23 Responses

  1. kp
    kp at |

    Sending hugs and positive thoughts!

  2. Christi Az
    Christi Az at |

    I don’t know what to say and not sound corny or placating. Any disease is bad but the ones where your own body attacks itself are among the worse (I had a brief experience with an auto-immune disease but it went away on itself as quick as it appeared).

    What I’ll say is this be strong ALWAYS but be weak as well when you feel like it ‘cos as you said you have support, you have family, you have friends and fans and they’ll raise you up when you feel down.

    Stride towards getting better!!! Wishing you all the best!

  3. James Robert
    James Robert at |

    Hello! Thanks so much for sharing your book with us. Always fun reading about another book to enjoy.

  4. Lori Slone
    Lori Slone at |

    I know you’ve gone through a lot but I am always around if you just need to vent!

  5. Bev T
    Bev T at |

    For anyone who has not read one of ZBs books please do so ASAP. I absolutely love each book she has written. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

  6. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    Sending well wishes and hoping you keep your sense of humor.

  7. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    ZB is a new author for me

  8. Calvin
    Calvin at |

    Sounds like a relevant theme to the book, lol. Brilliant

  9. susana
    susana at |

    thank you for sharing your story with us. I did not know about your illness, but I live with a chronic illness myself, and I know the feeling of having to crawl back in bed because you cannot breath, can hardly open your eyes… Sending hugs and positive vibes your way!

  10. Jennifer Shannon
    Jennifer Shannon at |

    Hugs to you, Zolie!

  11. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    the book sounds like it’s a fun one

  12. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    Thanks for the great post. I hope to read this one soon.

  13. JenCW
    JenCW at |

    Sending hugs and positive thoughts. Hang in there and I hope the doctors can get things under control for you soon.

  14. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’m sorry to hear this and I hope that the doctors can help to get things to a point that you can resume your daily routines. Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

  15. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Oh my! I am so sorry to learn about your illness. I hope your health improves and pain lessens soon.

    I really enjoyed Sex Ed when I read it.

  16. Kelly B
    Kelly B at |

    I’m so sorry to hear this. Chronic illness is so difficult and so often misunderstood. I loved Sex Ed and Jingle Balls!

  17. Jillian Too
    Jillian Too at |

    I’m so sorry for all the medical challenges you are facing. I know people who have been able to move out of the treatment fog. I hope it lessens for you soon.

  18. Celeste Herrin
    Celeste Herrin at |

    Sending you lots of love, well wishes, and prayers to get you through.

  19. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I have your 3 mm books and love each of them.

    Hang in there. Teacher’s never give up and neither do authors. Those characters will get out, one way or another, so be ready! When they come back from the beach you’ll be waiting for them.

    Good luck.

  20. Christina
    Christina at |

    *hugs* Zolie. Just keep being you. New books or not I still love ya.

  21. David M.
    David M. at |

    Thanks for your lovely books!

  22. sam ms
    sam ms at |

    That title is hilarious and a real eye catcher lol. I would love to read.

  23. Jenny Ham
    Jenny Ham at |

    Sorry to hear what you are going through sending prayers from some mysterious healing.. On the book note crash course in Sex Ed too funny may he win Jaxon over.


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