Thank you, Dani for hosting the cover reveal for the final novella in the Mitch & Cian series. I’m so excited to share it with you and your readers. When I released A Miracle in the Library twelve months ago, I had no idea it would be the start of a year long journey during which I would follow these two lads as they took their first, tentative, steps towards love, but I’m delighted that’s how it worked out. And I have to admit I’m going to miss them now we’ve reached the end.
So, without further ado, here’s what The Rest of Our Lives looks like:
Mitch & Cian #5
Release Date: December 27
Buy Links coming!
Amazon US | Amazon UK
Also available to read in Kindle Unlimited
A year after their first kiss, Mitch and Cian have settled into their relationship and life in Dublin. There’ve been ups and downs and one or two unexpected turns in the road, but through it all they’ve gone from strength to strength.
Going home to Castleforest for Christmas means having to stay with their own families. Neither Mitch nor Cian enjoys being apart, but the sting of separation fades in the wake of a surprise from Mitch’s mother, and reconnecting with old and very dear friends lifts their spirits further.
Back in the city for New Year’s Eve, they throw a party for their friends and at last acknowledge the depth of their feelings for each other and the ties that will bind them for the rest of their lives.
This last instalment in the Mitch & Cian series comes with delightful surprises, fabulous parties, and declarations that will make your heart sing.
“Will you look at that!” Mitch’s exclamation pulled Cian out of his memories. He blinked when he saw what had caused Mitch’s surprise. What had been an old and decrepit building a year ago, now looked fresh and restored to its former glory. He stopped walking because he needed a moment to take it all in.
“It’s like a different building.” Mitch stood next to Cian, eyeing the wide-open front door. “I’d forgotten they were going to work on it.”
“You knew? Why is this the first I hear about it?”
“I met one of the builders here, just before they started the work, last summer,” Mitch explained. “He told me they were refurbishing it to create the new…” He gazed at Cian, his eyes shining. “The new library.”
“You don’t think…?” Cian couldn’t make himself finish the sentence.
“I don’t know.” Obviously, Mitch had no problem interpreting Cian’s unfinished question. “Only one way to find out. Let’s go in and have a look.”
They speed-walked the remaining distance, only to come to an abrupt halt when they arrived.
“Mmmmm.” Cian pointed at the notice board beside the entrance, which stated in no uncertain terms that the building wasn’t open to the public.
“Ignore it,” Mitch said. “Who’s going to know? I just want to see what it looks like inside. Come on. Where’s your sense of adventure?” He nudged Cian with his shoulder.
“Who are you and what have you done with my Mitch?” Cian didn’t realize what he’d just said until he noticed Mitch’s raised eyebrows. Cian hadn’t meant to use the word “my,”but he wasn’t about to retract it either.
Mitch shook his head as if he’d also decided not to push that slip of the tongue. “Come on. You know you want to.”
Cian rolled his eyes in mock despair before grinning. “Okay, then. Lead the way.”
A buzz of excitement erupted in Cian’s belly as they rushed for the door. A sudden attack of second thoughts and nerves made him slow down before he crossed the threshold. Can’t back out now. Not that he seriously wanted to. He shared Mitch’s curiosity about what had been done to the building they both had fond memories of.
They slowly entered what appeared to be a fully renovated center. Gone was the musty smell, and what had been drab walls were now clean and white. A year earlier, the library had been located in one room, but through the open doors opposite each other on both sides of the hallway, Cian saw that now it took up at least two rooms. When Mitch turned to the old library where they’d met a year ago, Cian followed him.
“Wow.” Mitch’s awed exclamation matched Cian’s feelings perfectly.
“Can I help you, gentlemen.” The kind voice, laced with humor almost made Cian jump out of his skin. He spun around in the direction of the sound.
“Mr. Nichols!” Mitch said at the same time.
The Mitch & Cian Series so far
Universal Buy links:
A Miracle in the Library:
Lessons in Love:
Pride of Place:
Ukuleles & Scrums:
Helena Stone can’t remember a life before words and reading. After growing up in a household where no holiday or festivity was complete without at least one new book, it’s hardly surprising she now owns more books than shelf space while her Kindle is about to explode.
The urge to write came as a surprise. The realisation that people might enjoy her words was a shock to say the least. Now that the writing bug has well and truly taken hold, Helena can no longer imagine not sharing the characters in her head and heart with the rest of the world.
Having left the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam for the peace and quiet of the Irish Country side she divides her time between reading, writing, long and often wet walks with the dog, her part-time job in a library, a grown-up daughter and her ever loving and patient husband.
Helena Stone can be found hanging out in the following places:
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I would love to hear what you are looking forward to in the New Year. Please let me know in the comments for a chance to pick a title from my backlist.
I am looking forward to spending more quality time with my family and friends… Work always seems to keep me away from those I love, and I really think I need to spend more time with them
Congratulations on the cover. It is great!
we are looking forward to planning my daughters sweet 16 party…she turns 16 in june and my son graduating 5th grade
I am looking forward to becoming a grandmother for the second time and a cruise as well.
I am looking forward to better health.
I’m looking forward to spending more time with my family.
More books, including this one!