TITLE: Aftermath
SERIES: Sin City
AUTHOR: Tricia Owens
PUBLISHER: Tricia Owens
LENGTH: 204 Pages
RELEASE DATE: August 25, 2018
Maxmillian Poole now runs The Elite Poole Worldwide. Thanks to a lucrative partnership with the billionaire venture capitalist, Axelrod Randolph, Max and his husband Ethan are prepared to expand the company across the globe. But with this bigger business impact comes more personal exposure, and Max and Ethan are unprepared to be thrust beneath the public eye. Painted as the faces of the company, Max and Ethan begin to experience the strain of unwanted celebrity, and Max isn’t happy about it.
When Ethan’s ex-lover, Merrick Felix, comes to town and requests Ethan’s services as a bodyguard, Max is wary of his motives. He can tell that Felix still has feelings for Ethan. But Ethan sticks up for his old flame and demands that Max trust his judgment. With their relationship already under strain, Max reluctantly agrees in hopes of avoiding more turmoil. But it turns out to be a devastating mistake. Unbeknownst to them, outside influences seek to tear them apart and will stoop to terrible lows to achieve it.
Book 11, and I love this series just as much as book 1 and all the others in between. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get enough of Max and Ethan. I have absolutely loved watching these two grow as a couple, as well as how far each of them have come on their own. Ethan is a long way from that shy country boy model who longed to join the FBI. And Max, who ever thought he would have opened his heart and life to someone so completely as he has done with Ethan. They really have come a long way.
In this installment, they are handling things after they came out to the employees at Elite Poole, on their own terms, until that is taken out of their hands when they are publicly outed by their now business partner, Axel. If you’ve read this series, you’ll understand why this is such a big deal. Max has worked his entire life to make Elite Poole the success it is today. So, for it to now be affected negatively for no other reason than him being married to a man, is a big deal. Let’s not forget that Ethan is also an employee.
Meanwhile, Ms. Owens gives us even more of that these guys have shared with us from day one – unbelievable smoking hot chemistry. This is one of my favorite D/S relationships to watch. I don’t think I can fully describe how much I enjoy the characters themselves. Max and his dominant need to be in control of every aspect of his life, and Ethan with his natural want to trust and submit to whatever Max has in store for him. This is not the typical BDSM. They don’t have specific planned out “scenes,” but they just naturally get there. It’s easy to feel how much these guys care for each other, how much they realize how lucky they each are to have the other. Their actions do get a little predictable, but that’s to be expected, and they continue to learn and grow from their actions. All I know is that I am really looking forward to Max and Ethan finally putting Max’ father in his place once and for all so they can just go about their own lives. I hope we don’t have to wait to terribly long to see that happen. In the meantime, I highly recommend giving this series a try.

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