Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: Secret Men
SERIES: Hunt&Cam4Ever
LENGTH: 348 pages
RELEASE DATE: December 28, 2018
Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead … Powerful men determined to keep their secrets. Detective Lieutenant Hunter Dane, determined to know it all.
“The farmhouse has been sealed up since the last murder. Almost twenty years. Doors and windows intact. No sign of entry, forced or otherwise,” Hunter said.
“But we’re searching it, anyway?” Merisi peered across the dying orchard at the two-story, clapboard structure.
“You ain’t gonna find it.”
Merisi whirled around. In the railroad ditch, a boy on a bicycle eyed him boldly. His Black Ops 4 cap came down to his ears. He looked about ten years old.
“You don’t think so?” Merisi jumped down beside the boy and held out his hand. “Detective Mike Merisi.”
The boy took his hand. “I’m Bernard.”
“Why won’t we find him?”
“They live in mirrors. We can’t get in, but they get out.”
“They?” Merisi asked.
Book 6 of the Hunt&Cam4Ever series. Cam’s moved up the hall to his new office and new career. Hunt and his team struggle with two cases at once, chasing one suspect cloaked in wealth, and another in superstition.
But Hunter is never without support:
Hunt walked straight into his office where he slumped back on the edge of his desk.
Cam followed. He shut the door before he kicked Hunt’s feet apart and moved in between his legs. Strong arms went around Hunt’s shoulders.
“We’re at work,” Hunter said, but he didn’t pull away.
“You’re at work. I’m visiting.” Cam rubbed his cheek against Hunter’s ear.
Hunt’s arms went around Cam’s waist. “I’m still at work.”
“You’re on a break.” Cam’s arms tightened and Hunter’s head dropped to his shoulder with a deep sigh.
After a minute, Hunt stood, hugged Cam tightly and pushed him firmly away. “You suck at being a good influence.”
Cam grinned. “You’re welcome.”
The HUNT&CAM4EVER series follows Hunter Dane through his murder investigations and his continuing relationship with Camden Snow. A frank exploration of the D/s dynamic between two powerful men. Consensual. Adult. Intense.
Note: This is the 5th story in this series. It is recommended that these books be read in order to understand the relationship between Hunt and Cam and the history that they share.
One of the things I absolutely love about this series is the way the author provides us with multiple points of view – including sometimes those of the murder and the murder victims. In this case, it’s particularly effective. Once again the book starts off with a bang – in every sense of the word. The victims in this case lead to more unsolved murders in the same venue. Are these murders connected by more than location? It doesn’t appear that anyone has been near the abandoned scene of the crime – an old house in an abandoned orchard – for some time. It’s been locked up tight. There certainly doesn’t appear to be any connection between the current victims and the previous victims. There no physical evidence that connects them – it’s just the location and that seems like a coincidence. But is it?
As the case moves forward, the owner of the location is involved in ways that threaten her sanity. Hunt does his best to keep her pain to a minimum but he does need her help. His team is once again firing on all cylinders with Twee and Merisi leading the way. I have to say, I’m just a huge fan of everyone on this team. They are tough and tenacious and smart and observant and clever and all the things you would hope from experienced investigators at the top of their game led by one of the best. Cam, as usual, is thorough in his role too. But it’s time for him to move on to other things. And it’s good to see old friends stepping in The conclusion of the mystery is a bit unexpected and while maybe unsatisfying in some ways, was actually the most viable in this case. Truthfully in life, not everything gets tied up neatly with a bow on top.
Originally, it seemed like this was going to be the last of the Hunt and Cam mysteries. Since I was late to the party, another book had already been written, so thankfully, I didn’t read this with the feeling that this was the end as maybe some readers did who read it when it initially was published. I’m soooo glad there is another book. Jen reviewed it last month when it came out and it is a fantastic send off to our boys, if indeed it is the last one. This story took Hunt and Cam to another level personally. Their life together and what they continue to build is still fascinating and hot and compelling. The way they work, play and love together is just really solid in this story – which sets up Book #6. These men know who they are – separately, and now together. They are totally committed and it’s been amazing and beautiful to watch them get to this place. Once again, I’m still completely obsessed with this couple and I sincerely hope that Ms. August will let us look in on them from time to time in the future. Series HIGHLY recommended and is one of my absolute favorites of this year.
Thank you, Sadonna, for another lovely, beautifully-written review. Everything in my books—people, places and murders—is on based on real cases and my own experiences.
This case probably follows reality most closely, as I used the actual dimensions of things and events at the end. You said: “The conclusion of the mystery is a bit unexpected and while maybe unsatisfying in some ways, was actually the most viable in this case.”
I thought this was such an astute thing to say, because in this case, it’s what happened in real life, as well. Anyway, I’m so glad you like my boys as I call them, because I love them, too.
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