I am absolutely knackered! The U.K. Meet is a bundle of fun, but I am completely drained. I meet loads of people, talked rubbish to them probably (soz about that!), and was harried through an AirBnB by a spider the size of a kumquat. I have also made a few ill-advised promises, but that’s any weekend for you! (I am also in Miami airport right now! I didn’t get this uploaded before I left. So I am EXTRA-KNACKERED right now and almost lost my jacket.)
So, I am going to talk about a subject close to my heart. Or at least fresh in my mind.
To be precise, what to put into swag bags to get the biggest bang for your convention buck.
I am not the first to put this out there into the world, but anything made of paper isn’t a great idea. Postcards, pamphlets, business cards are all just too easy to discard. If you have those keep them for your table and hand them out to people who can actually tuck them into a book and only take them if they want them.
Some of them are gorgeous, and there were ones I kind of wanted to keep to pin on a corkboard. However, in the middle of trying to pack all my clothes and make-up and whatnot this morning? Bits of card and paper were the first things to go. I didn’t have room.
EVEN postcards with offers on them. I know I grabbed a couple the other day, but they got shuffled in with the rest and probably just ended up in the bin.
These were actually kind of popular with a lot of people, but there are two things to bear in mind. One is that, if you could please—PLEASE—pop them into sealed plastic bags before you put them into the swag? I have asthma, and a bag full of different, potent smellies can be hard to fend off. Secondly, and maybe more important to you!, is how long are these going to be associated with you? No matter how much I like things, if I don’t remember you gave it to me how useful is it for you?
Put a pin on it baby! Personal preference here, I do love a nice pin. Stickers, on the other hand, are better to hand out at the table when people can tuck them away somewhere safe. Preferably in your book!
Good, but there are always a handful of them and they have tended to just work their way down into the bottom of my bag. So weigh up how ‘you’ and attractive you can make it. A plain pen with your name on it might stick around, but I might not look at it as anything but a handy pen all that often.
I like them, but you have to be careful they don’t get broken in the bag. You don’t want to give someone seven years bad luck. A good choice if you can do a good design I think, but do work out the best way to deliver.
Jar Openers
I have never seen any of these, but…I have an eternal need for something to open jars with. So, you know. Just a head’s up there!
Jelly Bracelets
I still have them on! Although I did just have to check who they all were for. I probably won’t put them back on after my next big shower, but they will hang around on my desk.
I have no idea of the price, application, or practicality of these, this is just spitbally. Shoelaces! Cufflinks! Drinking straws (since plastic ones are being phased out)! Temporary tattoos! Clips (I am mid-fringe grow out)!
What about you guys? Any ideas?
Your post couldn’t have come at a better time. I had some of the same thoughts about swag but you had some great ideas just when I was trying to find some!
Whoot! Glad I could help 😀