Review by Sadonna
TITLE: Love in 24 Frames
SERIES: 2019 Advent Calendar – Homemade for the Holidays
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
LENGTH: 45 pages
RELEASE DATE: December 1, 2019
Declan Groves is a CPA in New York City. His adult life is dictated by routine and borderline monotony. The need to express himself, in ways his career and crippling shyness have never allowed, leads Declan to becoming an amateur stop-motion filmmaker.
The one problem is that Declan is also in love with the Wandering Artist Studios receptionist Shota Watanabe. Shota has always had a smile and engaging comment ready for Declan, but even if it is more than casual politeness, Declan hasn’t been able to get out more than a tongue-tied sentence at a time. And a man like Shota surely has no intention of waiting forever.
So when an unexpected change to Declan’s daily schedule throws the two together outside of the studio, it might be the catalyst needed to explore what’s unspoken between them. But if they’re to have a future, Declan needs to find a way to tell Shota how he truly feels.
A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2019 Advent Calendar “Homemade for the Holidays.”
Declan escapes from his job and his shyness by creating stop-motion films in the evenings. He’s rented studio space because he needs more room than he’s got in his apartment. It’s a perfect place for him – except for his shyness and socially awkward interaction with Shota Watanabe, the evening receptionist at the studio. Declan’s studio mate, Noah, has noticed his infatuation and calls him on it.
Outside of the studio, Declan’s life is fairly regimented. When he has to deviate from his normal lunchtime routine, he runs into Shota in a totally different environment. He’s surprised, but he doesn’t seem to be quite as nervous and is eventually able to something resembling a conversation He learns more about Shota and Shota learns more about Declan too. Delcan decides to stray from his comfort zone and he actually offers more to Shota – but there might be consequences to this new twist.
Oh this was so sweet! I really liked Declan – he of the socially awkward and shy demeanor hiding still waters running deep. His art really does speak for him Shota is a guy who is just working away, trying to make ends meet, subtly interested in the mysterious Mr. Groves. Noah makes a suitable foil in the plot. I really liked how Declan grew into his own as the story goes on once he’s gotten past the first conversation. Shota, for his part, is such a humble and accepting guy who is at first startled by Declan’s interest and generosity. Declan really finds his feet protecting Shota. Lovely story with a satisfying ending
Looking forward to this one, do enjoy CS Poe’s writing
I think I’ll enjoy this one!
Sounds like another cute story!
Shy guys are so my thing! Sounds really nice