I’m not ashamed to say that I’m not one of those people who can read a book or a series so filled with characters that it makes my head want to explode. This is just me of course. I know loads of people who adore the process, and sometimes it’s pretty hard to avoid, depending on the genre you read. For example, fantasy can often have so many voices in them, it’s necessary for the plot, but for me, can be overwhelming. It doesn’t stop me reading them, all it does is make me focus on the main characters I want to read about and am invested in, and everyone else fades into black. When they come back onto the scene, I’ll probably trawl back and remind myself who they are.
I am a lazy reader. That’s my truth. I think my own writing reflects this, as while I create various characters, I don’t believe I do it to the point you need a chart to understand who is who. (Awesome idea by the way to have this if you are so inclined. It makes a lot of sense.)
I also feel this way about series. Of course if it’s a series about different couples or multiplayer relationships each time, the whole concept of such is introducing new characters. And that’s fine for me, I can deal with it. I can even deal with the other characters in previous books making cameo appearance. I do the same thing in my Men of London series, and the Fetish Alley one.
My brain is wired in a weird way. I’ve had people come up to me at conferences or on Facebook, saying ‘Oh I thought the character of xxxx was just fabulous!” I’ve been known to grunt to myself and think, “Who the hell is xxx? I don’t remember them.” Then I have to sneakily pry the details out of the person mentioning it and pop back to my story to familiarise myself with the character I wrote. You’d be surprised how often I encounter this. So I shouldn’t be surprised therefore that I can’t deal with a multitude of characters in reading. I’m not fond of crowds.
(This, by the way, is what the British beaches look like at the first of hint of sunshine. Everyone flocks to the bach then we have the ‘Sunbirn Brigade’ announcing their way. It’s a great British institution )
I’m sure there are others out there like me (at least I hope so or I’m woefully forgetful and my brain is wilting) Let me know if this seems familiar to you and put my fears at rest
Maybe it’s a function of aging, but I find myself taking notes as I read books with large casts. Especially series when I know I’m going to see them again. One of my favorite authors has a series or two with a lot of Korean characters, and my brain seems to have trouble keeping all the names straight. Having them written down keeps me from getting pulled out of a great story because I have to stop and think through the story so far to remember who they are -once I’ve written it down I seem to remember.