If you’ve been living under a rock these last two years, you might not know that the world is spinning globe of trash-fire. Soooo um yeah, spoiler alert: it is. Anyone on social media who chooses to keep an eye on the state of the world can tell you, it’s day after day of upheaval and disappointment. And after a while, it starts to wear thin. Reeeeeeally thin. And when your career depends on creativity and productivity, it’s not easy to stay focused.
Being a creative person takes a lot of mental energy. And I’ve noticed lately a lot of my writer friends are suffering. Energies are depleted and tempers are short, and word counts are down.
So how can we stay positive when the world is a dumpster fire?
I’m not going to lie. It’s not easy, and I’m no expert. This in no way should be considered actual medical advice, but a really good place to start is logging out of social media.
I know, I know, it’s our connection to the world and our friends live in our computers and phones. But you know what? Taking time out is really important. Self-care is really important. Take an hour, take a day, take a week. Whatever you need. Believe me, everyone will be there when you get back.
Take a walk, take a bath, bake a cake, read a book outside your usual genre. Watch a foreign movie with subtitles. Give your mind a vacation. It’ll help your soul a little, too.
Mental health is really important. And being engaged and tuned into the constant negativity in the world can drain your energy levels faster than I can eat a family-sized pack of peanut M&Ms. And believe me, that is fast.
And this isn’t just for authors. This is for readers too. Take care of YOU. But also, if your favourite author needs to take a few days away from being plugged into social media, it’s a good thing for everyone. It’s good for them because they can re-charge, and it’s good for their readers because chances are it means more words and more books! It’s a win/win, right?
Just remember, self-care is really important. Mental health is really important. If you need to talk, reach out to a friend/relative/support line. But put yourself first—something not a lot of us do too often. Because ask yourself honestly, when was the last time you took time out for yourself?
N.R. Walker’s next release, Nova Praetorian, will be out October 26th! We’re going back to ancient Rome for this one—it’s a historical action love story! No pre-orders, it will be live on Amazon on release day!
For more about N.R. Walker you can find her at:
I’m hoping Australia isn’t having the political issues we are here in America. I’m ashamed of us for ever electing so many ‘representatives’ since I don’t feel they represent me at all!