A warm welcome to author KC Burn joining us to talk about new release “Set Ablaze”.
KC talks about inspiration for writing and brought a giveaway to participate in!
Welcome KC
Hi all! I’m KC Burn and I want to thank Love Bytes for hosting me today for my new release Set Ablaze.
Writing is such a funny process. Inspiration can come from anywhere. I’ve been inspired by dreams, real life events, bus rides, random conversations, a scarf (that’s a story for another day – the book is still percolating), an old apartment, an arcade, bumper boats, university courses… Just about anywhere or anything can trigger ideas, whether for characters or scenes or entire novels.
For Set Ablaze, inspiration came from a slightly more unusual source. Hubby and I went to see Kingsman: The Golden Circle. We’d both been pleasantly surprised at how much we enjoyed the first one, and the second one didn’t disappoint. Clever, witty, lots of action and explosions.
That was all super. But for an action/espionage movie there were a LOT of puppy scenes. OMG, the puppies. I grew up with small dogs, and seeing all those scenes with wee dogs just made me CRAVE a puppy.
I have a cat. She is a wonderful cat, so sweet, and she’s been a part of our live for 21 years. I wouldn’t give her up for anything, but the relationship you have with a dog is different from a cat. I can’t say one is better than the other (I’m pretty equally a dog and cat person), but they are different.
Even though I work from home and could technically be around to properly train a puppy, the real problem is that our apartment is nowhere near anything green, and even the distance from our apartment to the great outdoors is fairly lengthy. Which means, despite my desire for a dog, it still isn’t a very good idea. Right around this time, I was writing Set Ablaze. So, I wrote in a puppy. I gave Jez the puppy I wanted, in the hopes that it would help assuage my desire for a dog. And it helped! It might be temporary, but I think I’ve fixed the issue for now. If only one of my friends would get a puppy so I could play with it…
And I promise nothing bad happens to the puppy – if anything’s gonna get me crying in a book it would be when something happens to the dog or cat. But books with pets don’t necessarily entice me to buy. What about you? Are you more or less likely to buy a book that features a pet? Or does it not matter either way to you?
California firefighter Hayden Hurst is starting to realize there’s more to life than fighting fires and drinking with his buddies. He has room in his home and his life for someone special, but no one has stood out among his hookups. And while he’s out at work, admitting he’s gay is very different from showing up at social functions with a man. He’s afraid that’ll be too much for his less-than-accepting “friends.”
Broadway dancer Jez Bouchet hasn’t been mistaken for straight since he was gay-bashed at seventeen. After getting a lucrative job offer in Hollywood, he uproots his life in New York and drives to Los Angeles. His brother, who is Hayden’s best friend, arranges for him to crash at Hayden’s place.
The attraction between Hayden and Jez is unexpected but fiery, and they succumb before they’re even sure they like each other. But Jez hates Hayden’s homophobic friends, and Hayden knows Jez is too flamboyant for him to fly under the radar. Then there’s the complication of Jez’s brother.
Despite those hurdles, they fling themselves into a relationship. But Jez has secrets: a tiny spoiled dog and a determined stalker. If he doesn’t come clean, he might torch their burgeoning relationship before it has a chance to bloom.
Set Ablaze is available at Dreamspinner Press and Amazon.
KC Burn has been writing for as long as she can remember and is a sucker for happy endings (of all kinds). After moving from Toronto to Florida for her husband to take a dream job, she discovered a love of gay romance and fulfilled a dream of her own — getting published. After a few years of editing web content by day, and neglecting her supportive, understanding hubby and needy cat at night to write stories about men loving men, she was uprooted yet again and now resides in California. Writing is always fun and rewarding, but writing about her guys is the most fun she’s had in a long time, and she hopes you’ll enjoy them as much as she does.
Visit KC at her website, on Twitter, on Facebook, or find out about new releases by signing up for her newsletter.
Congrats on the book. The story sounds so good.
pets are good in a story, not sure if one being in a story would sway me if I was wavering.
But I think a pet adds a dimension to a character without it having to be written in
I guess it depends on the pet…if it feels like a gratuitous addition for sympathy’s sake I don’t like it, but a quirky one is fun!