TITLE: Denim
SERIES: A Material World #4
AUTHOR: K.C. Wells
PUBLISHER: Self-published
LENGTH: 262 Pages
RELEASE DATE: June 7, 2018
Harry has no illusions about himself. He looks in the mirror and sees a fat, ugly bloke who’s gone stale at the age of thirty-five. He wasn’t always like this–in his early twenties, he was into clubbing, dating, just like any other gay guy in London–but since he moved in to look after his mum, and her subsequent death, he’s let himself go. Besides, there’s no one to make an effort for, so why bother, right?
Then a construction site worker starts whistling at him every morning on his way to the office…
Tony thinks Harry is one of the sexiest bears he’s ever seen. But when he finally gets to talk to Harry, Tony soon realizes that getting to know him is going to take some effort. Not that the prospect puts him off‒Tony loves a challenge, and he’s not about to give up on Harry.
Two ordinary men. Real life. Real-life situations. And love….
Harry is a man who can’t see the best parts of himself because he’s too busy missing the things he’s lost.
Tony sees only the best in Harry and wants more than anything to help Harry accept and love the man he is today.
I connected with Harry right away. He’s a man who can’t see why anyone would like him, because he doesn’t like himself much.
Tony, I fell for him from the beginning. I love the way he looks at the world…and Harry. Especially Harry. Tony is unapologetically himself, and if you don’t like him, then shove off.
K.C. Wells is an author who always creates the best characters. The are easy to relate to and I always find myself cheering them on to their happy ending.
I haven’t read the other books in this series, but I will. I assume the main characters are the men who pop up in little bits throughout the story and I would love to see how they got their happily-ever-afters.
Harry doesn’t have a lot of friends, although he is fond of a few people at work, and it’s a shame because he seems to always want to help everyone and he’s very sweet about it.
Tony has a good family and some really awesome friends and I very much enjoy his interactions with the men he works with.
Everything about this story pushes my buttons. I loved watching Tony’s determination to be a gentleman as he woos Harry and seeing Harry learn to love himself as he falls in love with Tony made me smile a lot.
The only reason it’s not 5 stars is that I don’t give them often and I have to be really blown away to give one. This story is beautiful and sweet and definitely something I can recommend, but my own personal preference is a little more angst and this book is relatively angst free.
If you are looking to finish a book feeling a whole lot happier than when you started, then this is the story for you.
Whilst I mainly agree with your comments, I have to differ re: angst.
We obviously read Harry’s ‘depth’of self deprecation differently.
To me, Harry’s way of improving himself to be worthy of Tony is, in itself, hugely angst-ridden!
(I don’t want to give anything away for those who have not read Denim as yet. )
Nothing positive anyone says about him gets through to Harry That to me is angst ridden.
There are some other points I could raise but I’ll leave those for others to find.
Thank Goodness for the gorgeous Tony!
I’ve read all 4 books in the series so far & Denim truly stands out for me.