The next post comes from Roberta.
Hello All & Welcome to Love Bytes Reviews 5th Anniversary!!!
My name is Roberta and I’ve been a reviewer here for a little over 4 years….Wow….how time flies. I’ve enjoyed being apart of this family of like-minded people who not only love books…they love M/M books as well. I was blessed to see a request for a reviewer and I took the chance and it paid off very well.
I have been a reader for over 30 years. I can read anywhere and at anytime. I can totally block out the world and get totally invested into the world that the author has created. My Momma always said that if a book is really good it will capture your attention within 30 minutes and that saying still holds true to me. You may think that 30 minutes is such a short time…but my feeling is that within 30 minutes…the author should have taken over your interest, your mind and your soul. You should be already so into the story that the outside world doesn’t even exist. Sometimes that saying works so well and then…sometimes…it doesn’t. But for the most part…it really does.
I have to say that I started young and my books were romantic in nature….by the time I was 12…Jackie Collins and I were really good friends. As I’ve gotten older, I noticed that my taste has matured A LOT!! I still love the Romance genre…but I like it with some edge to it. I love action, mystery, tropes….I’m all over the board with my reading. As long as I have an idea what I should be in for…I’m pretty ok. The only things that I can say for certain that isn’t my favorite…cliffhangers…they drive me nuts…but that’s just me. Also…books that fade to black for the naughty bits….I feel like…I’m right there with the characters…they should share that with me too…Voyeur that I am….hehehe…but otherwise…I’m really easy to please.
I have to say that I’ve been blessed to be able to review books with Love Bytes. I’ve had the opportunity to find new authors and read so many different books and share my love affair of the written word with not only my fellow reviewers…but with the fans of the blog as well. I’ve fallen in love with characters and have been with them thru thick and thin. I’ve read some authors who take my breath away with their words. I have become a slave to their words and now…I’m a needy woman and stalk them on social media. It’s great.
These past 4 years have been amazing and I’ve had the opportunity to work with some great reviewers both past and present. We’ve got such a great group of people and it’s always a pleasure to know that if you need help of any kind…these AMAZING People have your back. I am Blessed and Honored to be apart of the LGBTQI+ community and to be able to review some wonderful works of art!!
Congrats, Love Bytes for 5 Wonderful Years and to So Many More!!!!
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Thank you for your reviews and thank you to the other reviewers here on Love Bytes, as well. Your reviews are fair, honest, and informative and you all have helped me find many, MANY books to feed my addiction
Happy reading & reviewing to you!
Thanks for the reviews – I usually don’t read reviews of books I know I’m reading anyway until afterward, but it helps with new to me authors
Thanks for the reviews!
Hi, Roberta. It is good to get to know something about you. I started young as well, but I moved to romance later on… My first love was, and always will be, fantasy.
Thank you very much for your reviews!
I love to visit Love Bytes and see the reviews posted. I did find some good books and some new to me authors because of the reviews seen on Love Bytes. Happy Anniversary and thank you for your reivews!
Congrats on the blogiversary. Thanks for your past reviews and wishing you many more in the future.
Hello Roberta, my reading of choice like yourself has been the romance genre for the last 50 years, the last 10 almost exclusively mm. I’m right up there with you on the cliffhanger thing, I know a lot of readers love them, me, not at all. I look forward to more reviews and shenanigans from you all.
I agree with you about cliffhangers!
Thanks for your reviews and background. I too like my romances with some edge, but I didn’t start with romance, but went the other way, gradually picking up romance as I got into gay fiction.
I love to read reviews and rely on them to introduce me to new authors! I’ve made a practice of reviewing all the books I read on Amazon and Goodreads, since I’ve learned how important it is to published authors. I’ve also been lucky enough to read ARC’s for several authors and I am a Beta Reader for another one. Life doesn’t get better than escaping into the mind of someone else! I look forward to all story lines, except horror and extreme BDSM, and HEA’s make my heart beat a little faster. Thanks for all you do!
thanks for being part of the review team Roberta
Congrats on 4 years and thank you for the reviews you have done.
Congrats on the blogiversary! Thank you for all the lovely reviews over the years!
Happy anniversary! I follow everyone’s reviews here because… well, you’re pretty honest in your tastes and that’s something I appreciate. Because the lack of info in reviews about the story is what makes me not to give them a chance. I also dislike cliffhangers pretty much.
Thank you Roberta for all your reviews
Thank you for your reviews at Love Bytes, Roberta. And thanks for sharing your personal reading beginning and the next journey. We each have different experience and taste in books, and I’m glad to know this genre (still lots of reading to catch up, though!).
Hi Roberta, thanks for the post. I have always had my head buried in a book since I was young – The Famous Five in those long off days!!
I like a bit of murder mystery in my reads and paranormal generally not a favourite!
Thanks for sharing your reading experience with the rest of us! It’s really great to have a blog like lovebytesreviews, where I can go to get inspiration in a time, where so many new books are released that you don’t really know what to read next. So yeah, while blurbs, author names and cover art are good indicators whether I might like a book, reviews like yours sometimes are the one thing that help me decide whether I will buy the book or not.