Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2020!
It was definitely a full and busy year for Love Bytes.
This last year we had:
- 2.4k posts
- 66k visitors
- And for those in to word count: 2,446,232 words
And in Dec 2019, we had our 15,000th post for the site since we started!
I am thankful for the incredible effort my team of reviewers put into their reviews and everything else in 2019.
Without any of them there wouldn’t be a Love Bytes.
So Thank you to Donna, Daniel, Kat, Jen B, Jess, Taylin, Becca, Annika, Cindy, Lisa, Jay, Roberta, Kimberley, and Cheryl.
And the new reviewers who joined in 2019….Sadonna, Anna Lynn and Anabele. We will also have our latest new edition, Valerie, who will be joining us in 2020.
A special Thank you to two of my core reviewers who had to leave. They will be missed and will always be welcome back at Love Bytes.
Chris and Tori(Vicky) Thank you!!
We at Love Bytes are looking forward to another year of new and old books and their reviews, guestposts, interviews, author posts, games, polls and celebrations.
We hope to see all of you, readers, authors, promoters, guests and everyone willing, back in 2020!
love Dani x
Happy New Year! Hope this year will be even better!
So to contribute to this amazing site. I appreciate the reviewers and the hard work they do. And, I thank you, Dani, for the amazing gift this blog is to those of who write, read and love LBGQT stories. Happy New Year to you and your staff! CJ Baty
Congratulations and more in 2020!

Happy new year!