A warm welcome to author J.P Barnaby joining us today to talk about her new release “A Pocketful of Stardust” , co authored with Rowan Speedwell.
Welcome J.P
My Greatest Fear
What scares you the most? What one thing in life do you dread with all the bile in your stomach that roils when you think about it? For me, that thing is losing my mom. In our new book, A Pocketful of Stardust, Noah loses his father and inherits a failing bookstore. It got me to thinking about how a lot of us who are starting to enter our bronze years (not yet silver, not yet golden) are starting to face our parents’ mortality. My best friend from high school and a few of my author friends have lost both of their parents. In fact, my writing partner on this book recently lost her mother. It’s something I can’t stand thinking about because my mom is my biggest cheerleader. She may not be able to read what I write, but she stands behind me 110% when I publish. She welcomes my husband and my friends into our family with open arms. She is my sounding board when I want to try something new.
It’s funny, my mom tells me that she didn’t want kids when she was young. I was a “happy accident”. (To my sister’s enjoyment, she was “planned”). She didn’t think she’d make a good mother. Now, 46 years later, I can tell you that she didn’t make a good mother. She made an amazing mother. My sister and I weren’t the most angelic children. Both of us were brought home by the police during our youth (me for playing on railroad tracks and my sister for being with a shoplifter – she always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time). We both got pregnant out of wedlock. But she was right there to scold and then love us, being the foundation we needed to succeed.
Now, I’m a USA Today recommended novelist, I’m a software developer, and I’m in grad school. I would have achieved none of these things without the solid footing she gave me. I wouldn’t have had the courage to move to Atlanta and change my life. I wouldn’t have met my husband, and I wouldn’t be the happy person I am in Orlando now.
The worst part about it – there’s no way this fear won’t be realized.
What’s your greatest fear?
Check out A Pocketful of Stardust by JP Barnaby & Rowan Speedwell
Noah Hitchens loves the New York City life he worked hard to build. But when his father dies and leaves him a bankrupt bookstore in their sleepy Georgia hometown, Noah knows he has to save it. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know anything about business. He finds unlikely help in Henry, the man who owned Stardust Books before his 1966 murder, and Kyle St. James, a shy but kind-hearted out-of-towner with a past almost as mysterious as Henry’s.
Kyle came to Aster, Georgia, looking for redemption. On the run and out of hope, he’s just trying to get on with his life. Then he meets Noah, a ghost, and a big sloppy lab named Jake who redefine his idea of living. But his past is closing in, and when it finds him, they could lose everything.
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JP Barnaby is an award-winning contemporary romance and romantic suspense novelist with over a dozen novels. Her heart and soul, the Survivor Series, has been heralded by USA Today as one of their favorites. She recently moved from Chicago to Atlanta to appease her Camaro (Jake) who didn’t like the blustery winters. JP specializes in recovery romance but slips in a few erotic or comedic stories to spice things up. When she’s not working on her latest novel, she binge watches superheroes and crime dramas on Netflix with her husband and Jack Russell Terror, Chase.
Sign up for her newsletter and try a free story: https://bit.ly/2xSB8kE
Come hang out in her Facebook Group – Between the Covers with JP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2228150134074004/
Rowan Speedwell is a cynic who believes in romance, an obsessive compulsive who lives in chaos, and an introvert who loves to start conversations with strangers.
While not plotting either a novel or world domination (which will never happen because she’s far too lazy, but the world would be run so much better if she was in charge), she can be found reading, watching superhero movies, reading, and trying to avoid being bitten by her cat, Psycho. (Just kidding—her cat’s name is Pandora. Not kidding about the biting, though.) And reading. She loves history but hates historical novels, because people never get them right. Her other hobby is buying craft supplies. Not doing crafts, just buying the supplies.
Her favorite activity is untangling yarn snarls.
She has a website, www.rowanspeedwell.com, but is terrible about keeping it updated.