A warm welcome to author Kim Fielding joining us today to talk about new release Love Has No Direction ( A Love Can’t Novel).
Welcome Kim
Hi! Kim Fielding here to celebrate the release of Love Has No Direction, my 26th novel!
When I was in first grade, my family lived in suburban Chicago. A large soybean field lay between my house and my grade school, which meant we had to walk all around the field’s perimeter to get to and from school. Rumor had it that if the farmer caught you cutting through his field, he’d shoot you dead. One early spring afternoon I opted to take my chances and cut through the field. I don’t remember why—I’d like to think I was daring, but I probably just felt extra lazy. Nobody shot me. However, if you know anything about farming in the Midwest, you’ll be unsurprised to learn that the as-yet-unplanted ground was muddy. Epically muddy. Stubbornly or stupidly, I slogged on until I found myself nearly mired in the middle of the field.
Now, that wasn’t the only bad decision I’ve ever made, and it wasn’t the worst. But it provides a handy metaphor for bad decisions in general. Sometimes we make a choice—misjudging the likely outcomes or not considering the repercussions—and then find ourselves stuck. There we are in the middle of that damned field, where all the people who made better choices can see us and laugh, and where going back just isn’t an option. We have no choice but to move forward and deal with the ugly consequences.
Of course, not all bad decisions lead to disaster. Sometimes we luck out and nothing awful happens (some of my teenage exploits come to mind here). Sometimes the consequences are only a little bit bad, like when I opted to skip a fair number of my 8 a.m. university biology lectures and ended up with a C in the class. And sometimes even good things can follow from bad decisions, at least in the long run.
But sometimes bad decisions lead to utter disaster: the Titanic sinks, the Hindenburg bursts into flames, the Donner Party ends up with an alternative diet. Not all the disasters are on such a big scale—some are merely personal—but that doesn’t mean they don’t hurt. As a university professor, I’ve witnessed the outcome of many a bad decision, and it’s never pretty: tears, expulsions, unwanted career changes, and in the case of two of my students, jail.
If we’re lucky, we can recover from these disasters and move on with our lives. Maybe we’ve learned a lesson; I know I never cut through that field again. But even if we recover, bad decisions can haunt us. While I have no recollection of how I got out of that field, I can remember with chilling clarity the “Oh shit!” feeling I had when I realized I was stuck.
In my new book, the two main characters have both made some very bad decisions. In Wes’s case, one spectacular failure still affects him a decade later. For Parker, a whole series of smaller bad decisions have led to calamity. Let’s see if they can dig themselves out, maybe with a little help from each other.
Have you ever made a really bad decision? Please share!
A Love Can’t Novel
Yet another series of poor decisions lands Parker Levin back in his mother’s house, working at her coffee shop, and feeling like a failure. Then he learns his ex-boyfriend has died by suicide and things go from bad to worse. When he meets a handsome stranger, he doesn’t have much left to lose.
Ten years ago Wesley Anker made a grave mistake. Since then he’s lived in near isolation, supporting himself by making custom furniture and only rarely connecting with other people. When he attempts to make amends, he encounters Parker, a beautiful and colorful young man, and he agrees to Parker’s impulsive request to join him.
Together, Parker and Wes find quick friendship and fierce attraction. But Wes’s past demons haunt his footsteps, and Parker’s struggle to plan a future has him stumbling through life. Then they uncover evidence that suggests Parker’s ex’s death might not have been a straightforward suicide, and every path seems to lead to dead ends and destruction. Can Parker and Wes find their way to lasting love when the route is hidden?
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Kim Fielding is the bestselling, award-winning author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.
Having migrated back and forth across the western two-thirds of the United States, Kim calls California home. She lives there with her family and her day job as a university professor, but escapes as often as possible via car, train, plane, or boat. This may explain why her characters often seem to be in transit as well. She dreams of traveling and writing full-time.
Follow Kim:
Website: http://www.kfieldingwrites.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/KFieldingWrites
Instagram: @KFieldingWrites
Twitter: @KFieldingWrites
Email: Kim@KFieldingWrites.com
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bau3S9
Thank you for letting me visit!