So no one told you plague was gonna be this way
Your job’s at home, you’re always in,
Your love life’s D.O.A
It’s like you’re always stuck in PPE
When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month
Or even your year, but….
Sorry. Always had a dark sense of humour.
Honestly though, this is definitely not how I thought this year was going to go. It’s mid-April, I’ve not been out of the house except for state-permitted exercise in three weeks, I spend more time on the Tesco website trying to score a delivery slot than I do on Netflix, and who knows if I’ll be able to do half the cool things I had planned this year.
At the start of all this I would have said lockdown wasn’t going to be that different to my daily life, I mean I already worked from home! Turns out that not being ABLE to go out is a lot different from just deciding you can’t be assed to go out today. Plus the anxiety. I am in a high risk category due to the whole asthma thing, and a life-long malingerer so every sore throat or wheeze has me hunting out where I put the thermometer last. So far I am not feverish, so that’s something!
Still, not everything is awful. It feels weird to say that, almost disloyal or inconsiderate to people who have it worse than me? It’s still the truth in the Moore house.
I’ve made an excellent batch of potato bread!
The Snitch known as C.S. Poe (never letting it go, Poe!) is releasing a really cool new book soon.
A small delay with The Engineer (it's been a crazy month, okay) but I'm nearly finished!
“It’s something, isn’t it? I’m a special agent.”
“You are.”
“And you’re Gunner the Deadly.”
He made a sound of acknowledgement.
“And right now, I’m completely at your mercy.”— C.S. Poe (@cs_poe) April 9, 2020
I am working on a really cool Super Sekrit Project with really good people! There will be more info soon
There’s a unicorn and a shark on the loose.
Despite my expectations that I’d screw it up, I’ve started a Crime, Curses, and Cheap Thrills enewsletter that I haven’t flaked on!
I have a puppy! I adopted him just before the UK was put onto lockdown, and he has played a large part in keeping me from stressing more than I already have. He’s also the most perfect dog in the world, and is cute as a bug (he’s the second one :D)
My novella Collared by TA Moore (originally published in the Devil Take Me anthology) is coming out soon! There will also be an audiobook narrated by the evergreen and ever talented Greg Tremblay. Rhys Ford’s Wonderland City is also out soon!
I’ve never been a big fan of ‘It Gets Better’ on a personal level. I mean, the message is great but it never worked for me. I always went with ‘tomorrow you might get to pet a puppy’, so it’s worth waiting to see. So, one day at a time and don’t feel bad about taking joy in any little thing you can. Try and keep writing.