Duo review by Annika & JenB
SERIES: Lucky #2
AUTHOR: Garrett Leigh
PUBLISHER: Fox Love Press
RELEASE DATE: January 22, 2019
LENGTH: 222 pages
Cash is a car mechanic with a secret. Head down, sleeves up, he hides from the past as much as his shattered heart, until a reluctant stumble into a Tottenham bar ends in the one night stand of his dreams.
Hunt saboteur Rae can’t believe his luck when he wakes up the next morning. Cash is gorgeous, and the hottest hook up he’s ever had. He doesn’t expect to see him again, until a twist of fate lands him on Cash’s doorstep a few months later.
United by a cause that’s broken Cash before, they are drawn together. They have more in common than they ever imagined, but with Cash haunted by the past, and Rae so tangled in the present, it’s not long before love isn’t enough to keep them alive.
I’m a huge fan of Garrett Leigh’s. She’s written some pretty fantastic books, but sadly Cash was not one of them. It missed the mark for me, big time.
Look, I don’t need books to focus solely on the romance or the main characters. I love police procedurals where the romance takes second or even third fiddle to the investigation and solving crimes. But I also know that going into a mystery or suspense novel. For this book, there were no hints, no warning about that. I was expecting a love story. Never an easy or angst free one with Leigh’s books, but still a love story all the same. But that’s not really what we got with this book. Instead we got activism, and I’m sorry, that’s not what I was after – at all.
Maybe I should start with a disclaimer. And that just feels wrong to me, that after reading a book and subsequently reviewing it, I feel like I need to express my beliefs, point of view just so that no one will mistake my disliking of the book as anything near as acceptance of what was going on. But that’s where we are…. I am not nor have I ever been okay with hunting and killing animals for sports, that’s just wrong on so many levels that I can’t and won’t even begin to list them here. I do believe in animal rights and protecting them from harm and cruelty.
That being said, this book was just too much, or not enough depending on how you look at it. I get that both Rae and Cash were hard core sabers (saboteurs) of fox hunts and that in itself I don’t have any problem with. What I do have a problem with was the pages and pages of details of the hunts, preparing for the hunts, the evilness of killing foxes and so on, and so on. It got old fast. It was too much and felt like preaching. Around halfway through the book I felt like I had enough and I was seriously considering letting the book go. Stubborn as I am, I stuck to it, but sadly nothing much changed.
I liked both Cash and Rae, they had some pretty great chemistry together. But the times where they actually got to spend some quality time together were so few that I couldn’t really believe in them – at least not for anything deeper than intense lust. There was no time for that in-between the hunts, secrets and mistrust. I would have loved to see them spend some real time together; to really build on a relationship, but it just didn’t happen.
As mentioned before I think and believe Garret Leigh is a fantastic writer, just think that her enthusiasm for saving foxes led her astray for this book and Cash and Rae was forgotten in the hunt.
I was really looking forward to Cash’s story. We met him in the previous book as the guy who works at the garage with Lucky and who rents Lucky a room in his house. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this was not even close. We know Cash has some secrets, and even though they come out, and they seem to align with Rae and his current situation, I didn’t think that would almost completely take over the story.
Rae is a sab, or saboteur of hunts (foxhunts). He lives like a gypsy in a caravan/camp, and their sole purpose in life is to prevent the hunts from taking place (they are now illegal) in whatever way they can. I had a hard time understanding how one could live this way, basically homeless, with no visible income, etc. It seemed that Cash had escaped that life and was actually doing ok for himself but then he gets sucked back in as well.
This has the typical Garrett Leigh feel to it, and while there were aspects of the characters I enjoyed, so much was overshadowed by the sab storyline that I kept losing interest. I didn’t have any issues with the actual writing/style, nor did I expect any. This is a bit of a fluke for me where Ms. Leigh’s book are concerned, so I’m just going to chalk this one up to just not being my cuppa and hope the next one is back on track for me.