A warm welcome to author K.A. Mitchell joining us today to talk bout the release of Bad Boyfriend
Welcome K.A.
One of my favorite types of love story to read or watch is opposites attract, so it’s no surprise that I write more than a few of them myself. Bad Boyfriend pairs Eli, an about-to-be homeless, jobless, streetwise club rat with Quinn, a solid, fresh out of a gone-stale ten-year relationship, history teacher. They have different views of almost everything but are somehow exactly what each other needs to be happy—though it takes them a bit to see that.
Quinn shut the door and turned back. Running a finger along the tight collar of Eli’s shirt and smoothing his tie, Quinn said, “You did this for me. Because of what I told you.”
Eli smiled. It still looked wrong. Quinn missed the self-confidence behind the grin that showed that one slightly crooked tooth.
“Now that’s the kind of response that will get you a blowjob, Mr. Maloney.”
Quinn controlled the urge to shudder. “Christ. Please don’t call me that.” There was the grin he’d been looking for. “In the interest of time, I’ll settle for a kiss.”
Eli leaned in and Quinn hunched down to meet him, but all he got was a light brush of lips. Quinn caught Eli’s face in his hands and held him, drawing back enough to see Eli’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t understand the point of revving the engine if you’re not going to drive somewhere.”
“You are the opposite of romantic. Did anyone ever tell you that?”
“I am full of romance. I like sunsets and the ocean and beaches and flowers and love songs and Shakespeare in the park and all that kind of shit.” Eli’s cheeks flushed. It was adorable on him. “I don’t get what any of that has to do with sex.”
“I’m not talking about sex, Eli. I’m talking about a kiss.”
“Fine. I’ll kiss the romantic fuck out of you.”
Quinn stepped his legs out and bent his knees to get to Eli’s eye level and waited.
Peeling Quinn’s hand away, Eli licked his lips and wrapped his arms around Quinn’s neck. The kiss was a brush of lips and tongue, slow and deliberate. Quinn kept his mouth soft, waiting. Eli took a more determined grip on Quinn’s neck and kissed his lower lip, his upper lip, gentle sucking pressure. When Eli’s tongue darted out to flick at the corner of Quinn’s mouth, he had to reach out for Eli’s hips to keep from grabbing for his head and taking control.
Eli’s kiss grew more determined, pressure increasing, a hot wet tickle from his tongue teasing sensitive corners. Quinn’s hands slid around to Eli’s back, holding him, fighting the urge to lift him close and tight. Quinn forgot what he was trying to prove. Calculated or not, Eli could kiss. The fingers on Quinn’s neck tightened, and he lost himself in Eli’s taste, his breath, the smell of his skin, and the slide of lips. When Quinn opened his mouth, Eli didn’t take any more ground than the inside of Quinn’s lips, a tingle that echoed down to his ribs, making Quinn’s breath catch.
Eli eased back enough to breathe words onto Quinn’s mouth. “Well? Romantic enough?”
“My heart’s aflutter.”
Eli sank away. “All the fluttering is in my balls.”
Quinn loosened the knot of Eli’s tie and slid it free. “Here. Save this and”—he palmed Eli’s crotch lightly—“that for later. I’ll be right back.”
Upstairs, Quinn exchanged his jeans for slacks, keeping the green sweater with the wooden buttons at the V-neck. As he came back down, he caught Eli with his thumb on his lips and confusion in his eyes.
Eli dropped his hand. “You didn’t have to change for me. I’ve never cared what other people—”
“I care.” Quinn tucked his arm around Eli’s waist and tasted his mouth again. “God, much as I want to fuck you, I could stand here and kiss you for hours.” He coaxed Eli’s tongue to follow his, let the kiss get hotter until Eli elbowed him.
“Bastard.” Eli pressed his hand into his crotch. “Now I’m going to have to think about your ex fucking his wife so I don’t flash a tent pole half the night. Or”—he pressed himself against Quinn—“you could help me out. It would only take a minute or two.”
“Later. I’m not showing up smelling like sex.”
“If they turn blue and fall off, I’m taking yours,” Eli muttered as he slid into the car.
Bad Boyfriend
A Bad in Baltimore Story
Bad in Baltimore: Book Two
Causing trouble has never been more fun.
Eli Wright doesn’t follow anyone’s rules. When he was seventeen, his parents threw him out of the house for being gay. He’s been making his own way for the past five years and he’s not about to change himself for anyone’s expectations. For now, romance can wait. There are plenty of hot guys to keep him entertained until he finds someone special.
Quinn Maloney kept the peace and his closeted boyfriend’s secrets for ten years. One morning he got a hell of a wake-up along with his coffee. Not only did the boyfriend cheat on him, but he’s marrying the girl he knocked up. Inviting Quinn to the baby’s baptism is the last straw. Quinn’s had enough of gritting his teeth to play nice. His former boyfriend is in for a rude awakening, because Quinn’s not going to sit quietly on the sidelines. In fact, he has the perfect scheme, and he just needs to convince the much younger, eyeliner-wearing guy who winks at him in a bar to help him out.
Eli’s deception is a little too good, and soon he has everyone believing they’re madly in love. In fact, he’s almost got Quinn believing it himself….
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K.A. Mitchell discovered the magic of writing at an early age when she learned that a carefully crayoned note of apology sent to the kitchen in a toy truck would earn her a reprieve from banishment to her room. Her career as a spin-control artist was cut short when her family moved to a two-story house and her trucks would not roll safely down the stairs. Around the same time, she decided that Ken and G.I. Joe made a much cuter couple than Ken and Barbie and was perplexed when invitations to play Barbie dropped off. She never stopped making stuff up, though, and was thrilled to find out that people would pay her to do it. Although the men in her stories usually carry more emotional baggage than even LAX can lose in a year, she guarantees they always find their sexy way to a happy ending.
K.A. loves to hear from her readers. You can email her at ka@kamitchell.com. She is often found talking about her imaginary friends on Twitter @ka_mitchell.
Email: ka@kamitchell.com
Twitter: @ka_mitchell
Website: www.kamitchell.com
Blog: authorkamitchell.wordpress.com
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