Hey Guys,
This is a big month for me. There have been a lot of changes in my life in the last few months, not all of them good, but I’ve designated March my celebration month.
First of all, seven years ago this March, Keeping Sweets was released into the world. It was my first book and looking back, it’s only now I realize how little I knew. I was wide-eyed and excited and that book release was everything to me. Over time, the releases have come and gone, and they are still as exciting and nerve-wracking, and it’s one of the best parts of being a published author.
It took me a long time (and a lot of experimentation) to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, but having stumbled upon writing, I have to say that I don’t think there’s anything that could make me happier. Seven years in and it feels brand new!
March also marks my birthday. Yep! Every year! But this one feels bigger to me for some reason. Maybe because there’s been so much going on lately that I feel like this year is going to be the best one yet. I am turning 35, which isn’t traditionally one of the “big” ones, but it is for me.
And lastly, I have a new book coming out! Sawyer’s Ferry #3 (which is Frankie’s book for those of you who have been following along at home) will drop March 29th. On my birthday!
To celebrate, I’m hosting author takeovers in my facebook group, which you can find by clicking here. You’re not going to want to miss it because more than 30 authors are stopping by over 2 days to chat and I cannot wait!
But today, I’m here to give you guys a look at the cover and blurb for my new book.
Here it is!
My life sucks.
After spending a year jobless and on the edge of becoming homeless, I’d officially reached a level of desperation that, even if I wasn’t completely broke, retail therapy couldn’t fix.
While Sawyer’s Ferry, Alaska, is the last place on earth I’d ever want to visit, when my best friend, Holden, begs me to fly out and plan his wedding, I can’t say no. What I didn’t expect was to stumble into the administrative chaos at Copper Creek Brewing—or its too-hot-to-be-legal owner.
Clearly the man needs my help, and I’m willing to go above and beyond.
Way beyond.
I am screwed.
Six months after my assistant up and quit, I’m not any closer to finding a replacement, and things at the brewery are starting to fall apart.
And then in walks Frankie. He’s not the typical guy you’d find in these parts, and he brings with him a world of confusion. Because as much as I need his help, I can’t seem to keep my eyes—or hands—off him.
He’s supposed to be getting my life in order, but instead there’s a chance he could turn everything upside down.
You can add Copper Creek to your TBR list here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44403078-copper-creek
So there is a bit there to unpack. 7 years!! You’re like an old pro now.
Oh and Keeping Sweets was/is awesome. One of my first – and favorite – MM reads.
And let’s be clear – I’d kill to be 35 again, so enjoy your youth.
Now onto why you posted – Love the cover – but you know I love your covers in general, so yea you!!. Gonna go buy and read the first two this week. Congrats again!