Reviewed by Annika
TITLE: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel
SERIES: Nutty Romances #2
AUTHOR: Kate Lowell
PUBLISHER: Self-Published
RELEASE DATE: May 29, 2019
LENGTH: 3 hours, 3 minutes
Nathan’s met Vince’s family, but Vince hasn’t met Nathan’s, and Nathan would like to keep it that way. Holy smoked almonds, what else do you do when you know how completely nuts your relatives are?
Why, you ease your man into it, by introducing him to normal shifters. Assuming you can find any.
But with a gossipy werehummingbird spreading the news and a pair of young red pandas wreaking havoc with their fainting goat friends, Nathan’s about ready to climb into a pine cone and pull it in after him.
Then the local playboy weremoose hears about Vince, and Nathan has to find his inner alpha or the consequences will be worse than moldy hazelnuts.
Omg, if the previous book was funny, the opening of this one beat it by miles! Fortunately for me I’m currently the only one on my floor at work, so there was no one around to hear me snort and I dare say – giggle.
You know, for being a squirrel Nathan is surprisingly clumsy. Squirrels are normally very graceful creatures – I daily marvel at the one visiting every morning for – you guessed it – sunflower seeds. Hanging upside down by its hind legs, peeling seeds and eating – it never fails to impress me. Nathan on the other hand is constantly falling and flailing. It’s hilarious. Just like the first book this was fun and sweet, there’s no seriousness near it. I mean come on, a weremoose and a weresquirrel fighting each other for the top dog position should tell you all you need to know – and no I won’t tell you who won that fight, but it was soo much fun. So yeah the story might be ridiculous, sometimes that’s just what you need to brighten your day and make your life happier.
Once again I marvel just a bit about John Solo’s ability to impersonate a squirrel. And do it credibly. He just gests these characters and brings them to life like no one else could. I do think he has a were squirrel or two in his life to be able to so accurately nail his performance of one.
This is such a great series!
It really is. It’s OTT but brilliant!