Reviewed by Christian
TITLE: Love Me Tomorrow
AUTHOR: Ethan Day
NARRATOR: Jason Frazier
PUBLISHER: Self Published
LENGTH: 8 hours, 5 minutes
RELEASE DATE: May 31, 2018
Event planner Levi Goode is positioned to inherit the newly vacated throne, becoming the in-demand party planner for Wilde City’s elite. Years of hard work and perseverance are finally paying off as Levi lands his next big fish: working with socialite Julia Freeman-Kingsley.
Distracted by work and dealing with his headstrong mother, an ex-Vegas showgirl suffering from debilitating health issues, Levi has his hands full. Time for love or even the occasional one-night stand is one aspect of life Levi hasn’t been able to master.
Sparks of interest fly during a chance meeting with a paramedic called to the aid of his mother, and thanks to Ruby’s meddling, Levi finds himself on a movie date with the handsome paramedic, Jake.
Personal and professional worlds collide when Levi realizes his new love interest is actually Jake Freeman, estranged brother to his brand new client. Discovering the man of his dreams already has a boyfriend leaves Levi stunned, realizing any hopes he had for something more with Jake were never going to be anything more than wishful thinking.
Struggling to downshift his expectations and remain friends with Jake while continuing to work closely with Julia quickly consumes all his time and attention. Wondering if there will ever be a special someone to love him is where Levi’s love story begins.
So.. I really love how the book starts out. A handsome paramedic flirting with the main character, Levi. Levi is kind hearted, just now becoming a big name in event planning, and oh so lost in the rest of his life. Jake, the gay paramedic who flirts like crazy. Levi’s mother (whom I absolutely adore), pushes them to go out on a date to the movies. At the end of the night, Levi has hearts in his eyes and a warm feeling in his chest.
A few days/weeks later Levi hasn’t heard from Jake. While starting an event planning day with rich socialite, Julia (I adore her also), Levi meets Jake again, along with his long time boyfriend Victor. Aaaand good feeling is gone.
The book is well written, It brings out a lot of different emotions. Normally I like both main people in a book, I can see both sides to them. But in this book, I couldn’t stand Jake. At all. I read through the reviews and people say it’s lighthearted and low angst. Well let me tell you, if you have ever loved someone who strings you along like Jake does to Levi, this is a high angst book and not lighthearted. My heart hurts all the time for Levi. Jake insists to be good friends with him. Which is fine, I don’t knock that. But Jake is very touchy-feely, he says inappropriate things to Levi all the time, making Levi pine for him even more. Jake is confused because of his boyfriend and their relationship and his feeling for Levi. In this way it’s a pretty realistic look at some friendships/relationships where falling in love with another person is involved.
The part that made me the maddest was when Jake doesn’t approve of Levi drinking so much when Levi’s ex made a fool of him in front of pretty much anyone who mattered socially. How his ex acted when he was around Levi was horrible. He should be able to drink whatever he wants right then. Shoot, I would have been drinking too, lol. But all in all it’s a good, can’t-put-down book that made me mad all the time And of course it has a HEA, so no worries there!
Jason Frazier has got to be one of my favorite narrators ever!! I always get his books. Probably one of the main reasons why I got so mad at Jake or sad for Levi all the time was because of how well he could narrate both of them. I love his ladies’ voices too. The way he did both boy’s voices, it’s like he got what both of them were going through, and it came out in his narration of them.
Honestly though, if I knew how much this book would effect me, I probably wouldn’t have listened to it, even knowing it was Jason who narrated it. I like books that make me feel good, and most of the time the book did not. The reason I gave it a 3.5 is because the narration made it for me. If I was just rating the book it would be less than that unfortunately. Of course, others may love this book. Like I said before it was well written and very well narrated. But that is where it stops for me!