Hello all, and thanks for tuning in to my monthly post. I’m going to keep this brief because, well honestly, I have waaaaaay too much going on and I might be a bit insane for attempting it all.
On the Real Life front, my daughter just turned one (I don’t know how many times I’ve said this over the past week, but how the hell did that happen so fast!?). We kept things low-key, but there was much chocolate cake baking involved and I’m totally biased, but god, don’t those fat little cheeks just kill you?
We are also in the midst, or almost-midst of a renovation on our kitchen and two of our bathrooms. This is the first time renovating anything and I’m not naive enough to think it’ll be the last, but I SO hope it’s the last. We’ve barely started (our tub is ripped out) and I’m already regretting it all. Not cool. It’ll be great when we’re done though because we’re hoping to get the hell out of this tiny little place and into somewhere our kids don’t have to share a room. Two littles in one room sucks.
To top that off, I am all done with mat leave (very sad face) and heading back to the EDJ in two weeks. I’m looking forward to this with excitement and dread. It’s been 18 months since I last set foot in the hospital and I’m not entirely certain I remember how to do my job. I pity the first patient in through the door, but I’ll do my best to be gentle. I can say I am looking forward to going back to work though. I’m lucky enough to only work casually, so when I get to a point where I’ve had about enough Elmo, I put on my scrubs, run out the door, and I get to talk to adults for a few hours.
And now for the books!
I spent some time over the last week or so, looking forward at the calendar for the next 12 months. My publishing schedule for the rest of 2018 and early 2019 is pretty packed. I’m hoping you guys don’t get sick of me, because (if everything goes to plan) there will be a LOT.
Here’s a sneak peek at my current projects:
- An enemies-to-lovers novel featuring two surgeons set in Alaska. This will likely be coming out sometime near the end of April, so stay tuned for news on that one.
- A co-write with Sandra Damien. It’s a friends-to-lovers novella about two chefs, set in 1998, and my god we’re having fun with this. The 90s fashion! The music! The SLANG! I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed as hard writing a book before. This has been worth it for the research/walk down memory lane alone. We’re hoping to get that one up and out sometime in May, and if everything goes well, it will be the beginning of a sort-of series. It’s gonna be totally rad.
- A totally fluffy/smutty ménage. I started this one as a way to haul myself out of writer’s block. It was meant to get my words flowing again and I ended up liking what happened so much that I added it to the list. This one looks like it will tentatively be done by June, so look for that one if m/m/m is your thing.
- The third Zero Hour book. It’s coming. I promise. I don’t know when, but as soon as I know, you’ll know.
The list goes on, but those are the ones I’m actively working on. See? I think I might be insane, but at least I’m having fun.
If you want to keep up with the latest news, the best place to find me is in my Facebook group, Cate & Co.