17 Responses

  1. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    I hope things in your life get back to at least a halfway normal state. I know what it is like when shit happens and messes with life.

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’m so sorry! I wish you well…

  3. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    Hang in there!

  4. Susana Perez
    Susana Perez at |

    Thank you for sharing this post with us. I hope things get better soon… Because they always get better, that I am sure of.

  5. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I hope things improve for you soon Chris

  6. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Such an emotional post. I remember reading a statement saying it was okay to pull away from people who were negative and drained your energy. It was difficult at first, but now, years later, I can appreciate the good things in that relationship while protecting myself. Time is too valuable to lose yourself. Sometimes it’s okay to put yourself first!

  7. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Thanks for going ahead and putting in this post, Chris. My heart goes out to you. I feel for all you’re going through, and sounds like you have some good, wise thoughts to help you through it. And thank you for reviewing for Love Bytes.

  8. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’m sorry to hear this Chris and I hope everything gets better soon. I understand where you’re coming from since I am in almost similar situation. Surrounding yourself with loved ones will definitely help and if it becomes overwhelming taking time for yourself never hurts either.

  9. suze294
    suze294 at |

    You really have been through the wringer, hope your future is so much better!

  10. Trishia White
    Trishia White at |

    I am so sorry to hear of your difficult times right now and the reason why. My thoughts are with you.

  11. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    I’m so sorry. That is really rough and I hope that things get better and easier for you soon!

  12. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    “No journey is without it’s pitstops”. Nothing but the truth. I wish you the best and that things work well in the end for you.

  13. dee
    dee at |

    Trust is a very powerful feeling. It’s great that you haven’t stopped trusting, even though you could have turned bitter. Stay strong, things will get better eventually. Don’t stop believing in yourself and others!

  14. Angela
    Angela at |

    No words, i hope everything will improve and you will be able to pick up the pieces and try again.

  15. Milica
    Milica at |

    So sorry for what you’re going through. And I understand you completely…I was never one for the heights, either, and I know how it hurts when your trust gets betrayed. All will be better, but unfortunately, it takes some time to get over the things like that.

  16. Rose
    Rose at |

    I feel you. I went through similar thing, and sometimes I still wonder if I can trust anyone except my parents. It’s a sad thing that, today, you simply have to be prepared for anything.

  17. Vitto
    Vitto at |

    I’m sorry for all that you’re going through. There’s nothing I can say except that I hope you’ll feel better soon.


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