I belong to a Demon Lord. His name is Roman. He’s tall, strong, has long dark hair, a deep sexy voice and, let me tell you, absolutely f-ing gorgeous. Yep. I even wear his ring. Third finger, left hand.
Except – its’s not a wedding band. Far from it, actually. It simply means I’m his submissive.
Well – it doesn’t really mean that either, although I wish it did.
No. The ring’s function is only to give me “sight”. Being human, once I had it on, I could suddenly see Roman’s stupid lost legions; very nasty scary things that would as soon kill me as look at me. And because I wear the ring, guess what? It’s now my job to recapture all those creatures for him. Yay me, right?
At least I get to be close to Roman… sometimes.
But, to tell you the truth, I was tricked into putting this damn ring on by Cathy, some random woman I met at a park, who unfortunately likes Roman, too. A whole lot. She brazenly flirts with the demon every chance she gets and right in front of me, too. Crap, it pisses me off. In fact, she brags she was the one who found me, got the ring on me and then offered me up to Roman like I was a T-bone steak or something.
Well – honestly – that part’s okay.
However, there’s something else going on. Something big. Because there’s another gorgeous Demon Lord in our little earth realm and he will stop at nothing to capture Roman’s loose legions for himself. Not only that, seems he’s out to catch me, as well.
Huh. My name is Micah and things just got very interesting.

How do you deal with writer’s block?
Writer’s block really sucks and I honestly don’t deal with it well. I have no tricks that work for me but at least I am beginning to recognize when I am heading toward it. I like to write in the mornings when the house is quiet and I actually have time. I would love to say that I am a full time writer but that’s still a dream. So I need to take advantage of time when I can get it. For me, that is around four in the morning. By six-thirty I need to be dressed and out the door. After work is difficult because there is so much to do and distraction is at its all-time high. If I try to write during that time all I get is frustrated. Not good for me or my family. J
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
To create. I love it. I love going back over a book I am writing and tweaking it here and there, loving that it is moving along. I do like very much what I write. It makes it all that more difficult when I seek out what people are saying about my books. It is very hard to read reviews that tear my work apart. I honestly try to “learn” from them because that’s what you’re supposed to do. But I have to admit, it’s difficult. Once, I actually took a book down and completely redid it then re-released it due to some horrible reviews. Thankfully I had self-published it so I was able to do that. I do love the day of release, too. Not that much happens for me on those days. I just like knowing I have a new book out there and that people might be interested in it enough to buy it and read it. Then, of COURSE, I love it when I hear back from those that loved my work. Other than creating something, that is my ultimate high.
What’s your advice for aspiring writers?
Like absolutely everyone advises, do it. Just sit down and start typing. Don’t think about all it takes to get published. Honestly, it’s not that hard these days. Don’t think about editors, promotion, titles or book blurbs. Just write.
What are you currently working on?
Right now, I am finally doing a sequel for Hyden’s Law. I first wrote this free read for a Goodreads call. But then I got some very nasty reviews it seemed like moments after the release. This was the book that I took down and redid. The book is about a wolf shifter and the reviews complained he never shifted. So, I rewrote the book. Since then the reviews have been mixed but it has been downloaded tens of thousands of times so I am happy about that. Yes, it’s free, but several years later it still maintains a healthy daily download. There is another book that I wrote called Mates, Inc. that has a loose attachment to this story as well. That book was published through Amber Allure Publishing so when they closed their doors, it went dark. But now I have a chance to redo it to match up with not only Hayden’s Law, but the new book, tentatively titled Graham’s Law, the actual sequel. I also have a WIP at about 40,000 words, tentatively titled “The Ex’s Boyfriend.” I shelved that one only because I got a little lost in what direction I wanted to go. It took a crazy turn that I did not expect, and I went back to incorporate that change into the book. Now I am waiting to be inspired to move forward. We’ll see.
How do you get inspired to write?
All kinds of things inspire me. Reading especially. I don’t watch much TV but a show or a movie can inspire a story line as well. Sometimes real life can. I used a “real life” situation in my book “A Place to Belong.” I have another WIP tentatively titled “Come Back”, a story about a man who has a very handicapped brother and has to take care of him, who watches him being made fun of by cruel people. I am using a “real life” relationship for that as well. So, the list is vast. As it probably is with all writers.
Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?
The path and the energy plant I describe in Roman – Demon Rising is real. That plant is not abandoned and nothing bad happened there, but that was the catalyst that started me writing the story. I often took the very wooded path to the river (actually the river’s backwater) and stared across the water at the creepy dark towers. It always seemed so haunted. Like so much of my work, I start it and then I set it aside. So rarely do I get something done in one felled swoop. I honestly don’t remember when I put the first words of this one on the blank screen. But it was a long time ago.
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She laughed bitterly. “Yeah, but what you’re seeing outside is? I’m telling you the truth.”
“Okay, you have a point, but what it seems to me you’re telling me is some made up concoction that covers upthe truth.” Her eyes narrow in anger. “But, let’s say I believe you. What does he have to do with this? What is this ‘passing on of the talent’ shit and that… that ring have to do with all of this?” They were interrupted again with a loud crashing sound. It was still outside but it was clear what they were trying to do. “Look, Cathy, kudos to your circle and all but I would feel a lot better if we were able to get away altogether from those… whatever they are out there. Somehow, we need to get back to my car. Any ideas?”
She glared at him, obviously hurt by, first, him not going all jelly and drama with her story and, then, with his distrust in her hastily poured salt circle. Then something clicked behind those big brown doe-like eyes. “Actually, there’s a tunnel. It goes back…” She seemed to stop to think. “Oh. To the park. It goes to the park. Well, I mean, it goes to the sewer system and you can get to the park by it.”
Micah did laugh this time. “A tunnel? For real? Dark and dank, just like in all those slasher movies? Man, I did not see that coming. Although I admit, I should have.” He laughed again.
“It’ll all make sense, I promise. There’s so much more to tell you.”
“Oh, believe me, none of this is ever going to make any sense. But don’t worry. I’ll still listen to your story as soon as we get away from here. I suppose the entrance to this tunnel is in the basement?” She sighed, then nodded. “Perfect. Just fucking perfect.” He rose to his feet just as the shuffling noises increased, this time the sounds of crackling wood joined in. He found himself questioning the intelligence of these demons. Wouldn’t it be far easier to come through a window instead of a wall? “Lead away.”
It was an old house. Old houses had scary, smelly basements. The stairs were always narrow and creaky and there was ever only that one naked light bulb hung on a thin wire that once you pulled on the chain to turn it on, it pushed out only enough light to define the deep shadows, not chase them away. It would also swing on that thin wire making those deep shadows move with a life of their own. Common sense told you it was nothing, your fiercely beating heart told you it was every ghost and goblin from your childhood come to steal your soul.
Cathy had grabbed a flashlight, an indication the basement itself was going to be their first challenge, and when they reached the bottom of the stairs, she turned it on. The shadows scattered like leaves before a storm. It felt almost powerful; like it released some kind of energy with its beam. He shook his head. The only powerful thing in this basement right now was his imagination. He stuck close behind Cathy as she moved haltingly toward a far wall. Micah gazed up at that wall trying to see a door or an opening, but he saw nothing. Possibly the tunnel was hidden and would only open to those who knew which brick to push. Maybe the wall itself was an illusion. You simply walked right through. Perhaps that wall was not where she was going.
It might even be she brought me down here to murder me and eat my beating heart.
Crap. Get a hold of yourself, you idiot.
She stopped in the middle of the floor and swung the light around as if looking for something.
Are you kidding me?
“You… you do know where this tunnel is, don’t you?”
“Well, not really. I’ve never used it. I only know it exists.” She swung the light back fast, again making the shadows dance. Micah had a feeling the shadows did not like to dance.
“Give me that thing.” He grabbed the flashlight from her and stepped in front, moving the beam of light slowly this time along the walls. There. Right there. Micah spotted an indent in the wall. He walked quickly over to it, trying hard to ignore the fact that several small, and maybe some not so small, animals skittered across the floor at his approach, the light and his eye just catching the movement, not the actual sight of any of them.
Oh man. This was sooo not good.
But the light did illuminate that indent in the wall and, hallelujah, yes indeed, this was a door. He handed the flashlight to Cathy and reached out to the recessed handle, sticking his hand into the ugly hole, feeling ancient spider webs bar his way. He swallowed hard but pushed through, grabbing the cold metal of the handle and twisted it. It screamed, metal against metal, but it turned, and he felt it release the door as the plunger inched back. Keeping a hold on the handle he pulled, but the door didn’t move. “Shit.” He knew on some level that was what would happen. He absolutely knew the door would be stuck and they would be trapped down here, like rats. The flesh-hungry zombies, dressed like school children, would lumber down the stairs and…
Just as he was about to finish that gruesome and bloody fantasy in his head, there was a crash upstairs.
Demons were in the house.

So I write for those people who, at least occasionally, feel the same way. I’m okay with the fact I will probably never write anything “important” but I guess I will have to see where my imagination takes me. I would love it if you would come along.
Author Website: https://www.hurricosmo.com
Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/hurri.cosmo
Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/OfficialHurriCosmo/
Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/HurriCosmo
Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6466687.Hurri_Cosmo
Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/hurri-cosmo/
Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hurri-Cosmo/e/B00IZNFSXS</a

Sounds interesting. Congrats on the release!