7 Responses

  1. J.P. Bowie
    J.P. Bowie at |

    Readers comments are one thing, review sites are another. I too believe everyone is entitled to their opinions, however I do feel badly for authors who get one or two star reviews on review sites. It is my personal opinion that it would be kinder if the site did not publish those reviews. That might sound like I’m a bit of a softie, but authors have feelings too, and how devastating must it be to have your work relegated to the lowest rating possible. Just my opinion for what it’s worth.

  2. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    You can say you didn’t like the book without being mean and nasty. Say why or what you didn’t like about the book but there is no reason to be mean about it.

  3. jsidelinger
    jsidelinger at |

    You are right that everyone is entitled to their likes/dislikes and may state their opinion. I find it annoying as a reader when a review doesn’t have any rationale to support the criticism or praise. I also find Goodread reviews annoying when it’s used as a platform to entertain others with the reviewer’s supposed cleverness in choosing gifs rather than any meaningful and constructive criticism. Personal attacks have no place in reviews.

  4. J.P. Bowie
    J.P. Bowie at |

    Does anyone remember the uproar over Black Balled on Goodreads. I mean literally near every review tore it to bits. I read it and thought it was hilarious. Bad reviews boosting sales – who’d have thunk? LOL

  5. Sandy
    Sandy at |

    I stopped reading reviews on GR a long time ago (I only use the site now for managing my books,) If I want to know about a book before I buy it, I go to blogs I trust. Or, most of the time, I get recs from authors I trust. Why would I want to read a “review” that consists of a bunch of irrelevant pictures with some (frequently) poorly written opinions stuck In between?


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