12 Responses

  1. Tanja
    Tanja at |

    I love my Kindle with all the ebooks. It is so much easier (and cheaper) to buy them, but nothing beats the feel of a paperback in your hands. Especially if they are signed by the author. That is a treasure.

  2. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I thought I would never give in to buying mostly ebooks, but reading ebooks makes it incredibly easy to have lots of books while traveling. I love having a paperback in hand though and signed paperbacks are absolute treasures.

  3. Susana Perez
    Susana Perez at |

    I am real book hoarder, so the answer is obvious. I do prefer paperbacks, I own more than one thousand, and still growing (even though I do not have any space left in my place…). Because of the problems with space, I now buy most of my books as ebooks,, and then buy the paperback if I loved it (which happens very often… LOL)

  4. Trix
    Trix at |

    Even though ebooks are really useful to me when I’m traveling, a signed paperback is especially meaningful!

  5. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I love getting signed paperbacks but most of my reading is done via kindle….so much lighter and I have a whole library in my hands

  6. jenndease
    jenndease at |

    I need to hold my books in my hands. I have a Nook for short stories by my favorite authors that will never be in print. Signed books…..Oh Yes, Please!

  7. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I grew up reading books so I can’t remember a time I didn’t have a book in hand. While ebooks are easier to handle and less of a storage issue, paperbacks still appeal to me because I find it easier to flip through, I like the heft of it in my hands and it makes it easier to just turn the book over and look at the cover if I’m particularly taken with the cover art.

  8. suze294
    suze294 at |

    I do enjoy an actual book, but they don’t respond to a right page click very well!!! Ebooks however have allowed me to feed my reading habit big time!

  9. Trishia White
    Trishia White at |

    I love my kindle and prefer reading on that, my second favorite is hardbacks, even though they are a pain to lug around, and then paperbacks. I love collecting signed paperbacks though.

  10. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    I like paperbacks but it’s more useful to have ebooks that you can carry around anywhere.

  11. dee
    dee at |

    Until 2015 I was of the opinion that it had to be paperbacks. Then suddenly there were a few books I wanted to read and which I only could get as an e-book. And then I got my e-book reader. Well, I can say that I still love to read paperbacks, but the majority of my books are e-books. I can hoard without clustering my home. I can read several books at the same time, while not at home, without having to carry several books. Love it.
    Some books I still have to have as paperbacks, though.

  12. Angela
    Angela at |

    I like my ereader because i can take all my books with me but i love paperbacks and i love signed ones so thank you for the giveaway chance 🙂


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