Autumn Leaves, Cooler Weather, Spooky Haunts and NANO WRIMO?

Those are all things we associate with October in one form or another. It’s the time of year when every station on the tv is playing horror movies on repeat. Even the kids channels, have the 31 days of scary movies. Personally, this is the time of year I like to be outside. Jeans, sweaters, and sweat shirts are my comfy place. We can set a fire in the firepit and not sweat when it’s blazing. Bundle up and sit out under the stars and dream, that’s me.

It’s also when I start thinking about my NANO project for this year. What’s NANO you ask? November is National Novel Writing Month. Thousands of people join together all across the world. They each have a goal to write 50,000 words in a month. I’ve been doing NANO for about four years now. In fact, two of the Pinkerton Man books were started during NANO. Do I always get 50,000 words? No. But, it’s the other things I get from the group that keeps me coming back.

So have you, as a reader, ever wanted to try to write?

My advice to you… give it a try. Even if you don’t write 50,000 words, the other benefits will stick with you. A group of like minded individuals who encourage and applaud your efforts. More knowledge of what your favorite author goes through to write that book that you love. I was already a published author when I found NANO, but it has brought me a group of people to be accountable to in my writing. My local group meets at least once a week during the whole year, NOT just November. We’ve become friends with a common goal. I’ve seen some of them become published authors on their own. Watched them as they stepped into the Indy Author world and put out those books. I’m even traveling to book signings with one of the ladies I met there.

This year for NANO, I’ve got a couple of stories that I need to work on. My present series in process, is a new stretch for me. Paranormal. Yes, it’s still MM but there’s a ghost theme running through the series. There’s also a historical touch to it. I’m also submitting a story for an anthology for the Authors and Dancers Against Cancer Event later in 2020. The theme is dancing and/or cancer. It’s exciting to be a part of that. And last but surely not least, the next Pinkerton Man story is being plotted.

So look NANO WRIMO up on line, find a group, join in the fun, write a novel and walk in the shoes of those authors you love to read. I’ll post the link below.

Enjoy the cooler weather and the leaves changing color. Sit by a firepit with someone and dream while looking at the stars. And join us in November for NANO.

Love that Binds us All

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