Love Bytes says hello and welcome back to their blog Rosalind Abel. Rosalind is here to show us the cover of upcoming novel The Victorian , the new book in the succesfull lavender shores series.
Rosalind exclusively shares the first chapter of the book with us and brought a fabulous giveaway!
Welcome Rosalind
Thank you so much to Love Bytes for allowing me to stop by with the cover and first chapter of the upcoming Lavender Shores novel, The Victorian. For those of you who follow the series, you’ve been asking for this one since the very first book—Seth Marino, the bartender at the Victorian Bed and Breakfast finally gets his chance at love. And, in true enemies to lovers fashion, sparks fly with Charley Perez, the hotheaded chef. All I can say is…. get ready…. things have been building for a long time, and the explosion will be worth the wait.
If you’ve not read a Lavender Shores book, that’s okay! The Victorian can be enjoyed on its own. There is a pre-order link, with a Christmas release day, however, I think you’ll be getting your hands on this one early.
(Disclaimer: You may / will see errors in this section, as there are still a few more rounds of edits left, but I wanted to share anyway. They will be fixed by publication.)
Fog lay in a thick blanket over Lavender Shores, dense enough that parking a couple of blocks away from the Blue Blossom Bed-and-Breakfast was probably a moot point—anyone driving by would barely see a figure walking along the sidewalk, let alone identify me. But that was part of the fun, the thrill. After a couple of decades living in the small town, chances for anonymity were few and far between.
As I stepped from one pool of the streetlamp to the next, I pulled my jacket and scarf a little tighter. With the way my blood pounded through my veins, they were unnecessary as well. The Christmas Eve night was cool enough, but it wasn’t like there was snow or anything. Between the fog and the slight salty breeze from the Pacific, it was chilly enough, but in my aroused state, I could’ve been naked on an iceberg and been in danger of melting it. Still, the cloak and dagger routine also added to the excitement.
I paused as I rounded the corner and the Blue Blossom came into view. If I didn’t want to take a match and burn the place down, I’d have to admit how charming it was. Garland and Christmas lights looped over the street guiding the eye to the sprawling Victorian, with its gazebo on one side leading toward the wraparound porch below its turrets and gables. The entire structure was outlined in ruler-straight Christmas lights, each twinkling a soft white and illuminating the dusty lavender of the paint. The bed-and-breakfast could’ve been the setting of a Hallmark Christmas special. Hell, that was pretty much exactly what it had been designed to be. And it hit all the right notes. Lavish, expensive, beautiful, taking it right up to the line of being ostentatious but stopping just short so it remained charming.
The only thing that would’ve improved it was an actual striking of the match that I didn’t have in my pocket. What a glorious Christmas blaze that would be.
Then again, every once in a while, there was something to be said for subtlety. And a match… well… that would be a short-lived pleasure, and it would take away one of my favorite pastimes. At the thought, I adjusted myself in my pants and continued down the block.
Most of the time, when I snuck into the Blue Blossom, I alternated between darting to the back door of the kitchen or the side entrance. But it was Christmas Eve, after all—might as well make the gift to myself all that much sweeter. I walked up the steps and through the front door like I was a paying guest.
I’d been there often enough that I knew my way around. I could turn the corner and go up the steps without coming into view of the small check-in desk or pass by the doors that led into the restaurant and bar. Still, might as well push it a touch further. I took a few more steps, remaining just out of sight of the check-in desk, giving myself enough space to peer into the dining room. The heavily carved ornate bar was just visible from my angle, and like on the outside, everything was pure Christmas wonderland. Lights and garland were hung everywhere while flickering candles completed the soft, romantic glow.
Music, the clatter of silverware on china, clinking of wineglasses, and murmured conversations met my ears. The backs of a couple of people were to me as they sat at the bar, and I leaned forward a little more, trying to get a better view, hoping.
The pounding of my blood increased as I waited to see him, my cock twitching in anticipation. It always made sex so much sweeter knowing he was there, made it just that much more exciting coming close to being caught.
I leaned a little further still—any more and I’d be visible to the check-in. Then I saw him. His tall form reached up to retrieve a bottle from the top shelf. Perfect. He was there. The whole time I was getting my brains banged out in a Christmas Eve three-way, Seth Marino would be tending his bar, completely oblivious that I was defiling his motherfucking bed-and-breakfast. It was practically enough to make me come in my pants then and there.
Unable to pull myself way, I paused for another moment, just to see his face, just to tempt fate and risk his gaze flicking toward mine.
Bottle in hand, he turned around, and a little of my excitement faded.
Not Seth. Moses Bryant. Goddammit. Somehow I’d missed that Moses had started tending bar.
Fuck. If only I hadn’t waited.
Well… whatever. It would still be a deliciously sinful ice cream sundae, even without the cherry on top. It didn’t truly matter if Seth was in the Blue Blossom or not. He wouldn’t know what I was doing either way, but I would. That was good enough.
Who knew where he was. Probably with one of the founding families for their Christmas Eve celebrations, just like the good little brown-nosing pet he was to them.
Disappointment flickered for another second before my cell vibrated in my pocket with the text message. Probably Silas wondering if I was chickening out.
I wasn’t. Not even close. Even if Seth wasn’t in residence… even if this wasn’t at the Blue Blossom Bed-and-Breakfast… this was still going to be fun and new. I’d had plenty of three-ways before, but never anything quite like this. The fact that it was at Seth’s pride and joy was cherry enough.
Turning away from the bar, I headed up the stairs, the anticipation causing my lust to spike once more and my cock to grow ever harder with every step.
Silas had said he was in the honeymoon suite. And though I was surprised that was vacant on Christmas Eve, I was glad. If you were going to do something, might as well do it right, all the way. I went up the couple of flights of steps without running into anyone, and since the Blue Blossom was a reproduction Victorian, just as fake as Seth Martino himself, there was no squeaking of steps to give me away. In a matter of moments, I stood in front of the door of the upmost room. I’d been in it a couple of times before. Just like the rest of the place, it practically dripped with money and class. A large oak canopy bed sat in the center of the room surrounded by Victorian antique furniture. The windows of the turret looked out over Lavender Shores. It was enough to make you hurl.
I lifted my hand to knock, then paused, surprising myself with the realization there was a good amount of nervousness in addition to the excitement. I’d hooked up with Silas several times over the past year or so, but when he broached this idea, I hadn’t really thought it would come to fruition. Even when he texted a little less than an hour before, I sort of thought he’d been kidding, or that the other guy would back out.
Apparently not.
I knocked, lowered my hand, adjusted myself once more, and waited.
I’d always heard sex got more adventurous in your forties—looked like it was true.
After several long seconds, there was the click of the deadbolt, and the door opened. I started to step in, but Silas raised a hand to stop me, exited the room, and shut the door behind him. “Forgetting the rules already?”
I guess I had. “Sorry. Wasn’t thinking.”
A grin broke over his dark, handsome face. “You look nervous.”
“I’m not.”
The twinkle in his eye made clear he knew I was lying. In his typical, overly familiar way, Silas reached out and made quick work of the three buttons of my jacket and then cupped my crotch as he held my gaze. “Either way, feels like you’re ready.”
“Yeah. I think so.” At any other moment, I would’ve been embarrassed to hear the tremble in my voice, but at his touch, at knowing what waited on the other side of the door… actually at not knowing what waited on the other side of the door, I barely noticed.
“Good.” He gave a final squeeze and then released me, stepping back just enough to give a little space. Silas was naked from the waist up, his heavy, flawless muscles gleamed with just a touch of sweat, revealing that he’d already gotten started. He’d yanked on a pair of jeans, which were not buttoned or zipped, revealing exactly where his treasure trail led and only partially concealing the thick rod of his shaft shoved to one side. “You read the rules I sent?”
I nodded. “Yeah, There were only two. Plus, you told me about them before.”
“Good. Tell them to me.”
Most of the time, I didn’t appreciate being questioned, or tested, but that was kind of the point of this whole thing. And it looked like Silas was already in full swing. “You’re the only one who speaks. No one does anything unless you say.”
“Perfect.” Some of the playfulness left Silas’s eyes as he held my gaze. “To reiterate, there will be condoms. I swear it. You’re not allowed to ask about them, but if you get nervous, just feel.”
Though I appreciated it, a flicker of annoyance slipped in. “I trust you. I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t.”
He smiled in a friend kind of way, but then it transitioned to something different, thankfully. “Good enough. You need a little time to prepare or anything?”
More annoyance. “This is hardly my first rodeo.”
A growl of laughter escaped, and he reached for me again and squeezed once more, making me hiss. “Get that attitude out now, Charley. You’re not the one in control once we enter that room.”
I almost hated how much that excited me. Would’ve, if it didn’t make me twitch in his grip once more.
Another chuckle, another squeeze. “What do you say if I command something you’re absolutely not willing to do?”
Annoyance at the continued questioning faded as the possibilities of what he might ask flitted through my mind. “Skip.”
A nod. “And if you want to stop things entirely?”
“Perfect. If either of you skips more than twice, I’ll end things, so make sure it is really something you’re not willing to do.” He released his grip on my denim-clad erection, reached behind, and pulled a blindfold from his back pocket. “And if one of us says End, then it’s finished. None of us leave satisfied.”
At the heated command in his tone, I was only able to manage a nod. Silas had been take-charge in the times we hooked up before, but not quite to this level. That was the point of this. He confessed he wanted to experience having two men at the same time doing everything he commanded, no matter what it was. It hadn’t been something I’d ever really considered, but since he’d brought it up, I’d been unable to get it out of my mind, to the point that when he hinted about it again, I told him I wanted to be one of them if he ever found another.
And there we were. He’d found another. The only thing that made me nervous was not knowing what the other guy looked like. Though I’d seen Silas’s taste in men—impeccable. Whoever he had tied to the bed in the room was no doubt a delicious piece of pure man candy. But still…
Silas reached up, preparing to tie the blindfold, but I took a step back, my nerves getting the better of me.
“Who is he?”
Silas simply shook his head. “No, that’s part of it. Neither of you get to know anything. I didn’t tell him who you are either. I told you that. You’re both older than me, so he’ll be daddy one, you’ll be daddy two.”
“Seriously? Daddy?”
He chuckled. “Yeah, he didn’t like that either. He suggested piggy one and piggy two.”
My cock twitched again at that. “I like that idea.”
“Nope.” His tone left no room for argument. “My rules. We already covered this. And it’s the last time I’ll be questioned until we’re finished. If not, I’ll end it before we’ve even started.”
Again the tickle of annoyance only heightened my arousal. “Fine.”
“You two are going to be fun.” The heat in Silas’s eyes burned brighter. “Now, turn around.”
I did as he asked, and Silas fixed the blindfold, shifting me into darkness. My blood pounded so hard I could barely hear his words.
“Can you see anything?”
“No. Not at all, I can’t even—”
From out of nowhere, he squeezed my cock again, causing me to jump, and he hissed in my ear. “Come on, Daddy two, the rules have started.” He squeezed again. “Let’s try this once more. Can you see anything?”
I shook my head.
“Good.” A final squeeze of my cock, and he released me. There was the turning of the doorknob, the brush of the door opening, and then his hand slipped into mine. “Come on. Follow me.”
Even walking through the doorway took a surprising amount of trust, I lifted my free hand to keep from bashing into the doorway, but Silas paused.
“Put your hand down. Control. You’re not going to run into anything, I’m the one keeping you safe.”
I hesitated, then had to forcibly will my hand to my side. If I couldn’t even handle walking through the doorway, how was I going to get through the rest of it?
“Good man.” Silas gave a little pull and led me into the room, then paused to shut and lock the door behind us, before raising his voice, just slightly. “Okay, here we go, gentlemen. Everyone’s agreed to the rules, and I’m not going to repeat them.”
I flinched again as Silas began removing my scarf and then my jacket. He didn’t comment on it.
He started unbuttoning my shirt. “Daddy Number One is already naked. I’ve been getting him ready. His hands and legs are spread, each tied to the four posts of the bed.” He finished the last button. “Daddy Number One, grunt for me. Make a sound so Daddy Number Two can hear you, but no words.”
There was a pause long enough that if I hadn’t heard the squeak of a mattress I would’ve thought no one was there, though unless I was making things up, I could feel him, feel his energy radiating from the other side of the room. Finally there was a grunt, deep and a touch trepidatious.
Apparently I wasn’t the only one nervous.
Silas slid my shirt over my shoulders and down my arms, removing it without ever touching my skin. He got to work on my belt. “I’m taking off Daddy Number Two’s clothes. His shirt is gone. I’ve about got his belt off, and then I’ll remove his jeans. His fat cock is already hard and straining and twitching behind the denim.” He paused with the belt and squeezed my dick again, making me suck in a breath.
The other man moaned, desire clear.
Silas hesitated. “Careful, no words.”
I didn’t know if he was looking at me or not, but I nodded. This was already unlike anything I’d ever done. More arousing, more scintillating, and I hadn’t even been touched yet, not really.
Hands moved once more, unbuttoning my jeans, pulling down my zipper and then got to work sliding the pants and underwear over my hips at the same time. “Daddy Number One is ready for you. His cock is as hard as yours. It’s long, thick, and dripping. Grunt again, Daddy Number One.”
The grunt was instant that time, and already I heard the difference in the sound. Or the longing, the lust, as if hearing Silas talk about his cock was turning him on.
Silas had my pants and underwear to my calves. “Daddy Number Two, stretch out your left hand, rest it on the wall.”
I did as he asked, finding the wall instantly.
“Good. Now lift up your left foot.” I did, he got to work on my shoe, pulling it and the sock off, followed by the left leg of my pants. As he worked, he spoke. “I’m going to get you naked. But I won’t touch you. Not yet. You and Daddy Number One are going to do what I say. He won’t touch you either, but you’ll touch him. With your hands, your fingers, your mouth.”
There was another groan across the room, causing Silas to pause as he started to remove my pants from the other leg. “No noise unless I ask for it. Understood?”
I waited for another grunt, some sound of agreement. There was nothing, just that radiating energy, so strong I could practically feel it against my skin.
“Good job, Daddy Number One.”
Right… Even if there was a question, we weren’t allowed to speak unless Silas said so.
He returned to my pants, pulling me free, as he spoke, leaving me naked. “You’re going to get on the bed, Daddy Number Two. The very first thing you’re going to do is wrap your mouth over that thick, uncut cock, and clean off his precome. You’ll taste its sweet, salty tang. You’ll feel him twitch in your lips, and he won’t make a sound.”
It took all my power not to groan, but I trembled, I couldn’t help it. And felt my own trail of precome make its way down my shaft.
“You like that, don’t you?” There was a guttural chuckle below me, then Silas raised his voice slightly again. “He’s hungry for you, Daddy Number One. Just the thought of tasting you is making his big dick leak.” He blew a slow path of air up my shaft, making me suck in a breath, but he didn’t reprimand me. I felt him stand. Even without his touch, I could sense his nearness, sense the change in Silas’s posture. Feel when his lips were close to my ear. “You’re going to do everything I tell you to do to his body. And if you do it correctly, then I’ll touch you. Nod if you understand.”
I nodded.
“Nod if you want me to touch you.”
God help me, but I nodded. And I wasn’t sure if I’d ever meant anything more in my life.
“Good, Daddy.” Though Silas didn’t pull back from my ear, he raised his voice again when he spoke to me, making it clear he wanted the other man to hear. “You know how I’m going to touch you that first time? I’m going to wait until Daddy Number One’s cock is completely buried in that tight hole of yours. Till he’s already fucking you and has you ready, and then…” Silas paused, and I thought I heard the man on the bed giving another unsolicited groan, but maybe it was me. “And then I’m going to shove in next to him. That’s how I’ll touch you.”
I groaned, I must have, or whimpered, or… who knew… maybe started to weep out of desire. And a bit of fear.
“But you have to do everything I say first. Everything.” Silas’s voice was hard and heated. “Then you’re going to have two huge, thick cocks fucking you like you’ve never been fucked before.”
Cover Artist: AngstyG
Sexy bartender Seth Marino is the epitome of the allure and sophistication for which the town of Lavender Shores is known. For twenty years, Seth has found contentment and happiness as co-owner of the Blue Blossom Bed-and-Breakfast. Seth’s kind heart, good looks, and humor charms both locals and tourists—except the one person who despises him.
Charley Perez began building the life of his dreams a few years before Seth moved to town. Just as his hard work was about to pay off, Charley saw his hopes for building a restaurant worthy of his abuela’s recipes slip through his fingers when Seth arrived. Sure, maybe Charley has a temper, perhaps he should smile more, but does the whole world have to lay out the red carpet for the slutty bartender while never giving Charley a break?
When Lavender Shores welcomes a star-studded food and wine celebration, Seth and Charley are forced to work together, leading to an explosion of anger and passion. Both men find the heat and fire of hatred morphing into an irresistible attraction. But even as Seth sees a different side of Charley, the hurt and anger of the past simmer below the surface, threatening the future. And a lifetime of struggle isn’t easy for Charley, who must find the courage to show his true self in seeking help and reaching for his dreams.
About Rosalind:
Rosalind Abel grew up tending chickens alongside her sweet and faithful Chow, Lord Elgin. While her fantasy of writing novels was born during her teen years, she never would have dreamed she’d one day publish steamy romances about gorgeous men. However, sometimes life turns out better than planned.
In between crafting scorching sex scenes and helping her men find their soul mates, Rosalind enjoys cooking, collecting toys, and making the best damn scrapbooks in the world (this claim hasn’t been proven, but she’s willing to put good money on it).
She adores MM Romance, the power it has to sweep the reader away into worlds filled with passion, steam, and love. Rosalind also enjoys her collection of plot bunnies and welcomes new fuzzy ones into her home all the time, so feel free to send any adorable ones her way.
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Rosalind brought an amazing giveaway!
have a chance to win a $10 Amazon GC
My family and I all appreciate you bringing to our attention the book description of another great book to read. Thanks so much!
Congrats on the release! It sounds good and I would love to go to that food and wine celebration.
Looking forward to reading it!
Love this series!
This looks delicious. I am adding to my list.
Love all the books in this series!
I love the cover, the lavender is so pretty. This series is amazing!
Congratulations on your upcoming release the cover is gorgeous.
Congrats on the book. After reading the sample i know it’s a book I have to read.
Looking forward to it!
I can’t wait to read this
Sounds hot!
Such a cute cover. I really like this series
I love this series!

I can’t wait to start this book!!!
Looks great and beautiful cover. Can’t wait to read it.
The covers for this series are fantastic!
Stopping by to check it out, cheers, happy holidays.
Sounds just lovely!
Congrats, you have a great branding going with this cover style – very recognizable, and lovely. But I think I love this one the best – I could totally live in that Victorian.
Congrats on the new book release!
I cant wait!!!!!
Love the cover and the lavender color!
Congrats on the new release, looks great!