A bit more than three and half years ago, Dani asked me if I wanted to do a monthly guest post on Love Byte (so not quite five and counting for me.) Since then, I’ve watched the site grow as Dani and her reviewers put in countless hours making this a better place for readers and authors to find each other. If you don’t know Dani, she is incredibly humble. She loves the blog and what she does, but doesn’t always see how much she gives everyone. So at times like these, we need to remind her that yes, she is wonderful for all the love and work she puts into Love Bytes.
As part of the celebration, I donated a $50.00 Amazon Gift card for Dani to give away. If you haven’t entered that giveaway, there’s still time to enter. You can find the details here:
Just about five years ago, The Last Grand Master was released. That was with the original Dreamspinner Press Cover. [Seen to the left]. It was the book that started my publishing life. Unfortunately, it’s not really a romance; it’s a fantasy story with a subplot of MM Romance. Not exactly the stuff romance readers devour in mere hours. Obviously Dani knew that when she asked me join her monthly authors, but in her words, she likes having different genres with LGBTQ characters, so I got to stay.
A couple of years later, DSP Publications arrived and they moved TLGM to their non- romance imprint. The story got a new cover [seen to the right] and frankly gave me a kick in the pants to get the rest of the series done.
Like all things in life, there were ups and downs with finishing the series. I’d written 80% of the story before we started publishing, but taking the massive rough draft and boiling it down to five books prove way harder than I anticipated. Still, I’d spent close to ten years writing the series, it needed to get finished.
And it is.
Book 5 in the series, When Heroes Fall, took me 6 months longer than I’d planned to finished. As the last of the series, it needed to wrap up a lot of loose threads I’d sprinkled throughout the other four books. Every time I thought I’d tied the last one up, I’d find another. Finally, I couldn’t find anymore and I submitted it. Now, When Heroes Fall is with the editors – no first release date yet – and the cover is in the works. (I’ve no idea what it will look like at this point, but I’m expecting it to complete the cover art nicely.)
In addition, the series has started to makes its way to audio books. If you haven’t listened to Joel Leslie’s narration of The Last Grand Master, you should. Not because I wrote the story, but because he’s amazing. The other four books will be out next spring – barring any issues – and I am anxious to listen to hear the entire series in audio.
Having seen so many changes in the last five years, not only to Love Bytes, but to my own work as well, I wonder what five more will look like. Probably nothing like today, and that’s fine. Dani has proven a more than able captain of the blog. I expect in five years we’ll be looking back with fond memories, but also pleased with the new course she’s set.
Happy Fifth Anniversary Love Bytes and here’s to many more to come!
Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write.
Since devouring The Lord of the Rings as a preteen, he has been a fan of all things fantastical. His imagination has helped him create works of high fantasy, paranormal thrills and touch of the futuristic. He also writes the occasional contemporary story.
He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his husband of twenty-three years. Together they are raising their daughter and three dogs. Andrew tries to squeeze writing time in around his most important jobs, being husband and ‘Papa.’ Along with teaching how to kick a soccer ball or ride a scooter, he has become fluent in cartoon characters and children’s books. To find out more about Andrew, his writing and his family, follow him on his website or on Facebook.
You can also sign up for his monthly newsletter and get an exclusive short story only available to subscribers. Use the link below to join:
Follow Andrew:
website: www.andrewqgordon.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/andrewqugordon
Twitter: @andrewqgordon
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AndrewQGordon
email: andrew@andrewqgordon.com
The Last Grand Master: (Champion of the Gods–Book 1)
The Eye and the Arm: (Champion of the Gods–Book 2)
Kings of Lore and Legend: (Champion of the Gods–Book 3)
Child of Night and Day (Champion of the Gods—Book: 4)
Self published:
Yes, Happy Anniversary to Dani, and to you congrats on finishing the Champion of the Gods series (almost :-). And a very generous donation, again, for the cause. It was in last year’s anniversary that I discovered you & the series, and so glad I did. I can’t wait for the conclusion of one of my fav series.
Thank you. It was a very good confluence of events last year that you happened to be in my town right after the contest. That picture of us in front of Bakers and Barista’s still pops up on my FB feed whenever I sign on
(They ought to pay us an ad fee for all the publicity it gets – um well maybe that would be a small fee
So happy to hear the next book is coming! I can’t wait to read it!
Me too, Dan. As I’ve seen other say when they finish a series, it’s bittersweet. You want people to see how it ends, but it’s tough letting go. I’m going to resist the urge to return to Nendor centuries later etc. David Eddings did it when he wrote the Mallorean and it felt like a rehash of the same plot with just different kingdoms to explore. I want to create something totally new for my next act. :). Thanks for all the support, Dan!
Awesome, looking forward the the next book. Thanks for the post!
Thanks H.B. I’m sure I’ve told you before, but I really appreciate all the encouragement and support you’ve given during the life of the series. You were one of the first and you’re still helping now. Thank you so much <3