A warm welcome to author Kasia Bacon joining us today to promote new release Don’t Fight the Spark.
Kasia shares an exclusive excerpt and there is a giveaway to participate in!
Welcome Kasia
Don’t Fight The Spark by Kasia Bacon
Series: Soldiers and Mercenaries #1
(The Order Universe)
Release Date: April 26, 2019
Subgenre: MM Fantasy Romance
Synopsis for Don’t Fight The Spark:
As the Light Festival draws near, the Něssyrians craft paper lanterns, awaiting the most important holiday of the year.
The Lyliňg Fighting House, too, prepares for celebration—by laying fresh sand onto the arena and setting up a match against their top pit fighter, the unrivalled Yüuzuki Ōren.
His last match. One he can’t win.
With the odds more than stacked against him, the gorgeous Barbarian is as good as dead. Unless his lover, healer Ĥaiatto Ẽkana, proves himself every bit as determined as he is clever and finds a way to protect the man he’d stop at nothing to save.
Order here:
* The Order Universe short story The Poison Within will be free on ebook during release-week and the tour, April 22-25. The novella is exclusive to Amazon and can be read through Kindle Unlimited or bought through the links below:
“Phhhf! The fuck?”
The disgruntled inquiry came from the Guild’s Resident Healer, Seiji Rūsu, with whom I collided as he exited the opposite corner of the corridor.
Stopped in my tracks, I looked down, massaging the sting out of my jaw, which had taken the brunt of the impact.
Seiji mirrored my last action, applying a similar treatment to his forehead instead. “Ĥaiatto? Watch where you’re going with that godsdamn pointy chin of yours, will you? Tall people are so obnoxious. Think they own the world and whatnot,” he hissed, wrinkling his freckled, upturned nose at me. Yet the next moment his wide mouth curled upwards in a genuine grin.
I couldn’t help smiling back. I’d always been fond of little Seiji. Said fondness had led to several enjoyable rolls in the sheets with him in the past, before a certain fighter had robbed me of my heart.
“Have you come to lend a hand? Too late! I got the food poisoning under control,” he said, not waiting for my response. As usual. “It was well grim, though. The stench! Thirty-something casualties going at it from both ends, can you imagine? And first thing in the morning, too.” He gave a shiver. “Thank the gods, healers Yvaru and Agissa were in the building and volunteered to help. I would’ve been deep in shit trying to cope on my own. Literally.” His cheerful laugh echoed across the corridor.
“What food poisoning?” I said, taking advantage of the fact that Seiji had paused for a breath.
“Sheesh. You haven’t heard? About as useful as syphilis, you are! Well, remember that tavern on the strip by the docks? We got rat-arsed there one time before the pandemic of cholera hit the city four years ago. Anyway, the proprietor decided to make some quick coin before the holiday, shifting dodgy shellfish. Way past its prime. He flogged some ten crates of it, served in a stew. People will buy any old crap if it’s cheap enough, right? Special offer, my arse. So there you have it. Fucking shellfish. It reeked like a motherfucker coming out.”
“Yes. I quite believe you,” I agreed, not wanting him to delve further into the details.
“I’m knackered,” Seiji flashed me his tonsils in a giant yawn. “It’s off to the bathhouse for me. Oh, have you heard? They recently hired this looker from Trovo with the sole purpose of smacking patrons’ behinds with bunches of eucalyptus leaves and birch twigs while they steam? Ha! Doesn’t it sound like fun? Built like a town hall he is, too!” Suddenly energised, Seiji winked. “But never mind that. Why are you here, did you say?” Seiji peered up at me with unrestricted curiosity. “Stocking up on Magic?”
I shook my head. “Not today.” Gods only knew why, but I still found the topic of purchasing Magic uncomfortable. Pathetic, considering I’d been doing so for ages. “I came to see Master Revendi.”
“Master Revendi?” Seiji’s blue eyes had grown to the size of tea cakes.
I tried to keep my voice nonchalant as if popping by for chats and giggles with the famous vampire—the Order’s alchemist and Grandmaster Feninghan’s confidant—were a normal part of my routine.
A linguist and an avid reader with a particular fondness for fantasy and paranormal genres, KASIA BACON lives in London with her husband. When not tearing her hair out over a translating project, she writes stories about the shenanigans of emotionally constipated assassins and sexy Elves. Otherwise, she can be found shaking her loins at a Zumba class, binging on anime or admiring throwing knives on Pinterest. She has a mild coffee and lemon tart (gluten free) addiction. A lover of MMA and Muay Thai, she also enjoys nature and the great outdoors. She dreams of becoming independently wealthy, leaving the city and moving into her wooden mini-manor—located in the heart of stunning forests resembling those of the Elven Country depicted in her tales.
Author links:
Website: kasiabacon.wixsite.com/orderseries
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B01NBRROIR
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/kasia-bacon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kasiabacon/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kate.baconbuczkowska
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kasia_bb
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16273366.Kasia_Bacon
Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/JustKasiaBB/
Newsletter: http://kasiabacon.wixsite.com/orderseries/newsletter
Win a physical copy of Don’t Fight the Spark or one of two Order Universe-inspired stationary sets.
I will be reading this over the weekend! Sounds amazing!