When I started writing Loving a Warrior, I’d originally intended for it to be two books about Matt and Shane—the first about their training, and the second about the reality of being two Navy SEALs in love. After months of tinkering with it, I had to admit to my editor that it just wasn’t working. There wasn’t enough for an entire second book about them unless I manufactured a whole bunch of angst and drama that I, frankly, didn’t want to put them through.
Their continued story is woven throughout what eventually became Book 2, Keeping a Warrior, but they’re not the main couple. It worked so much better, both for me and these characters I love.
Today I did want to share a scene from that scrapped book, a scene where they’ve managed to slip away from their teams and meet in a hotel for a few hours. Shane is desperate to keep it feeling like romance and not so much like a Grindr hookup, and Matt is wearing his prickly armor somewhat because the goodbyes hurt. Yet throughout, their tenderness and love for each other is right underneath the surface.
Thanks so much, Love Bytes, for hosting me today!
Deleted Scene:
Shane’s heart skipped a beat, then started to race with eagerness. The water and bubbles foaming around his waist hid his erection, which was now fully engorged and aching. He linked his fingers behind his head to hide their trembling.
“Just so you know,” he croaked, “I am all about the strip tease.”
Matt ambled closer, and stood with his weight canted on one hip, the bottom of his Rolling Stones T-shirt grasped lightly between his fingers. He toyed with the material, his lips quirking. “What, me getting naked isn’t enough for you, I have to put on a show, too?”
Instead of answering Shane made an impatient “get on with it” gesture, and Matt rolled his eyes before pulling the shirt over his head in one fluid motion.
“How’s that?” He drifted his fingertips over the lean muscles of his chest and belly, down to the zipper of his jeans, lowering it a fraction of an inch to reveal a tantalizing slice of pubic hair. Shane’s mouth dried up—no underwear.
He swallowed hard. “Um, if you ever wanna quit your day job…”
Just then Matt tripped over the legs of his jeans as he attempted to pull them over his feet. Shane thrust out his hand just in time for Matt to grip it and keep himself from crashing to the floor.
“Oh, yeah, I’m stripper material for sure,” Matt said drily, kicking his clothes into a heap. “Real sexy.”
Grinning, Shane helped him into the tub, putting his hands on Matt’s hips and guiding him down to sit between his legs.
“Ridiculous,” Matt grumbled, settling back against him. “Now what?”
“Now you just relax, dumbass.” Shane scooped up handfuls of hot, sudsy water and poured them soothingly across Matt’s shoulders and chest. “What a concept.”
“Hard to relax when you’re poking me.”
“Well, I’m very happy to see you.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
Shane brushed his lips over a livid bruise on Matt’s cheekbone, smiling a little when he heard him give a tiny grunt of contentment. “What happened here?”
“Van brawl.” Matt propped his forearms on Shane’s upraised knees and let his head fall back against Shane’s shoulder. “Bunch of bastards.”
“Ah. Friendly fire.”
They chuckled together, and Shane couldn’t help but wince at the memory of his last van brawl. He’d needed five stitches in his eyebrow afterward.
Matt heaved a sigh, his body becoming more boneless and pliable by the second. “I guess this is kind of nice,” he said grudgingly, moving his fingertips in lazy circles along Shane’s calves.
“Mmm-hmm.” Shane poured another handful of water over him, loving the sight of the bubbles sluicing down Matt’s chest only to get caught up in the trail of hair under his navel. “Real nice. Baths are fun.”
“Yeah.” Matt arched his back in a stretch, letting out a groan, the hoarse sound sending a bolt of heat straight to Shane’s balls. “I don’t see how we can fuck in here, though.”
Shane choked, wrapping his arms tightly around Matt’s shoulders in a hug. “We can’t,” he wheezed. “Unless we wanna flood the whole bathroom and add a few more bruises to the collection.”
“So you’ve tried it before?” Matt canted his head to look up at him, the intimate, teasing light in his eyes making Shane’s chest ache.
God, I’ve missed you.
“Oh, I never bathe and tell,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss him lightly, their mouths clinging together before separating with a lush sound. Sudden curiosity gripped him. “Have you?”
“Nah. None of the guys I’ve been with were this, uh, romantic.”
Shane couldn’t help but bristle. “Is there something wrong with romance?”
“Did I say there was?” Matt’s brow furrowed. “You were going for romantic here, right?”
His face burning with sudden embarrassment, Shane mumbled, “Yeah, I guess. Pretty stupid, huh?”
He waited, resigned, for Matt to make fun of him, surprised when he shook his head. “I think it’s sweet.”
At that, Shane leaned in for another kiss, desire surging when Matt reached up to cup the nape of his neck, encouraging him to deepen it.
Their tongues rubbed together, seeking, tasting. Matt drifted his fingertips along Shane’s jaw, leaving tingles in their wake.
“How much time do you have?” Shane whispered against his lips. “All night?”
“Mmm, I wish. A couple of hours, maybe.”
Shane’s heart sank. Dammit, he hadn’t seen Matt in four months, and he’d been hoping tonight they wouldn’t have to decide between sex, or conversation, or having dinner together. That they’d be able to do it all. Hell, even two out of three would be nice.
But Shane’s body was clamoring, and if the cock breaching the bubbles swirling around Matt’s hips was any indication, his was, too. Giving in to the overwhelming need, Shane kissed him again, his mouth rougher, more demanding this time. Matt tried to turn in his arms, to get closer. The water sloshed wildly, and Shane huffed out a pained grunt when Matt’s elbow jabbed into his solar plexus.
“Aww, fuck this.”
Matt used Shane’s knees to push himself to standing and clamber awkwardly from the tub, letting out a blistering curse when he stubbed his toe on something. Shane laughed aloud, earning himself a disgruntled middle finger, the laugh turning into a yelp when Matt flung a towel directly into his face.
Scrambling to keep the towel from getting wet, Shane slipped as he tried to stand and fell back into the water with a loud splash. Matt jumped out of the way of the mini tidal wave, only to succeed in banging his hip against the counter.
“Ow!” He rubbed the reddened skin, glaring at Shane, who managed to get out of the tub without further incident.
“What a couple of buffoons, Christ,” Shane said ruefully. “‘We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.’”
Matt’s glare morphed into a reluctant smile. “Elite special operators, that’s us.”
His eyes narrowed when Shane dropped the towel and sauntered over to stand in front of him. They regarded each other solemnly, not speaking, until Matt at last reached up to link his arms around his neck. “Told you baths were dumb.”
Shane tugged him closer, chuckling. “You know you loved it. Your prickliness doesn’t fool me, young porcupine.”
Matt sneered at him before lifting his face for a kiss. They lingered over it, bodies swaying as they slow-danced their way toward the bed.
BUD/S: six months of the most intense training there is. It’s survival of the toughest, and Matt Knytych is determined to come out the other side a navy SEAL.
Distraction is life or death. And just the sight of former marine Shane Hovland is enough to shake Matt’s concentration.
Shane came to BUD/S training ready to prove himself—again. Semper Fi is forever, but he needs a new start. Not this dangerous heat with a man he barely knows.
Everything they’ve ever wanted is riding on a thin, punishing line. And they’ll have to fight for more than just each other if they want to make it through intact.
After all, the only easy day was yesterday.
Melanie Hansen doesn’t get nearly enough sleep. She loves all things coffee-related, including collecting mugs from every place she’s visited. After spending eighteen years as a military spouse, Melanie definitely considers herself a moving expert. She has lived and worked all over the country, and hopes to bring these rich and varied life experiences to the love stories she gets up in the wee hours to write. On her off-time, you can find Melanie watching baseball, reading or spending time with her husband and two teenage sons.
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