7 Responses

  1. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    This book sounds very intriguing. The excerpt tantalized even more.

  2. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S at |

    Sounds good. I love me some snark!

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    Looks like one I’ll enjoy!

  4. Diane Fair
    Diane Fair at |

    After reading ‘Saving Samuel’ by Nicole Colville I’ve become a huge fan of books with Russian heavies! Especially if they’re bested in the end. The premise of this book sounds really good and the cover sizzles!

  5. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    The cover is quite pretty. It sounds like a fun read.

  6. susana
    susana at |

    What an amazing cover! Congratulations

  7. suze294
    suze294 at |

    This did catch my attention – firstly the great cover and then the blurb


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