What I want to know for this giveaway is
What is one of your favorite books by a publisher
you would say pretty simple right well I noticed it was pretty difficult.
So for the giveaway in which you can win different kind of store credits from different publishers
I want you to tell me 3 favorite books from 3 different publishers (it doesn’t matter what Publisher)
Good Luck!
Have a chance to win:
A $10 storecredit for Ninestar Press
A $10 storecredit for Dreamspinner Press
A $10 storecredit for MLR Press
or A $20 storecredit for Extasy Books
I wasn’t sure if you were counting imprints as a separate publisher, so I added an extra one in case you aren’t:
Dreamspinner Press: Dirty Kiss by Rhys Ford
DSP Publications: The Mystery of Nevermore by C.S. Poe
Carina Press: Fair Game by Josh Lanyon
Blind Eye Books: Lord of the White Hell by Ginn Hale
I did find out via this exercise that a lot of my favorite books are self published.
well then check out tomorrows post
Thanks for the giveaways, and to recognize each, how about a fav book from each pub:
– Ninestar: Cozzi Cove series by Joe Cosentino
– DSP Publications: Champion of the Gods series by Andrew Gordon
– MLR Press: Mahu series by Neil Plakcy
– Extacy Books: Enforcers series by Ravon Silvius
Dreamspinner: Charlie Cochet’s THIRDS series
Extasy: Dead Camp – Sean Kerr
Carina Press: Annabeth Albert’s Out of Uniform series
Dreamspinner Press Amy Lane Promise Rock
DSP Publications Andrea Speed Infected Series
Adrienne Wilder publisher In The Absence of Light Adrienne Wilder
Dreamspinner Press: Family of Lies by Sam Argent
JSM books: Muscling Through by JL Merrow
MRL Press: Mexican Heat by Josh Lanyon
Sinner’s Gin, Rhys Ford, Dreamspinner
Thorns and Fangs, Gillian St. Kevern, Nine Star
Life Lessons, Katje Harper, MLR
Dreamspinner: HOT HEAD by Damon Suede
JMS: HAT TRICK series by Jeff Adams
Forgot LooseId is closing soon, so I’ll go on…
MLR: ILLUSTRATED MEN by Neil Plakcy/Michael Breyette
aagh, so many I’m thinking of from places that no longer exist!
MLR: Strength of the Mate by Kendall McKenna
JMS: Vic and Matt by JM Snyder
Dreamspinner: Charlie Cochet’s THIRDS
Tough question:
Dreamspinner: Dom of Ages by KC Wells & Parker Williams
MLR Press: Strength of the Pack by Kendall McKenna
Pride Publishing: BUILDING BONDS by Morticia Knight
Dreamspinner Black Dog Blues – Rhys Ford
Riptide Where Death Meets the Devil – LJ Hayward
MLR Press Strength of the Pack – Kendall McKenna
Extasy Books-Wolves of Stone Ridge series by Charlie Richards
Pride Publinshing-Kiss of Leather series by Morticia Knight
Bookstrand/Siren-Hot Mess series by Stromy Glenn
Dreamspinner – Charlie Cochet’s THIRDs series
Carina Press – Annabeth Albert’s #gaymers series
Dark Hollows Press LLC – Mate of the Tyger Prince series
by Shannon West
Favourites, hm…
Dreamspinner Press – Duncan Andrews Thrillers by Stephen Osborne
Less Than Three Press – Tournament of Losers by Megan Derr
Pride Publishing – Offbeat Crimes by Angel Martinez
This is difficult because i have so many favorite but some of them are:
Dreamspinner Press: The Shearing Gun by Renae Kaye
NineStar Press: Spectrum Nights serie by Melanie Hansen
Carina Press: Out of Uniform serie by Annabeth Albert
Riptide Publishing: Anchor Point serie by LA Witt
Ocean of Tears-Beaten Track Pub.
Invitation to the Blues-Monster Press
Tales of Verania series-Dreamspinner Press
So hard to choose so here goes:
Dreamspinner: BOATK series by TJ Klune
MLR: Warlock Unbound by Stephani Hecht
Extasy: Wrong Locker Jackie Nacht
You’re right…answer is not that easy :).
1. Time Waits by CB Lewis (Dreamspinner Press)
2. The High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr (LT3 Press)
3. Long Time Gone by SE Jakes (Riptide Pub)
I also had lots of self pubs in my favourites (but have used them now!!!)
JMS – What it looks Like, Matthew J Metzger
DSP – Dirty Kiss (all of Cole McGinnis Series), Rhys Ford
MLR – Life Lessons (all of Life Lessons series), Kaje Harper
Dreamspinner – Tender Mercies by Eli Easton
Pride Publishing – Offbeat Crimes by Angel Martinez
Riptide – Plumbers Mate by JL Morrow
I know I’m cheating a bit by naming series, but it’s really hard to narrow it down.
Tough choice…on top of my head: Clockwork Pirate by Lyn Gala (Loose ID), Hostage by Cheryl Headford (Harmony Ink Press) and Gemini by Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid (Loose ID).
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wolfsong from Dreamspinner
Carry the Ocean was originally from Samhain
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda from Balzer + Bray
Bonfires by Amy Lane, Wolfsong by TJ Clune (both DSP) and High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr (LT3 Press). Thanks for the giveaway!
Dreamspinner — SJD Peterson – The whole Guards of Folsom series & TJ Klune – At First Sight series
MLR Press — Fyn Alexander – Angel and the Assassin & Kaje Harper – Life Lessons
Extacy Books — M.E. Reid – Memories Erased – Treachery
Carina Press — Josh Lanyon – Fair Play
Making Nice by Elizah J. Davis (dreamspinner)
Prisoner by Megan Derr (LT3)
Curses, Foiled Again by Sera Trevor (NineStar)