A warm welcome to author ZA.Maxfield joining us today to talk about her new release “Plummet to Soar”.
Welcome Z.A.
Hello! I’m Z.A. Maxfield, and I want to thank Dani and Love Bytes blog so much for inviting me here today to show off my latest, Plummet To Soar. Plummet is a throwback for me, because I decided to toss the rulebook and write it like I never planned to hit send—which happens to be the same way I wrote everything, in the beginning.
Artists of any kind can probably relate. When a writer starts out, she’s simply putting words together to please herself. She’s not thinking about how the book will be received. This state of ignorance—this blissful space where only the writer and her words exist—disappears as soon as someone else encounters the story. It’s a funny thing. If ten separate readers consume the same story, I guarantee you, they experience ten different stories. And when I first started writing, I didn’t understand this.
When I began writing Plummet, I was privately going through some hard times. When this happens, I always reach for inspiration. Whether I join some rubber stamped religious group, or find a running program with a mentor, or go on a juice fast, usually I’m simply trying to solve perceived problems the best way I know how. I’m a resilient human and I don’t mind being a guinea pig. I’ll meditate, try video gaming, or join a cult. It’s a scattershot problem-solving technique, well suited to my temperament, or anyone’s who is impatient as hell.
It’s experimental and experiential. I try something in the moment, and if it helps, I do more of it. This has caused as many problems as it has solved but it’s never boring!
In Plummet, I played a lot of my struggles and insecurities for laughs. It’s hard to know if farce will fly with my normal audience, but with the world so serious—and for some of us, seriously painful—I wanted to write a story that would make me laugh and cry, a little. That would remind me that people are resilient, and basically good, and that almost everyone is trying to be a better person, even if they don’t know it.
I wanted to give my readers a virtual hug. This too shall pass.
Whether you like my story or not, I hope it will help you remember all the times you’ve faced something tough or scary. With a little ingenuity and pluck, you not only survived but thrived.
Thanks so much for letting me be here! Happy reading.
Release Date: 5/8/2018
Book Blurb:
Feckless, luckless, and charming, Mackenzie Detweiler is the author of a self-help book one reviewer calls “the most misbegotten motivational tool since Mein Kampf.” He’s maneuvered himself into a career as a life coach, but more often than not, his advice is bad. Really bad.
It’s even getting people hurt… and Mackenzie sued.
It falls to Mackenzie’s long-suffering editor, JD Chambers, to deliver the bad news. He chooses to do so face-to-face—to see if the spark he senses between them is real when they’re together in the flesh. Unfortunately, a snowstorm, a case of nerves, a case of mistaken identity, and finally a murder get in the way of a potential enemies-to-lovers romance.
There are many, many people who have good reason to want Mackenzie dead. JD must find out which one is acting on it before it’s too late for both of them.
Book Links:
Once Mac was alone, he opened his pop and poured himself an ice-cold plastic cupful. How he wished he’d purchased extra bottles of booze on the airplane. He knew it was going to be a long, long night. No matter how much he drank, sleep might not come.
It took ten minutes to unpack and slide his few boxes of books, swag, and audiobook CDs of Plummet to Soar out of the way. He hung his clothes and placed his socks and underwear in drawers. Then he unfolded and assembled his cardboard cutout—the one he used at book signings, where he looked like the love child of Tony Robbins and Captain Ron. NYT Bestselling author, Mackenzie Detweiler. Plummet to Soar.
After that, there was nothing to do but take a shower and hit the sack. Before he did, he unlocked and opened the connecting door. Just in case.
Why did he do it?
Because it was an old-school hotel, and because the connecting door was there, and because he wanted to leave just that much, that tiny bit of an opening into his world for Doug, if he should want it.
Completely passive. Completely legit, because unless Doug tried the door, he’d never know it was open on Mac’s side. That was the perfect metaphor for every awesome sexual encounter he’d ever had. Nobody planned those things. Someone just… opened a door.
Anyway, it wasn’t about sex. Douglas had more going on in his aristocratic head than sex. Not much more, maybe, but those cloud-gray eyes hid pain and disappointment and fragile, fragile hope that somehow, Mac had crushed before he even spoke a word. He felt the change in Doug’s handshake. That’s when he made up his mind that Doug had to be a shill.
But now? Maybe Doug was simply looking for more than a life coach could give? Maybe he was hoping for something rubber-stamped like twentieth-century philosophers or something occult or religion. He hated to tell the dude there were no certificates of authenticity. The plummet thing was going to be hard on him. Douglas would want someone to talk to, maybe someone to cling to.
Which, up until the clinging part, would be a piece of cake. Mac’s body resonated every time they barely brushed fingertips. So, until the plummet was over? Mac could be a shoulder, a sounding board, but not a body. Check.
Wasn’t going to be easy. Nothing is ever easy.
Z.A. Maxfield started writing in 2007 on a dare from her children and never looked back. Pathologically disorganized, and perennially optimistic, she writes as much as she can, reads as much as she dares, and enjoys her time with family and friends. Three things reverberate throughout all her stories: Unconditional love, redemption, and the belief that miracles happen when we least expect them.
If anyone asks her how a wife and mother of four can find time for a writing career, she’ll answer, “It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you give up housework.”
Website: http://www.zamaxfield.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorZ.A.Maxfield
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZAMaxfield
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zamaxfield/?hl=en
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2738500.Z_A_Maxfield
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2fVPEzw
Happy release week, ZAM! I love that cover and the blurb… they nudged me to preorder.
Sounds like fun!
Does this involve getting snowed in (hope so)? Even if it doesn’t, I’m intrigued!
A really bad life coach…sounds like a tv pilot scenario!
Thanks for the post! This sounds really good (and reminds me why I don’t like to give advice).
Thank you for the post. Looks like a fun read.
Love the book cover
Congrats on the new release!