Monthly Guest Post—Andrew Q. Gordon—You Got a Lot of Stuff.

One of the great things about being a parent (and there are a LOT, so this is just one of many) is I get to enjoy kid stuff all over again. Sure I could go see PG movies without a child – creepy as I would look – or I could wait for DVDs, but really, if I don’t go to the movies, I’m not going to get the DVD.

Same thing with toys, and books, and cartoons. All the things I loved as a kid are outdated, but there is a whole new crop of kids’ stuff that I get to enjoy with my daughter.

Lately, the it thing is the movie Cars (1, 2 & 3). The first one came out in 2006 – well, well beyond my childhood days and well into creepy old guy in the movie alert. I never saw it, despite the reviews. ‘lil q discovered it on Disney+ and has binge watched the movies over and over.

One of the best parts is after Lightning McQueen does something super selfless because it reminded him of something his mentor Doc Hudson, a.k.a the Hudson Hornet, needed someone to do for him and no one did. It cost McQueen something enormous. Even the person he helped asked him why would he give it up to help. When he finished, he rolled up to Doc who said, “You got a lot of stuff, kid.” It’s really pretty great stuff.

Why am I on about Lightning McQueen and the Hudson Hornet in a MM Romance post? Because there are a whole lot of authors I know who have “a lot of stuff.” I won’t name names because I’d leave people out, but now more than even, authors are coming together to help each other. Helping when they’re already underwater themselves. Helping when it means putting something they need to do on hold.

It’s a community worth being a part of.

In other, more author centric news, I’ve re-released two more books since my last post. The Eye and the Arm and A Mother’s Love (A Champion of the Gods Prequel) are available for sale and on Kindle Unlimited.

Also, The Eye and the Arm has been re-released in audio book. (It was unavailable while the rights were transferred to me. It is not a new version.)

Perhaps most exciting for me, Purpose is finally being made into an audio book. The voice actor, Shea Taylor, was recommended by one of those authors with a lot of stuff, Eden Winters, and he is being the book next week. Totally stoked for this. Or as Lightning McQueen would say, Ka chow!

If you’re interest in any of the books mentioned above, here are some links:

The Last Grand Master

The Eye and the Arm

The Eye and the Arm – audio

Purpose (eBook only for now)

A Mother’s Love  

~Enjoy the journey.

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Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write.

Since devouring The Lord of the Rings as a preteen, he has been a fan of all things fantastical. His imagination has helped him create works of high fantasy, paranormal thrills and touch of the futuristic. He also writes the occasional contemporary story.

He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his husband of twenty-four years. Together they are raising their daughter and three dogs. Andrew tries to squeeze writing time in around his most important jobs, being husband and ‘Papa.’ Along with teaching how to kick a soccer ball or ride a scooter, he has become fluent in cartoon characters and children’s books. To find out more about Andrew, his writing and his family, follow him on his website or on Facebook.

You can also sign up for his monthly newsletter and get an exclusive short story only available to subscribers. Use the link below to join:

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Twitter: @andrewqgordon




The Last Grand Master: (Champion of the Gods–Book 1)

The Eye and the Arm: (Champion of the Gods–Book 2)

March 15, 2020: Kings of Lore and Legend: (Champion of the Gods–Book 3)

April 15, 2020: Child of Night and Day (Champion of the Gods—Book: 4)

May 15, 2020: When Heroes Fall (Champion of the GodsBook 5)

2 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Just think! When you become a grandparent it happens all over again!

    1. andrewqgordon
      andrewqgordon at |

      I am going to look forward to it. 🙂


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