2 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    This is such a great post!
    1. I’ve never heard of Helena Stone and now I have a slew of books by her I want to read.
    2. Amsterdam looks beautiful and since I’m looking at going to Europe for the first time in a couple years, it will definitely make my list of places to see.
    3. I loved the excerpt and blurb about the book. I’m looking for a HEA!
    4. What are those delicacies in the photo? Not crepes. Not pancakes.

  2. Helena Stone
    Helena Stone at |

    Thanks for hosting me, Dani!

    16forward, thank you so very much. I’m so happy you enjoyed the post and are curious about my books. I would most definitely recommend Amsterdam as one of the stops on your European tour, you won’t be disappointed. Also, this book does come with a HEA and the delicacies in the photo are called poffertjes and are basically very yummy mini pancakes.


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