Reviewed by Becca
AUTHOR: Daniel de Lorne
PUBLISHER: Escape Publishing
LENGTH: 173 pages
RELEASE DATE: May 1, 2019
What happens when a man with his heart in the clouds falls for one whose feet are firmly stuck to the ground?
Pilot Nick Galanos is on a mission to visit the fifty countries his mother couldn’t before she died. But the closer he gets to his goal, the more he worries that he won’t have anything to show for it but stamps in a crowded passport. On a rare visit back home, he meets a hot electrician with a killer set of dimples. Suddenly a future of shared adventures seems possible.
Except for one thing…
Lyall Turner’s big brother died in a plane crash. He’s been afraid of flying most of his life, but there’s no shortage of destinations in Australia that don’t require a boarding pass. But then he meets Nick and suddenly his ‘no biggie’ phobia stands squarely in the way of a beautiful future together. Now he has to decide whether he’s going to let his fear or his heart take the lead.
And will Nick stay grounded while he decides?
If you want an angsty book, that will make you ugly cry, this is the one. The things these characters go through is hell, but it’s also full of Hope, love and family. But it’s not an easy road. Fears and grief cause damage and fights and it’s tough to get past them to get to the love and the relationship.
Before he lost his mom to cancer, they made a list together of places she would love to visit before she turned 50. Unfortunately, the cancer ravaged her body, and she didn’t make it. So as a tribute to her, he decided to spread a bit of her ashes in each place before her 50th birthday. He just returned from trip 48, worn out and on edge, still recovering from getting sick in the jungle, when he sees the most gorgeous electrician working on the lights in his building. Lyall sees Nick and thinks he’s gorgeous, especially when about 15 minutes later, a shower and shaved Nick emerges. While Lyall is working on the lights in Nick’s apartment, they are shooting the breeze. Nick decides to follow his instincts and asks Lyall out on a date. Lyall was going to accept, until he learned what Nick does for a living. Being a pilot, Lyall knows it can never work now. Lyall will never get on a plane. He’s terrified after the plane crash and death of his brother. They try to make things work anyway. Lyall going to get help with his fears and all. But one bad evening with Lyall’s family meeting Nick’s father and an big blow-up ensues. One they may not recover from. And suddenly both of their hopes and dreams are shattered.
Having a fear of height keeps me from flying myself, so to a point i can imagine what Lyall is going through. You’d have to sedate me to get me in a plane. Much like Lyall has had done. And losing his brother that way, just makes everything that might worse. Having Nick as a pilot. It’s hard. The constant worry if there will be pressure. Walking on eggshells all the time, knowing Nick wants to share his travels and not being able to hear for panic attacks. Being scared and worried the whole time Nick would be gone. The list goes on and on. It puts huge pressure on a relationship.
On Nick’s side, he walks on eggshells himself. Wanting to share his life with Lyall and can’t because of his past. With Lyall having a close knit family, he can’t understand why Nick isn’t close to his father. Which adds even more stress because Lyall wants to meet him and it’s pushing Nick too far. Again, huge pressure. Wanting to share the last part of his mom with Lyall is the vulnerable part of Nick as well. No one knows what he’s been doing on all these trips and that he wants to share with Lyall, digs deep when things aren’t going right.
Both of these men have a ton of things to work through. Their fears, their grief, guilt, all that, is keeping them from moving forward in their lives. Honestly, it takes some tough love from a few loved ones to kick their asses in gear. Sometimes that’s what needs to happen. We let it all overcome us so much that we forget the end goal and focus on the bad.
This book is good, but it will make you cry. Just remember there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. . I hope you guys love it.
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