15 Responses

  1. Lou Hoffmann
    Lou Hoffmann at |

    Thanks again for hosting me!

  2. Didi
    Didi at |

    This looks like a fun read! Looking forward to it.

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Hi Didi—thought I answered this! Sorry. Thank you.!

  3. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I love character interviews! So much insight 😀

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Hi, Lee! Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. 🙂

  4. Trix
    Trix at |

    Thurlock, what time period have you enjoyed living in most?

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Trix, he’d fallen asleep, but I was able to wake him with tea and a Twinkie. Here he is… “Eh? What time period… I suppose the one I enjoyed the most was way back then when I was young. And then, when Han was a boy and I had the care of him… well, it was difficult at times, but it was also rewarding seeing him grow, and so much else was going on at the time. It was when the dragons first began to awake, and the prophecies began to wink into a semblance of sensibility (although prophecies, schmophecies). To tell you the truth, right now might not be the most enjoyable time, but it is certainly the most exciting. Luccan and Han coming into their destinies, the prospect of the Sunlands gaining a true ally in the Droghona, and perhaps a kind of unity of purpose coming up for the entire Karrighan continent. I’m tired, as old as I am, but I’m not done yet, and I want to see all this come to fruition. Thanks for asking, Trix. Are you a wizard per chance?”

  5. Ami
    Ami at |

    Congratulations on this book release 🙂

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Thank you, Ami!

  6. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    Thanks for the interview, this is a series I definitely need to start as soon as I have free time to read it in one go. Congrats on the new release!

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Thanks, Serena!

  7. Jillian Too
    Jillian Too at |

    I love fantasy series. I’m excited to read this one.

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Thanks, Jillian!

  8. Laura05
    Laura05 at |

    Love the cover 🙂 Congrats to you.

    1. Lou Hoffmann
      Lou Hoffmann at |

      Thanks, Laura! Catt Ford has done such a wonderful job on the covers for this series. I feel lucky. 🙂


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