Love Bytes says hello and welcome to author Felice Stevens who is joining us to talk about new release “Frankie- Unforgettable”.
Felice talks to us about writing series and brought a giveaway especially for our readers!
Welcome Felice
I love writing series. My series usually involve a group of friends and each book concentrates on different characters, while having the other characters pop in for visits.
When I was a pure reader, nothing gave me more joy than seeing favorite characters show up to give us little updates on their lives.
The Man Up series I different for me because it is the first series I’ve ever written in first person. Many first person series are written in only one POV (point of view) but I love having both main characters’ pov. I think it gives the reader a more personal analysis into the emotions of the character.
Frankie and Aaron are two such opposite personalities, the reader might wonder what they could have in common and why they love each other so much. But when you get into their deep pov , you understand how Frankie loves being loved and Aaron gave that to him. Aaron wanted that security of a solid family and to have someone treat him as special. Frankie gave that to him.
In Frankie—Unforgettable, the two men meet with their therapist throughout the book. They have very serious issues to work through and having the reader see the therapy sessions through Aaron’s eyes allows for Aaron to dig deep into his heart. We get to experience Aaron’s reaction first hand to Frankie’s confessions and then hear Aaron’s devastation when he reveals secrets he’s kept buried for years.
And because I love surprises, there are several I’ve thrown in for readers who are familiar with my work. Frankie—Unforgettable has not only the return of Marcus from The Breakfast club series, but another characters from a favorite series, but I won’t give that away! You’ll have to read the book to find out. And there will be many more surprises to come in the other books in the series so stay tuned!!
Frankie—Unforgettable is available for sale on Amazon, iBooks, Kobo and Barnes &Noble
Title: Frankie—Unforgettable
Series: Man Up #3
Author: Felice Stevens
Release Date: June 7, 2018
No one understands why I love him.
Why I need him.
Why I took him back.
But they don’t have to.
I know.
Despite the hurt and the heartache, I see beneath his skin.
And I’m different now.
No more Flirty Frankie. I’m done with being King of the club.
My dreams have changed, and so have I.
I’m stronger.
I believe in myself.
And I’m a hell of a lot smarter than a year ago.
Now it’s his turn to show me the man he really is.
To prove it.
I’ve always loved him.
But that’s not enough.
I need to learn to trust him.
No more excuses.
No more chances.
I make this right or lose him for good.
I have to do this.
No one has ever believed in me but him.
No one has ever wanted me but him.
I can’t let him down.
I won’t.
I can’t let myself down.
I’m trying, but it’s so damn hard.
No matter what they throw at me, I’m stronger.
And I’m going to make it.
I’m on my way.
With Frankie by my side.
I can see the future.
I have a future.
Us. Together.
#1 Austin – only 99c!
Free in Kindle Unlimited
#2 Rhoades—Undeniable
Free in Kindle Unlimited
I have always been a romantic at heart. I believe that while life is tough, there is always a happy ending around the corner, my characters have to work for it, however. Like life in NYC, nothing comes easy and that includes love.
I live in New York City with my husband and two children and hopefully soon a cat of my own. My day begins with a lot of caffeine and ends with a glass or two of red wine. I practice law but daydream of a time when I can sit by a beach somewhere and write beautiful stories of men falling in love. Although there is bound to be a few bumps along the way, a Happily Ever After is always guaranteed.
Facebook Reader Group:
Felice brought a fantastic giveaway with her
Have a chance to win a $10 GC of a retailer of choice (Amazon, B&N or Ibooks)
Loved Austin and Rhodes, and Frankie was a big part of why. Looking forward to seeing his story and HEA:)
Congrats and thanks for the post. I like your approach of writing about a group of friends, b/c relationships are not just about a romance, and I enjoy reading how friends interact. I also like that you have both guys’ POV, b/c 1st person from just one person’s view can be too limiting for me.
Congrats on the book. This book sounds great. Seeing the point of view of both characters is important to me in reading because I want to know what others are thinking. It makes a book and it’s characters much more interesting.
I love Frankie and Aaron!!!!
Thanks so much for the great book description and giveaway as well.
I’m so looking forward to these books!
Can’t wait to read it
Huge grats on release and feature. I am excited too.
I’m already in love with this series and am looking forward to seeing some of the other characters make appearances.
I would love to read this. It sounds amazing.
Oooh, I’m going to start reading this series right now. I was thinking at first of starting with Rhoades but realized I have to start with Austin.
Congrats on the new book with different way (voices) of telling it. The characters sounds like an intriguing pair. Do I need to prepare get my heart twisted or what?
Great cover. Congrats on the new book!
Congrats on the release! It sounds great and what a gorgeous cover.
sounds interesting
I love the cover!
congrats on the new release
The covers of the series are really gorgeous.
grats and very interesting… xD!