A warm welcome to author Kim Fielding joining us to talk about her new release “Redesigning Landry Bishop”.
Welcome Kim
Hi, Kim Fielding here to celebrate the release of my newest book, Redesigning Landry Bishop. The action in this book takes place in three very different settings: a mansion in Los Angeles, a hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, and a small town in Nebraska.
I’ve visited Vegas several times in the past few years, and I especially like some of the smaller, quirkier attractions, such as the Neon Museum, the Downtown Container Park, and the Zombie Burlesque show. But I have a special place in my heart for Puppetry of the Penis.
What’s that, you ask? It’s a show that consists of two naked guys standing on a stage, making shapes with their genitals. The Snail. The Hamburger. The Loch Ness Monster. They call it genital origami.
Despite the full-frontal nudity, it’s not a raunchy show, or even especially sexy. It’s silly. Funny. When I went, one older lady looked horribly offended the entire time (I wonder what show she thought she’d be seeing?), but everyone else had a wonderful time. The performers allowed the audience to take photos. And when I chatted briefly with them after the show, they seemed like genuinely nice guys.
Because I’m an author, I’ve found myself wondering about these performers. How exactly did they end up with this particular gig? How do they come up with specific, um, shapes? How does their job affect their personal lives? What are their favorite and least favorite things about their jobs. Inquiring minds want to know!
A bonus is that the theater for the penis puppetry show is in the Erotic Heritage Museum. Since this is Vegas, you might assume that the museum is pretty tawdry, but I found the exhibits thoughtful and interesting. I would have liked to spend more time there but couldn’t because the venue closed. My husband and I, unaware it had closed, were (briefly) locked inside a sex museum. So there’s that.
If you find yourself in Vegas, I recommend this show. Tickets are reasonable and the experience is unique! And if you’re a writer, it may just give you some plot ideas.
What’s the most interesting performance you’ve ever attended?
Love never goes out of style.
Landry Bishop fled his tiny hometown and never looked back. Now his expertise in food, fashion, and décor has earned him all of Hollywood’s glittering perks. But with his husband deceased and his personal assistant retired, Landry has nobody to rely on—and no one to help him indulge his secret cravings.
Casual, plainspoken Jordan Stryker seems a dubious choice of a PA for someone as formal and self-controlled as Landry. Jordan’s questionable fashion sense and limited kitchen skills don’t exactly enhance his résumé. But as Landry soon realizes, Jordan has many attractive qualities too.
With a strong pull toward Jordan, new career opportunities on the horizon, and a persistent tug from family back home, Landry is in a quandary. He can advise others on how to make their lives special, but what should he do about his own?
Half an hour later, while Landry was puttering around with an experimental tabbouleh recipe, Jordan and Elaine joined him in the kitchen. “Try this,” he ordered, handing them each a spoonful.
Jordan made approving noises, but Elaine frowned. “That’s not a grain.”
“It’s cauliflower.”
“For the love of God, why?”
“For people who want to eat grain-free.”
“If you don’t want to eat grains, you shouldn’t be eating tabbouleh.” She took Jordan’s spoon along with her own and washed them in the sink.
“I like it,” Jordan announced. “It’s kind of crunchyish.” He seemed sincere.
“Thank you,” Landry said.
“Hey, um, you didn’t really have an important phone call, did you?”
“No. That was Elaine rescuing me.”
“I kinda figured. Except… I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but why did you need rescuing? Those guys were hot. That whole thing was like the opening of a pretty good porno, you know? If they’d been all over me like that, I sure as hell wouldn’t have wanted rescuing.”
Landry pushed aside the interesting information that Jordan was attracted to men. His PA’s sexual orientation was irrelevant. He also pushed aside a stupid and inexplicable jab of jealousy. If Jordan wanted to fantasize about group sex with hunky furniture deliverymen, that was none of Landry’s business. So he focused on the question itself.
“Why do you think those extremely attractive men were so interested in me?”
“Um, because they were throwing themselves all over you.”
“Yes, I suppose they were. But why? Why me?”
“’Cause you’re damned hot too.”
Even as Landry’s face heated at the unexpected compliment, Jordan’s cheeks turned a charming shade of pink. Interesting. Their gazes locked so tightly that Landry wondered if either of them would ever look away. Or if he wanted them to.
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Kim Fielding is the bestselling, award-winning author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.
Having migrated back and forth across the western two-thirds of the United States, Kim calls California home. She lives there with her family and her day job as a university professor, but escapes as often as possible via car, train, plane, or boat. This may explain why her characters often seem to be in transit as well. She dreams of traveling and writing full-time.
Follow Kim:
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Email: Kim@KFieldingWrites.com
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