4 Responses

  1. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for sharing. I always think researching can be a daunting task because there is so much info out there and sometimes you can’t use everything you find and then you have to fact check. Appreciate the post and your process.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      You’re right, H.B. Daunting and confusing, sometimes I feel like I’m chasing my tail! Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. ❤

  2. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I love doing research. You can do some amazing things all in the name of research.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      True, Debra. It’s a little addicting too. Thanks for reading and commenting! 😊


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