Burnout is real, and I just recently experienced it. I had trained myself into believing that I needed go sign up for every release party I was asked to be a part of. I’d jump at the chance to do PW newsletter magnets and multi-author series releases. I’d instantly start on a new book as soon as I sent one to an editor. And while I’m forever grateful these amazing authors want me to be a part of these things, I got exhausted and I was having a hard time formulating words, so my work was suffering. I’d finally hit a wall and was experiencing burn out.
If I didn’t set a schedule and adhere to it, I’d feel guilty. I’d force myself to make words even if they weren’t there, and all I was doing was making things worse for myself. I found myself talking to a trusted friend, and she encouraged me to just take a some time off and rest my mind. But could I bring myself to do it? I wasn’t so sure. The guilt was too big, because I kept telling myself if I didn’t write, then I wouldn’t produce a book, and all I’d do was prove the naysayers wrong.
But it got it a point where I had to stay away from my document. I had to give myself permission to slow down without guilt. The book would still be there when I felt ready. And I’m being more selective with what I sign up for and allowing myself to say no more often. The bottom line is, it’s okay to take care of you self first.
So, if you find yourself on the cusp of burn out, give yourself permission to take a break. Your readers will understand
Self-care is the most important thing you can do. Besides, waiting for a new book is pretty darned exciting, and those of us who are a part of your world will eagerly await your words with breathless antic……………..pation!
thank you so much for your kind words
Burnout happens in many jobs, I had to walk away from the Mediumship I spent so many years developing, I had pushed myself beyond normal limits proving to others I could be the best at what I had chosen as my career. I was doing just that, until my brain said no more. I had a bad day with people and threw my hands up in the air at the end of 2019 and said no more. I walked away two weeks ago to give my brain a rest, maybe this year later much later I will go back, but not right now. All people who love you will consider this your finer time in life as an author, knowing when to walk away and look after yourself and readers and fans will wait for you.