A warm welcome to author Logan Meredith joining us today to talk about her hew release “Crossroads”.
Logan brought Marcus with her to answer some questions.
Welcome Logan & Marcus
Hello and thanks to Love Bytes for allowing me a chance to talk about my latest book, Crossroads. Crossroads is a romance between two men—Ethan Yoder and Marcus Light—from different backgrounds, both encouraging the other to live their most authentic lives possible. Crossroads is the newest release in the States of Love series by Dreamspinners Press. I’ve loved this series and am so pleased to be contributing the Indiana installment.
In Crossroads, Marcus Light was born and raised in Indianapolis and attended college at IU, one of the most LGBT-friendly places in the State. Marcus is attractive, athletic, intelligent, has a great job, good car, and he knows how to have a good time. So why has every relationship he’s attempted ended in disaster?
His best friend, Dave, thinks it’s the men he chooses, but Marcus can’t help but wonder if he’s the one lacking. Tired of making the same mistakes and inspired by Ethan’s determination to live an authentic life, Marcus decides to try a new approach—honesty. Only the truth is, he has no idea what he’s doing.
When I started writing Crossroads, Marcus was my little lost boy. It took a long time to sort through his layers to figure out his Happily Ever After with Ethan. What follows is a character interview with Marcus taken before they met.
Hi, Marcus. Can you tell the readers a little about yourself?
I’m twenty-six and a graduate of Indiana University. I work in Data Management for a pharmaceutical company in Indianapolis. It’s not that interesting. What else do you want to know?
Tell us about your hobbies?
Oh, God. Where do I start? I’m a huge sports fan. Love my Indy teams—Colts and Pacers. I like to be outdoors—hiking, camping, fishing, boating, bike-riding. In the winter, I hang out with my friends, go to bars, play pool, cook. Really anything. I hate sitting at home and being bored.
How have you changed since college?
Change? Umm…I guess I’m working more and I have more money now. I live in a nicer place and have a sweet BMW.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Umm…. Maybe I’ll have a house or something? I don’t know, I really don’t need a home for just me and my mom would probably try to live with me if I bought one. I’d like to get a dog, but it seems like a lot of work. Maybe a cat would be better. I don’t know. I just want to be happy.
What about dating? Do you have a “perfect man” in mind?
My perfect man is sweet and likes to cuddle. It’d be great if he wanted to do what I liked to do and was active. I don’t see myself with a couch potato. Physically I guess I like blonds and kind of on the thin side. It’s not that important to me, but if I think about who’ve I dated, they’ve all been kind of on the twink side. So it must be my type.
Anything you’re not looking for? What are your turn-offs?
Drama. Definitely, drama is a big turn-off. I just want someone who will go with the flow and realizes there is more to life than sex.
Cover Artist: Brooke Albrecht
Pre-Order Links: DSP ǁ Amazon ǁ Barnes&Noble
Release Date: January 5, 2018
Despite the best-laid plans, life sometimes has other ideas.
Ethan Yoder has toiled to escape his small-minded farming community, and he’s finally earned his degree and made it to Indianapolis—where he lands a job at a pharmaceutical company and meets handsome and successful Marcus. Marcus introduces Ethan to the fun-filled life of his dreams—fancy dinners, courtside seats at NBA games, even a trip to the Indianapolis 500. But Marcus’s happy-go-lucky veneer hides a man frustrated with a job he hates and his failure at romance due to factors he’s only beginning to understand. Ethan still has his eyes on the prize—a lucrative career—and he must figure out how to hold on to one opportunity without letting another slip away. If he and Marcus can come to a deeper understanding, their road might lead to a happily ever after.
States of Love: Stories of love that span every corner of the United States.
Logan Meredith began writing as a teenager when beautiful boys started keeping her company at night. Unfortunately, the voices she heard were imaginary, and their conversations resulted in horrible insomnia. They only let her sleep when she started to type their words down. Thankfully, being awkward as hell and a head taller than anyone else in the school afforded plenty of spare time for writing.
At first she tried to make them play with characters from her favorite television series or books. She found her lost tribe with a ravenous, crazy group of fan-fiction lovers online and started sharing her stories publicly. Then something amazing happened—new characters arrived and demanded their own stories. Only they wanted their own world to play in and they wanted to find their true loves. So, between her day job and making time for her family, she tries to keep up with the demands from her beautiful men for their happily ever afters.
A native of San Antonio, Texas, and a graduate of the University of Texas-San Antonio, Logan is an accomplished cross-country mover, having honed her skills bouncing between five states. She currently resides in Houston, Texas. In addition to writing, she spends her time reading and rereading her favorite books, cheering for the San Antonio Spurs, playing Words with Friends, and procrastinating pretty much everything else.
Logan is a proud member of the LGBTQA community and vocal advocate for mental health awareness, suicide prevention, and equality campaigns.
Logan welcomes the chance to interact with readers.