Hi all!
Happy New Year to you
I have the December winners for you!
BN who won an ecopy of Faux Ho Ho donated by
Sherri who won a $10 amazon gc donated by Angelo Diaz
Trix who won an ecopy of “On the Same Page” by K.C. Wells & Parker Williams
Jen who won a DSP backlist ecopy by Ariel Tachna
Shannon who won a DSP backlist ecopy by Deanna Wadsworth and/or Hank Edwards
H.B who won a DSP backlist ecopy by Andrew Grey
James who won a $25 amazon gc donated by Rebecca James
Jodi who won the giveaway by Z. Allora
Debra who won a backlist title by Helena Stone
Diane who won the giveaway by Sandine Thomas
Sherri who won an ecopy of “The Endowment” by Meraki P. Dark
Jennifer S & H.B who won the giveaway offered by A.F Henley
Jo who won a $25 amazon gc donated by Rebecca James
And a big congrats to all the winners who won in various blog tours we participated in!
Also I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone again for visiting Love Bytes!
Readers. Authors, Promotors, our reviewers and whomever more
A huge Thank you and welcome to all our advertisers in the new year
The response has been incredable so Thank you!
There are only occasional spots left (mainly the extra spots) , so feel free to contact me if you would like to advertise some of your work in 2020, on owner@lovebytesreviews.com
The info and prizes are on the homepage under “Advertise”.
Hugs Dani