18 Responses

  1. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    Thanks for the insight. I have found that a large number of people that like to read were read to when they were young.

  2. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    I need my HEAs too!

  3. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Thanks for the post! Your start in reading sounds really similar to mine. 🙂

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    One of my first memories is sitting on my mom’s lap, twisting her hair in between my fingers as she read a book to me at nap time. I remember all the Golden Books I had as a child, before I moved on to the Bobbsey Twins, Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. Growing up in South Dakota I definitely read ‘The Little House on the Prairie’ books. I loved ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ and all of Lois Lowry’s books. Next it was gothic romances and mysteries. Once I discovered shifter books they led me to fantasies, erotica, mfm, and mm. I haven’t looked back!

  5. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    fours years reviewing? nice!
    congrats on the 5th Anniversary for Love Bytes <3

  6. melanie m
    melanie m at |

    thanks for the chance!

  7. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Thanks for the post and sharing, and thanks for reviewing for Love Bytes. I had to laugh that you were read The Hobbit, but for me, even in Jr. Hi it was too much for me. Yet 4 years later I fell in love with the whole series. Go figure.

  8. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for sharing and for all the years of reviewing =)

  9. suze294
    suze294 at |

    I have always enjoyed reading , from an early age it was Heidi, Black Beauty, Enid Blyton etc – never stopped!!

  10. Susana Perez
    Susana Perez at |

    Thank you for sharing some of your experiences with us!

  11. Trix
    Trix at |

    Always fun to hear about a personal route to m/m!

  12. Trishia White
    Trishia White at |

    One of my earliest memories is of my mother reading to me after going trick or treating. All through school, my friends parents would always comment that i must be really smart since i read so much, i would just laugh and say sure. LOL

  13. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    Congrats on your long reviewing career! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  14. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    Thanks for the post. It happened the same to me, found a book with guys in the cover and the name of the author sounded like a fan-fic name, LOL. I decided to give it a go and here I am today.

  15. dee
    dee at |

    Thanks for sharing your story. I read Yaoi manga, when I was younger and I also read mpreg stories here and there, so I was aware of the genre somehow (I just didn’t know that there were “real” books out there.). Here is the funny thing, around 2014 I started reading J.R. Ward books and in late 2015 I crossed over to m/m. Very interesting that you also came across her, before dipping into the genre =)

  16. Angela
    Angela at |

    Thank you for sharing i did read the Little House on the Prairie books (borrowed them from the library after watching the tv serie)

  17. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    Hi Tori, I enjoyed your post and I think HEA are very important too.

  18. Milica
    Milica at |

    JR Ward is solely responsible for more than a half readers in MM community 😀 …Thanks for the post!


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