Why I write what I write:
I love a mystery. I love to read romance. I love to see two men work through their individual problems to reach a positive solution and drive each other crazy in bed! How about you?
I’ve been writing male/male (M/M) for about eight years. Published my first story in February 2013 and haven’t looked back. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been asked why do you write M/M? Why that genre? Because I love it!
What’s not to love about two (or maybe more, if you like that) men who find love, compassion, and companionship with each other? And if I happen to sprinkle a little mystery in there, well, that’s even better.
I love a story that is rich in details that bring the story to life. A great deal of research and imagination goes into what an author wants to portray in a story. Feeling like you just walked into that scene where the MC (main character) is meeting the man he’s going to fall in love with, is what writing is all about. Being there, feeling those electrical moments, knowing that these two men are bound to be together. Makes a story real. Makes me want to keep reading to see what happens.
It’s been my goal as a writer to create characters (those ones that talk to me in my head) on paper that seem as real to the reader as they do to me. They grow personally. Learn that life is more than just living. The characters in this new series, the Knights Club, are as individual as any characters I have ever written. I hear Calypso say “Hunny” with that Southern accent and a touch of bad ass. Rio with his hot Hispanic looks and brooding personality, often tells me to mind my own business and stay out of his. Phillip’s agony over hurting a special girl unintentionally, because he’s attracted to a man who could destroy his world. It’s all real to me. My hope is that as the reader comes to know the characters at the Knights Club, they will be real to them as well.
Xavier Knight was starting his life over. A new city. A new club. The past was gone, and he had everything to look forward to… except… love. That ship had sailed, never to return. He was too old to play the games or stack up the one night stands. Until, an old enemy’s son walked into his club and his heart.
Sebastian Brady was through. Through with hiding who he was. Through letting his brother officers dictate his life. And completely through, with his family telling him who he was. He turned his back on his badge and his family’s heritage in the Atlanta police force. But, he never imagined that he’d be serving drinks in a gay bar and working for the hottest silver fox he had ever seen in his life.
Xavier and Seb have a lot to learn from each other. Hopefully, their growing love will survive Xavier’s past, Seb’s family, and a host of characters with secrets of their own, who all work at the Knights Club.
September 18 – Bike Book Reviews, September 19 – Bayou Book Junkie, September 20 – Cupcakes & Bookshelves, Mirirgold, Kaidans Seduction, Amy’s MM Romance Reviews, September 22 – Love Bytes, Sexy Erotic Xciting, September 24 – Drops Of Ink, V’s Reads, Diverse Reader, September 25 – Mirrigold, September 26 – Momma Says: To Read Or Not To Read, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, Book Review By Virginia Lee, MM Good Book Reviews, Gay Media Reviews, September 27 – The Novel Approach, September 28 – Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
The dream of writing her own stories started in high school but was left on the back burner of life until her son introduced her to fan fiction and encouraged her to give it a try. She found that her passion for telling a story was still there and writing them down to share with others was much more thrilling than she had ever expected.
She has a loving and supportive family who don’t mind fixing their own meals when she is in the middle of a story, and a network of friends who have encouraged and cheered her on in her quest of being an author.
One thing she has learned from life and she is often heard to say is: “You are never too old to follow your dream!”
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