A warm welcome to author Alex Whitehall joining us today to talk about new release “Ties That Bind”.
Welcome Alex
Thank you for joining me on my blog tour for Ties That Bind, the story of three men searching for a way to keep one of them alive. Now out at all major retailers!
In Ties That Bind, Chel has convinced his partner Mathias to go to the doctor. He, Mathias, and their third, Tomlin, are in the waiting area. Here’s an excerpt:
Tomlin tracked Chel’s gaze and murmured, “Huh.”
Chel slowly dragged his attention to Tomlin. “What?”
“She’s in the wrong place. She should be at a healer.”
“Wh—” But before Chel could finish, Tomlin was up and wandering over to the little family.
“‘Scuse me, but you shouldn’t be here.” Ah, Tomlin, ever the tactful type. Chel tensed, ready for trouble.
The one with the broad shoulders glared up at him. “What are you saying?”
Tomlin canted his head, blinked his glittering green eyes, and said, “She’s sick because she”—he pointed to the little girl—”is coming into her powers and she’s having an—an—” his hands flailed for a moment “—allergic reaction. A doctor won’t help. You need a healer.”
The person put their arm around the sick woman, a hand resting on the little girl’s shoulder. “You’re accusing our girl of hurting Sue?” They practically growled. “Back off, buddy. We don’t have magic users in our family.”
Tomlin, as if oblivious to the aggressions—and Chel knew he wasn’t at all—blinked again. “Well, you do now. You can see the doctor and he can probably give you something for it and she might even feel better. But you still need to get her”—he pointed at the girl again—”to control herself, or else it’s going to get worse as she ages.”
He shrugged, as if it was no skin off his nose, and wandered back to where Chel and Mathias were watching. Instead of taking his seat again, he sat on Chel’s lap and leaned a shaking shoulder hard against Chel’s chest.
For Chel, Tomlin, and Mathias, life is simple but good. They share a home and a love, and despite a few conflicts of personality, are happy. Mathias runs a magic shop, where he makes magic items and potions for his customers, and Tom is his familiar, helping supply his magic. Chel, who’s not magical, works at a bookshop and makes sure dinner is on the table for his lovers.
When Mathias suddenly comes down with a mysterious illness, Chel and Tomlin seek out answers. As Mathias’s familiar, Tomlin can sense that nothing is wrong with the magical parts of him, but when a trip to the doctor’s indicates nothing is wrong with him physically either, they start to worry.
Then Mathias collapses, and the search to find the truth becomes urgent.
17,000 words; $1.99; Buy it at Less Than Three Press, Amazon, B&N, Kobo
If there are two types of people in the world, Alex Whitehall probably isn’t one of them, despite being a person. Their favorite pastimes include reading, horseback riding, sleeping, watching geek-tastic television, knitting, eating, and running. And wasting time on the internet. And spending glorious evenings laughing with friends.
While Alex prefers sleeping over doing anything else (except maybe eating), sometimes they emerge from the cave to be social and to hunt for food at the local market. They can be found blogging, reading, and tending after their aloe plants.
Connect with Alex:
- Twitter: @AlexWhitehall
- Email: AlexDWhitehall@gmail.com
- Website: www.alexwhitehall.com
- Tumblr: alexwhitehall.tumblr.com
Comment with your email address below to be entered in the giveaway! The winner will be able to choose between an ebook copy of Hard Truths or an Audible download of Magic Runs Deep! Selection will be made Sunday, April 28 at 7pm. The winner will be contacted by Alex.
Be sure to check out the other stops on the tour for more chances to win:
Boy Meets Boy Reviews – April 24
MM Good Book Reviews – April 24
Two Chicks Obsessed – April 24
That’s What I’m Talking About – April 25
Book Reviews and More by Kathy – April 26
Bayou Book Junkie – April 27
love the excerpt
jmarinich33 at aol dot com
So glad to hear!
Sounds pretty great!
I would love to read this one.
debby236 at gmail dot com
I hope you’ll check it out!
Thank you for introducing yourself and your latest book. Since this is the first I’ve had a chance to hear of you and your work, I’m super excited! This sounds so good. I hope it opens to smashing success.
That’s great to hear! I hope you enjoy them.
I thought I had Magic Runs Deep, but I guess I just bookmarked it. Have to go correct that.
I hope you enjoy it!
Good luck with the release!
Vitajex at aol dot com
Sounds great. Good luck with the release!
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com