shrugging, I abandoned my wall perch to come forward. “You said the potential victim is a man?”
“Yes.” Cooper smiled, delighted I was cooperating.
“Hmmm. Yeah, I don’t think you can tie both legs down.” Knowing he would prefer a hands-on approach, I grabbed the leg tied down and hoisted it up as much as I could. “And even this is too tight. I can’t roll your hips up and into position like this. And think, too, pants have to come off, at least partway.”
“All very good points and what made me wonder. The few times I’ve had anal sex—”
I about swallowed my tongue. Just what had he casually confessed?!
“—I was on hands and knees, so I wasn’t sure.” Cooper did an awkward half-crunch. “So, say my character is in this position. Loosen that rope, let me see how much play has to be there. Yeah, okay, like that. Can you—”
This man, seriously. He was bad for my heart. He kept tapping into emotions I didn’t know I had, and he did it effortlessly and in strange ways that ambushed my guard. I liked him. I knew I did, but it was a precarious situation. I had no idea how he felt about me because his behavior was so oddball, I found him impossible to read.
Take this situation right now. Someone with a crush would use this situation to perhaps slyly flirt or signal their interest. But he was just trying to experiment and prove a point. Right…? I think. It left me in a strange emotional limbo because I didn’t know how to react to him. I knew what he wanted me to do, but I hesitated, because I had a feeling something would change if I did. If I even mimicked having sex with him, it would unlock a door in my head I’d kept chained shut. And yet.
And yet.
I moved like I’d been hypnotized, because touching him like that was too much of a temptation. Even with clothes in the way. I moved in and set my groin against his ass, lifting his legs up to make the position possible. It looked awkward and uncomfortable on his part.
Cooper’s expression didn’t betray any awkwardness, though. His lips parted as he stared up at me with a sort of bludgeoned surprise. A blush spread across his pale skin, and his breath quickened a touch.
An impulse stole over me—to lean in, to close the gap between our bodies, to get him off this damn table. He was all warm skin, the heat of him pouring into me even through our jeans. I could feel his leg twitch, the urge to wrap around my waist clear, and I wanted that quite badly. Oh god. Oh god, he was attracted to me after all. That reaction was unmistakable. But did that mean I should act on it? He was still my employer. What if this went very, very wrong?
“Should I leave?”
The female voice startled me so badly I dropped Cooper’s legs.